Cheque Shipments Sample Clauses

Cheque Shipments. All Third Party Instruments must be restrictively endorsed by the Customer, payable to the order of Custom House, and, if the Third Party Instruments are bulk shipped, they must be accompanied by a list of the items.

Related to Cheque Shipments

  • Shipments The Vendor shall ship, deliver or provide ordered products or services within a commercially reasonable time after the receipt of the order from the TIPS Member. If a delay in said delivery is anticipated, the Vendor shall notify TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and shall provide an estimated time for completion of the order. TIPS or the requesting entity may cancel the order if estimated delivery time is not acceptable or not as agreed by the parties.

  • Shipment Dell will ship the APEX System to the Site when included as part of the APEX Service. The terms and process for shipment and delivery of the APEX System will be stated in the applicable Service Offering Description.

  • Purchase Orders Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Commissioner, no Product is to be delivered or furnished by Contractor until transmittal of an official Purchase Order from the Authorized User. Unless terminated or cancelled pursuant to the authority vested in the Commissioner, Purchase Orders shall be effective and binding upon the Contractor when placed in the mail or electronically transmitted prior to the termination of the contract period, addressed to the Contractor at the address for receipt of orders set forth in the Contract or in the Contract Award Notification. All Purchase Orders issued pursuant to Contracts let by the Commissioner must bear the appropriate Contract number and, if necessary, required State approvals. As deemed necessary, the Authorized User may confirm pricing and other Product information with the Contractor prior to placement of the Purchase Order. The State reserves the right to require any other information from the Contractor which the State deems necessary in order to complete any Purchase Order placed under the Contract. Unless otherwise specified, all Purchase Orders against Centralized Contracts will be placed by Authorized Users directly with the Contractor and any discrepancy between the terms stated on the vendor’s order form, confirmation or acknowledgment, and the Contract terms shall be resolved in favor of the terms most favorable to the Authorized User. Should an Authorized User add written terms and conditions to the Purchase Order that conflict with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Contractor has the option of rejecting the Purchase Order within five business days of its receipt but shall first attempt to negotiate the additional written terms and conditions in good faith with the Authorized User, or fulfill the Purchase Order. Notwithstanding the above, the Authorized User reserves the right to dispute any discrepancies arising from the presentation of additional terms and conditions with the Contractor. If, with respect to an Agency Specific Contract let by the OGS Commissioner, a Purchase Order is not received by the Contractor within two weeks after the issuance of a Contract Award Notification, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to request in writing that the appropriate Authorized User forward a Purchase Order. If, thereafter, a Purchase Order is not received within a reasonable period of time, the Contractor shall promptly notify in writing the appropriate purchasing officer in OGS. Failure to timely notify such officer may, in the discretion of the OGS Commissioner and without cost to the State, result in the cancellation of such requirement by the OGS Commissioner with a corresponding reduction in the Contract quantity and price.

  • CONTRACTOR INVOICE Contractor shall submit properly itemized invoices to Purchaser’s designated invoicing contact for Services delivered under this Contract. Such invoices shall itemize the following: (a) Contract No. 14822; (b) Contractor name, address, telephone number, and email address for billing issues (i.e., Contractor Customer Service Representative); (c) Contractor’s Federal Tax Identification Number; (d) Date(s) of delivery; (e) Applicable Services; (f) Invoice amount; and (g) Payment terms, including any available prompt payment discounts. Contractor’s invoices for payment shall reflect accurate Contract prices. Invoices will not be processed for payment until receipt of a complete invoice as specified herein.

  • Invoice The original and duplicate invoices covering each and every shipment made against this order showing Contract number, Vendor number, and other essential particulars, must be forwarded promptly to the ordering agency concerned by the Vendor to whom the order is issued. Delays in receiving invoice and also errors and omissions on statements will be considered just cause for withholding settlement without losing discount privileges. All accounts are to be carried in the name of the agency or institution receiving the goods, and not in the name of the Division of Purchases.

  • Purchase Order Requirements Customers shall use a Request for Quote per section 287.056(2), Florida Statutes, when making purchases off of this State Term Contract. Customers shall issue Request for Quotes to at least 25 vendors approved to provide IT Staff Augmentation services in accordance with section 287.0591(5), Florida Statutes. Customers shall order services from the Request for Quote via a Purchase Order with the Customers’ selected Contractor. The terms of the Purchase Order shall not conflict with the terms and conditions established by this Contract. In accepting a Purchase Order, the Contractor recognizes its responsibility for all tasks and deliverables contained therein, warrants that it has fully informed itself of all relevant factors affecting accomplishment of the tasks and deliverables and agrees to be fully accountable for the performance thereof.

  • Packing Materials and Containers for Shipment Packing materials and containers in which a good is packed for shipment shall be disregarded in determining whether: (a) all non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergo an applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 4; and (b) the good satisfies a regional value content requirement.

  • Purchase Order A Customer may use purchase orders to buy commodities or contractual services pursuant to the Contract and, if applicable, the Contractor must provide commodities or contractual services pursuant to purchase orders. Purchase orders issued pursuant to the Contract must be received by the Contractor no later than the close of business on the last day of the Contract’s term. The Contractor is required to accept timely purchase orders specifying delivery schedules that extend beyond the Contract term even when such extended delivery will occur after expiration of the Contract. Purchase orders shall be valid through their specified term and performance by the Contractor, and all terms and conditions of the Contract shall survive the termination or expiration of the Contract and apply to the Contractor’s performance. The duration of purchase orders for recurring deliverables shall not exceed the expiration of the Contract by more than twelve months. Any purchase order terms and conditions conflicting with these Special Contract Conditions shall not become a part of the Contract.

  • Tax invoices With regard to Standard Accounts, Stripe will issue Tax invoices (if applicable) directly to you under this Agreement, directly to Standard Accounts under their Connected Account Agreement, or to both you and the Standard Accounts. With regard to Custom Accounts and Express Accounts, Stripe will issue Tax invoices (if applicable) directly to you only.

  • Invoices Each invoice or pay request shall include the TIPS Member’s purchase order number or other identifying designation as provided in the order by the TIPS Member. If applicable, the shipment tracking number or pertinent information for verification of TIPS Member receipt shall be made available upon request.