Change Control All systems processing and/or storing PHI COUNTY discloses to 14 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 15 must have a documented change control procedure that ensures separation of duties and protects the 16 confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
Foreign Asset/Account, Exchange Control and Tax Reporting The Participant may be subject to foreign asset/account, exchange control and/or tax reporting requirements as a result of the acquisition, holding and/or transfer of shares of Common Stock or cash (including dividends and the proceeds arising from the sale of shares of Common Stock) derived from his or her participation in the Plan, to and/or from a brokerage/bank account or legal entity located outside the Participant’s country. The applicable laws of the Participant’s country may require that he or she report such accounts, assets, the balances therein, the value thereof and/or the transactions related thereto to the applicable authorities in such country. The Participant acknowledges that he or she is responsible for ensuring compliance with any applicable foreign asset/account, exchange control and tax reporting requirements and should consult his or her personal legal advisor on this matter.
AMENDMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL Any amendment or change of any nature made to this Agreement and the Schedule of Requirements thereof shall only be valid if it is in writing, signed by both Parties and added to this Agreement as an addendum hereto. In this regard a Change Notice must first be defined and issued by the requesting Party. A Change Notice Response must then be issued by responding Party. A formal approval of the Change Request will then trigger the issue of the addendum to this Agreement.
Exchange Control Notification Exchange control reporting is required for cash transactions exceeding A$10,000 and international fund transfers. If there is an Australian bank assisting with the transaction, the Australian bank will file the report for the Participant. If there is no Australian bank involved in the transaction, the Participant must file the report.
Foreign Asset/Account Reporting; Exchange Controls Participant’s country may have certain foreign asset and/or account reporting requirements and/or exchange controls which may affect Participant’s ability to acquire or hold shares of Stock under the Plan or cash received from participating in the Plan (including from any dividends received or sale proceeds arising from the sale of shares of Stock) in a brokerage or bank account outside Participant’s country. Participant may be required to report such accounts, assets or transactions to the tax or other authorities in his or her country. Participant also may be required to repatriate sale proceeds or other funds received as a result of Participant’s participation in the Plan to his or her country through a designated bank or broker and/or within a certain time after receipt. Participant acknowledges that it is his or her responsibility to be compliant with such regulations, and Participant should consult his or her personal legal advisor for any details.
Change Control Procedures (a) No changes or additions may be made to any Work Order without the written agreement of LAUSD as evidenced by a duly executed Change Order. (b) Contractor will not take an action or make a decision which may have a material effect on LAUSD or which adversely affects the function or performance of, or decreases the resource efficiency of, the Services, including implementing changes in technology or equipment and software configuration, without first obtaining LAUSD’s written approval, which approval LAUSD may withhold in its sole discretion as respects any change which may have an adverse effect on LAUSD or the Services.
Change Control Procedure 34.1 In the event that either Party desires any change the terms of this Agreement or any Contract which may materially impact on the timings, scope, Specification or Charges of the Goods or Services, or the scope of either parties’ obligations under this Agreement or the relevant Contract, or which the relevant Party otherwise reasonably determines warrants the use of this change control procedure, the following procedures will apply: (a) the Party requesting the change will deliver a “Change Request” (in the form (or substantially in the same form) contained in Schedule 5 to this Agreement) which describes: (i) the nature of the change; (ii) the reason for the change; (iii) the effect that the requested change will have on the scope or Specification for the Goods or Services; and (iv) any change to the Charges and the Term. (b) Upon receipt of a Change Request, the receiving Party’s authorised representative will contact his/ her counterpart within 5 working days to discuss and agree the Change Request. The parties will negotiate the proposed changes to the Agreement and/or affected Contract in good faith and agree a timeline in which to finalise the Change Notice. (c) Neither party is obliged to agree to a Change Request, but if the parties do agree to implement such a Change Request, the appropriate authorised representatives of both parties will sign the Change Request which will be effective from the date set out in the Change Request. (d) If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement or any Contract and the Change Request, then the terms and conditions set out in the most recent fully executed Change Request will apply. (e) The Supplier shall neither be relieved of its obligations to supply the Goods and/or Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any Contract, nor be entitled to an increase in the Charges as the result of: (i) a General Change in Law; or (ii) a Specific Change in Law where the effect of that Specific Change in Law on the Goods and/or Services is reasonably foreseeable at the Commencement Date of this Agreement, or, where the Change Request relates to a Contract, the applicable Contract Commencement Date. 34.2 The Parties agree that any variations to the Agreement or any Contract to reflect non- material changes (including for example a change to the name/contact details of a Party’s representative) may be agreed in writing and shall not be required to be made in accordance with the procedure in this clause 34, provided always that UKRI shall, in their absolute discretion, decide whether a proposed change is non-material for these purposes.
National and Most-favoured-nation Treatment 1 . Each Contracting Party shall in its territory accord investments and returns of investors of the other Contracting Party treatment which is fair and equitable and not less favourable than that which it accords to investments and returns of its own investors or to investments and returns of investors of any third State whichever is more favourable. 2 . Each Contracting Party shall in its territory accord to investors of the other Contracting Party, as regards management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal of their investment, treatment which is fair and equitable and not less favourable than that which it accords to its own investors or of any third State, whichever is more favourable. 3 . The provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article shall not be construed so as to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to the investors of the other the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege which may be extended by the former Contracting Party by virtue of:paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article shall not be construed so as to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to the investors of the other the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege which may be extended by the former Contracting Party by virtue of: /a/ any customs union or free trade area or a monetary union or similar international agreements leading to such unions or institutions or other forms of regional cooperation to which either of the Contracting Parties is or may become a party; /b/ any international agreement or arrangement relating wholly or mainly to taxation.
Exchange Control If at any time legal restrictions prevent the prompt remittance of part or all royalties with respect to any country in the Territory where Licensed Product is sold, payment shall be made through such lawful means or method as the Parties reasonably shall determine.
Financial Reporting Requirements The Charter School shall follow the financial requirements of the Charter Schools Section of the Department’s Financial Management for Georgia Local Units of Administration Manual. The Charter School shall submit all information required by the State Accounting Office for inclusion in the State of Georgia Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.