Program Objectives Sample Clauses
Program Objectives. Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Capital Projects Constructability Manual. Identify and document Project cost and schedule savings (targeted costs are 5% of construction costs). Clarification of Project goals, objectives.
Program Objectives. Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Capital Projects ‘Constructability Guidelines’. Identify and document project cost and schedule savings (targeted cost savings: 5% of construction costs) Constructability Implementation Meeting - identification of all project team personnel and all project stakeholders - clarification of project goals, objectives, and progress to date - team briefing on objectives, methods, and concepts of constructability - familiarization with implementation program - preliminary identification of constructability priorities and special challenges or concerns Constructability Review of Schematic Design (SD) Documents; Comments Submitted to CM Team - establishment of project constructability procedures, including procedures for documenting savings Meeting to Review Schematic Design Constructability Comments - assessment of applicability of 17 CII constructability concepts - prioritization and time-phasing of constructability concepts - detailed discussions of front-end, high-priority concepts (identify concerns, identify information needs, start to brainstorm alternative approaches, conduct preliminary evaluation of approaches, identify needs for further analysis, chart path forward, documentation of savings) Design Development Constructability Review Comments to CM Team - follow-up discussions on front-end, high-priority concepts - detailed discussions of front-end, high-priority concepts (identify concerns, identify information needs, start to brainstorm alternative approaches, conduct preliminary evaluation of approaches, identify needs for further analysis, chart path forward, documentation of savings) Constructability Review Meeting - review plans & specifications developed to date, identifying sub-optimal or potentially problematic design elements - recommend alternative design suggestions for consideration and document potential savings - conduct Value Engineering investigations into selected high-cost design elements; consider life-cycle cost effects 30% CD Constructability Review Comments to CM Team - review plans & specifications developed to date, identifying sub-optimal or potentially problematic design elements - recommend alternative design suggestions for consideration and document potential savings - conduct Value Engineering investigations into selected high-cost design elements 50% CD Constructability Review Comments to CM Team - review plans & specification...
Program Objectives. The goal of the vehicle program is to provide the highest level of police service to the community by providing greater police presence on the streets and in the neighborhoods of Xxxxxxxxxx County and by enhancing the responsiveness of both on-duty and off-duty officers to calls for service.
Program Objectives. An internship is a supervised learning experience within an approved work setting that serves to provide students with valuable on-the-job experience directly relevant to their academic training and career goals. The internship also provides constructive assistance, through the work of the interns, to public agencies, organizations, and private industry. A successful internship experience requires that the student intern, the host agency, and the Internship Coordinator work together in achieving the following program objectives:
1. To provide the student with a challenging professional experience, including as much exposure to the many facets of the job, the organization, and outside contacts as possible;
2. To provide the student with an opportunity to exercise initiative in problem solving, as well as in carrying out day-to-day work assignments;
3. To expose the student to the reality of functioning in a work role, including the problems and pressures of such roles;
4. To encourage the student to better understand career opportunities;
5. To acquaint sponsoring agencies with possible candidates for future employment; and
6. To give the student a sense of accomplishment in completing what is often their first professional job experience.
Program Objectives. In performing its responsibilities with respect to the management and administration of the Program, each party shall be guided by the following Program objectives:
(a) To enhance the retail and credit experience of Company Guests;
(b) To increase retail sales of Company;
(c) To maximize Program profitability and economic returns to both parties while optimizing product value and minimizing operational and funding costs; and
(d) To manage the Program in accordance with safe and sound banking practices.
Program Objectives. The San Xxxx Obispo County Office of Education and C.S.E.
A. Chapter #444, through support of this program shall encourage continued and active participation on the part of all permanent classified, non-management employees. Professional Growth is the purposeful engagement of study and related activities designed to improve service to the County Office of Education and the personal development of the employee.
Program Objectives. 13 4.1.1 RSS is the process by which a Case Manager works directly 14 with the CLIENT to assess the CLIENT’s education, work experience and 15 vocational skills, and subsequently determines the appropriate means for the 16 CLIENT to obtain employment as quickly as possible. The Case Manager provides 17 social work and employment related services to CLIENTs consistent with best 18 practices that will assist CLIENTs in obtaining employment and address any 19 barriers that may prevent them from achieving or maintaining economic self- 20 sufficiency.
Program Objectives. The objectives of WRP are to protect, restore, and enhance the functions and values of wetland ecosystems to attain—
(i) Habitat for migratory birds and other wetland-dependent wildlife, including threatened and endangered species and species of concern.
(ii) Protection and improvement of water quality.
(iii) Attenuation of floodwater.
(iv) Recharge of ground water.
(v) Protection and enhancement of open space and aesthetic quality.
(vi) Protection of native flora and fauna contributing to the Nation's natural heritage.
(vii) Contribution to educational and scientific scholarship.
Program Objectives. Please provide learning objectives. There should be at least one objective for each CE credit hour requested. These objectives must be stated in observable, potentially measurable terms. They should clearly define what the participant will be able to do as a result of having attended the program. The objectives should be written from the participant’s perspective and should use an active verb (such as will be able to “state,” “describe,” “explain,” “verbalize,” “demonstrate”). Verbs to be avoided include “know”, “understand,” “learn,” “appreciate,” become aware of” and “become familiar with.” For example, “The participant will learn about the differences between Freudian and Kleinian approaches to aggression” is NOT acceptable, as it is not observable and does not use an active verb. Similarly, “The presenter will discuss the basic tenets of dialectical behavior therapy” is NOT acceptable because it is not written from the participant’s perspective. In contrast, “The participant will be able to describe two key differences between Freudian and Xxxxxxxx approaches to aggression” is acceptable, as it is observable, uses an active verb, and is written from the participant’s perspective. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Program Objectives. Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Capital Projects ‘Constructability Guidelines’.