CLARIFY YOUR GOALS. Tell your mentor exactly what you hope to achieve through mentorship. Set a goal and discuss the ways you may be able to accomplish it. You may also set smaller goals for each meeting, which will help you progress quicker and build skills together. Your mentor has their own needs and expectations in the relationship – show respect.
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  • Program Goals CalHFA MAC envisions that these monies would be used to complement other federal or lender programs designed specifically to stabilize communities by providing assistance to homeowners who have suffered a financial hardship and as a result are no longer financially able to afford their first-lien mortgage loan payments or their Property Expenses when associated with a Federal Housing Administration (“FHA”) Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (“HECM”) loan, only.

  • Program Objectives In performing its responsibilities with respect to the management and administration of the Program, each party shall be guided by the following Program objectives:

  • Goals Goals define availability, performance and other objectives of Service provisioning and delivery. Goals do not include remedies and failure to meet any Service Goal does not entitle Customer to a Service credit.

  • Goals & Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the Customer by Centre. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for IT service provision between Centre and Customer. The objectives of this Agreement are to:  Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities.  Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the Customer.  Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.

  • Objectives The objectives of this Agreement are to:

  • Performance Goals A. The Trust and State Street have developed mutually acceptable performance goals dated March 1, 2011 , and as may be amended from time to time, regarding the manner in which they expect to deliver and receive the services under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Service Level Agreement”). The parties agree that such Service Level Agreement reflects performance goals and any failure to perform in accordance with the provisions thereof shall not be considered a breach of contract that gives rise to contractual or other remedies. It is the intention of the parties that the sole remedy for failure to perform in accordance with the provisions of the Service Level Agreement, or any dispute relating to performance goals set forth in the Service Level Agreement, will be a meeting of the parties to resolve the failure pursuant to the consultation procedure described in Sections V. B. and V.C. below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties hereby acknowledge that any party’s failure (or lack thereof) to meet the provisions of the Service Level Agreement, while not in and of itself a breach of contract giving rise to contractual or other remedies, may factor into the Trust’s reasonably determined belief regarding the standard of care exercised by State Street hereunder.

  • Specific Objectives In accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the Cotonou Agreement, the specific objectives of this Agreement are to:

  • Performance Criteria The Performance Criteria are set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreement.

  • Goal The goals of the Department’s grants are to:

  • Metrics The DISTRICT and PARTNER will partake in monthly coordination meetings at mutually agreed upon times and dates to discuss the progress of the program Scope of Work. DISTRICT and PARTNER will also mutually establish criteria and process for ongoing program assessment/evaluation such as, but not limited to the DISTRICT’s assessment metrics and other state metrics [(Measures of Academic Progress – English, SBAC – 11th grade, Redesignation Rates, mutually developed rubric score/s, student attendance, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) data)]. The DISTRICT and PARTNER will also engage in annual review of program content to ensure standards alignment that comply with DISTRICT approved coursework. The PARTNER will provide their impact data based upon these metrics.

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