CDSS definition
Examples of CDSS in a sentence
BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, CONTRACTOR agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance.
If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 10605, or Government Code section 11135-11139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance.
THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 21, will be prohibited.
The contractor will be required to complete monthly reporting documents to capture required DHA and CDSS information.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the CDSS, and COUNTY will have a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to publish, translate, or use, now and hereafter, all material developed under this Agreement, including those covered by copyright.
If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance.
BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the Contractor/County agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance.
This assurance is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and the CONTRACTOR hereby gives assurance that administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 21, will be prohibited.
By accepting this assurance, the CONTRACTOR agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance.
CONTRACTOR and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall, with oversight from the COUNTY Civil Rights Coordinator, develop and implement a plan to allow COUNTY to monitor CONTRACTOR’S non-discrimination and civil rights policies and procedures, as required by CDSS.