Direct Service a minimum of 100 hours with 6th graders AND a minimum of 100 hours with 7th and 8th graders, including face-to-face individual and group counseling, testing, guidance, consulting, etc.
Direct Service. Sections 5.01 through 5.03 shall not apply to the Direct Services, including the transmission of an Individual’s Information through the Direct Protocol.
Direct Service used for any time a member spends learning and performing the essential functions of the position, including time in the office, doing research, attending meetings, or conducting workshops or other outreach. Time used for group volunteer activities such as AmeriCorps Farm to School’s participation in Global Youth Service Day. Individual volunteer hours may also be recorded here with approval from the site supervisor and the Program Director, according to the provisions outlined in the Member Agreement. Direct Service- Incidental hours: used to log any previously approved incidental hours by your host site supervisor and the AmeriCorps Program Manager.
Direct Service. Hours (DSH): The time measured in minutes and portion of hours that a clinician spends providing services to Participants or significant others on behalf of Participants. DSH credit, both billable and non-billable minutes, is obtained by providing mental health, case management, medication support, and crisis intervention services to Participants open in Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS), which includes both billable and non-billable services.
Direct Service. Provide a comprehensive service to people experiencing homelessness working within the Opening Doors Framework. Undertaking an assessment of their housing and housing related needs, support needs and vulnerability, including risk assessments where appropriate. Together with the client plan their long term housing options using a strengths base approach. Access immediate crisis accommodation for homeless clients via vacancies listed on the Resource Register i.e. Youth refuges, family violence refuge. Access alternative private and Community accommodation providers in the region as required. Make formal referrals to support agencies when vacancies are advertised on the resource register. Best match client to the resource vacancy and prioritise those most in need via principles of Opening Doors Framework as required. Make referrals to services outside the homelessness system as required i.e. Emergency relief, financial counseling, family services, drug & alcohol counseling. Provide an interim response to clients in the form of short term case management for clients who are in crisis and cannot be linked into a support service in the short term. Assess requests for financial assistance and provide financial assistance via Housing Establishment Funds (HEF), or other available resources where the client meets the eligibility criteria and funds are available. Assist clients where appropriate to access Public Housing via the segmented waiting list, or Community Housing applications. Implementing and adhering to HHS operating policies and procedures and other legislative requirements e.g. Privacy / Confidentiality etc.
Direct Service. Individual Counseling Group Counseling Family Counseling initiates interactions with clients communicates effectively with clients builds rapport and respect with clients is sensitive and responsive to client's needs is sensitive to issues of gender differences believes client self- determination respects the personal values of clients Comments: Suggested areas for improvement: NA. Not applicable or not enough information to form a judgment.
1. Far Below Expectations - Needs much improvement, a concern.
2. Below Expectations - Needs some improvement to meet standards.
3. Acceptable - Meets standards at average level for interns.
4. Above Expectations - Performs above average level for interns.
5. Far Above Expectations - A definite strength, performs well beyond average levels for interns.
Direct Service. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the RHIO facilitates access to the Direct Service, but that the Direct Service is provided by a third party and not by the RHIO. The RHIO shall have no liability with respect to the Direct Service, including but not limited to any failure of such third party to provide the Direct Service.
Direct Service. PROVIDERS (DSP)
a) The Employer has engaged in DSP’S, the Employer agrees that, as per the Collective Agreement, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions for all Maintenance/Construction Work at the Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL), in the Province of Alberta, the following DSP Contractor rates shall apply – effective February 5, 2017:
b) DSP rates for other trades shall include holiday and vacation pay, CPP, EI and WCB. DSPs shall be entitled to overtime and other premiums in accordance with the Collective Agreement.
c) The Employer shall remit, directly to the Union, H&W and pension contributions.
d) The Employer shall remit field dues in the amount of $1.30 per hour to a maximum of 40 hours per week.
e) The ‘Boot Allowance’ of $0.20 per hour shall be paid to all members employed as Direct Service Providers.
f) The Employer reserves the right to cease or recover the payment of Employment Insurance (EI)/Canada Pension Plan (CPP) premiums being paid in excess of maximum insurable set by the Government of Canada or any related government agencies.
g) The Employer will send a notice providing a detailed breakdown to the DSP’s before they cease or recover the payment of Employment Insurance (EI)/Canada Pension Plan (CPP) premiums being paid in excess of maximum insurable set by the Government of Canada or any related government agencies.
Direct Service. Claiming Program is the program implemented by AHCCCS and ADOE to allow reimbursement for services AHCCCSA identified as being covered, are provided by the LEAs to Title XIX, Medicaid eligible children, and are part of the child’s IEP.
Direct Service. Services provided directly to participants. Examples are face-to-face contact with youth and/or families, events, etc. Excluded activities include, but are not limited to, phone calls, drive-time, event or workshop planning, and administrative activities.