CHANGES AND FEEDBACK. 4.1. Changes to the Agreement. From time to time, Microsoft may change or amend this Agreement, solely with prospective effect. Microsoft will notify Customer of any such change or amendment, either through the applicable Trial Service’s user interface, in an email message, or through other reasonable means. If Customer does not agree to such a change, Customer must stop using at least the specific Trial Service affected by the change, and the change will not apply to Customer. By continuing to access, use, or receive any of the affected Trial Services after Microsoft notifies Customer in the manner described above, Customer consents to the changed or amended terms.
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  • Services and Fees (a) The Advisor will, if requested by the Company:

  • Suggestions and Feedback If you provide us with any suggestions, feedback or input (“Customer Input”) related to our Services, we (and our corporate group entities) will own all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Input, even if you have designated the Customer Input as confidential. We and our corporate group entities will be entitled to use the Customer Input without restriction. You assign to us all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Input and agree to provide us with any assistance we may require to document, perfect and maintain our rights in the Customer Input. For this purpose the word: “assign” is legal term which means legally transferring the benefit, such as you legally transferring the benefit of the Customer Input to us.

  • Changes and Modifications (i) DST shall have the right, at any time, to modify any systems, programs, procedures or facilities used in performing its obligations hereunder; provided that the Fund will be notified as promptly as possible prior to implementation of such modifications and that no such modification or deletion shall materially adversely change or affect the operations and procedures of the Fund in using the TA2000 System hereunder, the Services or the quality thereof, or the reports to be generated by such system and facilities hereunder, unless the Fund is given thirty (30) days’ prior notice to allow the Fund to change its procedures and DST provides the Fund with revised operating procedures and controls.

  • Dues and Fees Grantee certifies that it is not prohibited from receiving an Award because it pays dues or fees on behalf of its employees or agents, or subsidizes or otherwise reimburses them for payment of their dues or fees to any club which unlawfully discriminates (775 ILCS 25/1 et seq.).

  • SYSTEM CHANGES AND MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT The Contractor shall give a minimum of 5 business days advance Written notice to the designated Authorized User contact of any upgrades, system changes and Maintenance/support actions that may potentially impact services described in the Authorized User Agreement. Upgrades, system changes, and Maintenance/support actions which are required by system vulnerabilities or emergency situations shall be carried out by the Contractor to protect the system. Authorized Users shall be notified by the Contractor as soon as possible after the change has taken place. Contractor shall provide documentation of upgrades, system changes and Maintenance/support actions upon request from an Authorized User. EXPIRATION, TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF SERVICES Return of Data The Contractor shall return Data in a format agreed upon within the Authorized User Agreement or as agreed to with the Authorized User. This can, if specified within the Authorized User Agreement, be carried out by providing application programmable interface or other such efficient electronic tools. The Contractor must certify all Data has been removed from its system and removed from backups within timeframes established in the Authorized User Agreement or as agreed to with the Authorized User. Suspension of Services During any period of suspension of service, the Authorized User shall have full access to all Data at no charge. This can, if specified within the Authorized User Agreement, be carried out by providing an application programmable interface or other such efficient electronic tools. The Contractor shall not take any action to erase and/or withhold any Authorized User Data, except as directed by the Authorized User. Expiration or Termination of Services Upon expiration or termination of an Authorized User Agreement, the Authorized User shall have full access to all Data for a period of 60 calendar days. Unless noted in the original Authorized User Agreement, this period will be covered at no charge. This can, if specified within the Authorized User Agreement, be carried out by providing application programmable interface or other such efficient electronic tools. During this period, the Contractor shall not take any action to erase and/or withhold any Data, except as directed by the Authorized User. An Authorized User shall have the right to specify a period in excess of 60 calendar days in its RFQ. SECURE DATA DISPOSAL When requested by the Authorized User, the Contractor shall destroy Data in all of its forms, including all back-ups. Data shall be permanently deleted and shall not be recoverable, according ITS Policy S13-003 Sanitization/Secure Disposal or successor and S14-003 Information Security Controls or successor. Certificates of destruction, in a form acceptable to the Authorized User, shall be provided by the Contractor to the Authorized User.

  • SERVICE CHARGES AND FEES You will pay fees incurred on the Account, including, without limitation, fees imposed by a Third Party through Your initiation of a Transaction. You will pay the service charges that We establish from time to time for The Services, including, without limitation, service charges for providing records regarding You that We are legally required to provide. You acknowledge receipt of a schedule of Our charges for The Services in effect at the time of acceptance of this Agreement. We may, from time to time, increase or decrease the service charges for The Services and provide notice of such changes by sending a notice to Your Contact Info, by posting notice at Our premises or on the Financial Institution’s website, by personal delivery, or by any other means We, acting reasonably, consider appropriate to bring the change to Your attention. Current service charges for The Services may be obtained by contacting Us or through the Financial Institution’s website. You are responsible for determining the then-current service charges for The Services You request, in advance of using The Services. By requesting The Services, You acknowledge Your agreement to pay service charges for The Services as requested as then in effect. The Financial Institution can deduct such obligations from Your Account (or other Accounts belonging to You with Us) when The Services are requested or performed. New or amended service charges and fees will become effective on the stated effective date following publication, when The Services are requested or performed, or when incurred, and in any event, no later than 30 days after publication by Us.

  • Charges and Fees 1. The Company shall be entitled to receive a fee from the Client regarding the Service(s), provided by the Company.

  • CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS A. Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Agreement, which are required by changes in federal or state law or by regulations, are automatically incorporated without written amendment hereto, and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or by regulation.

  • Notifications of Outages and Maintenance In the event that a Registry Operator plans maintenance, it will provide notice to the ICANN emergency operations department, at least, twenty-­‐four (24) hours ahead of that maintenance. ICANN’s emergency operations department will note planned maintenance times, and suspend Emergency Escalation services for the monitored services during the expected maintenance outage period. If Registry Operator declares an outage, as per its contractual obligations with ICANN, on services under a service level agreement and performance requirements, it will notify the ICANN emergency operations department. During that declared outage, ICANN’s emergency operations department will note and suspend emergency escalation services for the monitored services involved.

  • Complaints and Feedback 15.3.1 The primary responsibility for receiving feedback and investigating complaints promptly and thoroughly in respect of the Services will rest with the Provider. The Provider will have procedures in place including but not limited to a complaints framework, which are acceptable to the Department, to gather and act upon feedback and complaints from Learners and/or their representatives and employers and the wider community. The Provider must also keep a log of the complaints received which will be accessible to the Department upon request.

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