CDSS Sample Clauses

CDSS will distribute the settlement materials (or a link to them) to state employees in the State Hearing Division with instructions that the flyer and notice be displayed in prominent locations in each State Hearing Division office and waiting room.
CDSS at its option, may terminate this Agreement upon 30-days notice, or to amend the Agreement to reflect any reduction in Federal funds.
CDSS. This Agreement may be terminated immediately by DHCSCDSS if the County Department has breached a material term and DHCSCDSS determines, in its sole discretion, that cure is not possible or available under the circumstances. Upon termination of this Agreement, the County Department must destroy all PII in accordance with Section VIIVI, above. The provisions of this Agreement governing the privacy and security of the PII shall remain in effect until all PII is destroyed and DHCSCDSS receives a certificate of destruction.
CDSS. 106.11 Authorization to release information between ADMINISTRATOR and 7 CONTRACTOR.
CDSS. Multi-Services Agreement Primary Investigators: Xxxxxx, S., Xxxxxx, A. Amount: $99,998 (2 year, 2019-2021)
CDSS grants to Contractor a non-exclusive royalty free license to the deliverables to use, reproduce, distribute and sublicense to additional persons on the same royalty-free basis.
CDSS. California Department of Social Services AF. CERC Children’s Emergency Receiving Center 345 of 3539 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 1111 1122 1133 1144 1155 1166 1177 1188 1199 2200 2211 2222 2233 2244 2255 2266 2277 2288 2299 3300 3311 3322 3333 3344 3355 3366 3377 AG. L. CDCI Comprehensive Drug Court Implementation M. CESI Client Evaluation of Self at Intake AH. N. CEST Client Evaluation of Self and Treatment AI. CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance AJ. O. CFR Code of Federal Regulations AK. CHDP Child Health and Disability Prevention AL. CHHS California Health and Human Services Agency AM. P. CHPP COUNTY HIPAA Policies and Procedures AN. Q. CHS Correctional Health Services AO. R. CIWCIPA California Institute for WomenInformation Practices Act AP. CMPPA Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act AQ. COI Certificate of Insurance AR. CPA Certified Public Accountant AS. CSI Client and Services Information AT. CSW Clinical Social Worker AU. CYBHS Children and Youth Behavioral Health Services AV. X. XXXXX Drug Abuse Treatment Access Report AW. DCR Data Collection and Reporting AX. DD Dually Diagnosed AY. DEA Drug Enforcement Agency AZ. DHCS California Department of Health Care Services BA. T. D/MC Drug/Medi-Cal U. DHCS BB. DMV California Department of Health Care ServicesMotor Vehicles
CDSS. 5 7.14 Provide the following case management services at a ratio of one 6 (1) Case Manager per seven (7) YOUNfi ADULTs. The Case Manager shall provide: 7 7.14.1 Referrals for individual and/or group therapy, as 8 appropriate for the YOUNfi ADULT’s needs. 9 7.14.2 Ongoing educational advocacy and support, including 10 linkages to Xxxxxx Youth Services with the goals of each YOUNfi ADULT obtaining