CD-ROM. CD-ROM, in replacement for manuals/data provided by the Seller in other media, can be provided under licence conditions as defined in Appendix B to this Clause. The affected Technical Publications are the following: • Trouble Shooting Manual, • Aircraft Maintenance Manual, • Illustrated Parts Catalog.
CD-ROM. USB Driver (l 10) WebCam Driver (l11) SD Viewer 1.1E-SE (l 12) DV STUDIO 3.1E-SE (l 12) G.726 Audio Decoder (l 16) ArcSoft Software Suite (l 13) Windows Media Update ≥USB Driver enables you to use the USB Connection Cable. Make sure USB Driver is installed before connecting cable. ≥If the Movie Camera is connected to your personal computer, you can send video from the Movie Camera to the other parties via the network. (The WebCam Driver can only be used on Windows XP SP1 or later.) ≥The SD Viewer 1.1E-SE software allows images on a Card to be displayed in a thumbnail format so that the contents of the Card can be easily checked. ≥Using the DV STUDIO 3.1E-SE software allows you to capture still images from the video recorded on a tape or still images viewed through the lens of a camera.
CD-ROM. Once a year a CD-ROM will be produced in connection with the yearly symposium. This CD-ROM will contain the proceedings of the symposium as well as the resources database.
CD-ROM. Double speed or faster; supported by Windows NT (for billing via CD-ROM) Video Card and Monitor SVGA, 800 × 600 resolution screen (1024 × 768 resolution is acceptable as well, but the screen will appear smaller.) 15" Color Monitor, 0.28" dot pitch Windows NT Workstation (version 3.51 or 4.0) or Windows 95 Miscellaneous Software Virus checking programs (NT and Win 95 compatible) Any relational database that can read. DBF (database) files so that order status can be tracked (Examples of programs that read these files: FoxPro, Paradox, Oracle, Excel, Approach, Access.)
CD-ROM. A CD-Rom containing general information on the network, its different activities, and the descriptions of the Nodes will be produced.
CD-ROM. Customer may enroll for CD-ROM Image Archive Services through your Treasury Services Sales Representative. Once you set up is completed, you will receive your CDs by mail to the address specified in the Enrollment Document. The Bank does not furnish a CD drive or other capability for reading a CD; if you do not have that capability, please use our Image Direct service.
CD-ROM. The first two are mainly low volume. Floppy disks are self-monitoring, in terms of capacity (1 or 2 drawings in native format), and emails should not normally contain more than 10Mb of information (approximately 6 or 7 drawings). CD Rom’s however usually take 650Mb+ of information (roughly 500 drawings), and hence are the preferred medium for any large numbers of drawings.
CD-ROM. Seller will retain the CD-ROM mastering activities and relationship with the Vendor. Seller will be responsible for order assembly. Buyer will provide packaging and distribution services for these products. Phone Fiche This has been announced as a discontinued product. Buyer will continue the distribution on its current monthly release schedule through the 2005 publishing year, at which time it will be discontinued. DELIVERABLE PRICING MODEL AND SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS NON-PERIODICAL VOLUME FORECAST (NOV 2005 JAN 2006) Mastering 1.01 Planetary Camera Filming Pages CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED Mastering 1.01 EBR Filming Pages Mastering 1.01 35mm Print Masters Titles/Pubs Mastering 1.01 16mm Print Masters Titles/Pubs Mastering 1.01 105mm Print Masters Titles/Pubs Mastering 1.01 Vault Duplication Print Masters Titles/Pubs Convert to Digital 1.03 Paper Scan Periodicals Pages Convert to Digital 1.03 Paper Scan Dissertations Pages Convert to Digital 1.04 Conversion of PDF Dissertations Pages Convert to Digital 1.03 Paper Scan Newspaper (Estimated) Pages
CD-ROM. The term “CD-ROM” as used in the Existing Agreement and this Amendment shall refer to CD-ROMs containing, at AOLB’s discretion, either or both of the Customized Client and/or a dialer to directly access the Co-Branded Web-based Service.