Goals. Goals define availability, performance and other objectives of Service provisioning and delivery. Goals do not include remedies and failure to meet any Service Goal does not entitle Customer to a Service credit.
Goals. ⮚ To have this alcohol and other drugs policy adopted for implementation on specific building sites by meetings of workers employed on those sites. ⮚ To increase knowledge amongst workers about health and safety risks associated with alcohol and other drug use. ⮚ To maintain optimum safety on site and to reduce the harmful impact of alcohol and other drug use. ⮚ To provide education about the safe use of alcohol and other drugs. ⮚ To train and resource health and safety representatives and other relevant on-site personnel (where appropriate) to assist co-workers who are affected by alcohol and/or other drugs.
Goals. A. Address health and wellness for youth, families, and communities by enhancing protective factors while reducing risk factors through promising, emerging, and/or evidence-based education and skills training.
B. Enhance community awareness and mobilization around behavioral health.
Goals. The goal of this Green Cleaning Policy and Plan is to reduce the exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems and the environment.
Goals. Definition − a goal is a broad statement about the long-term expectation of what should happen because of your program (the desired result). It serves as the foundation for developing your program objectives. Goals should align with the statement of need that is described. Goals should only be one sentence. The characteristics of effective goals include: • Goals address outcomes, not how outcomes will be achieved. • Goals describe the behavior or condition in the community expected to change. • Goals describe who will be affected by the project. • Goals lead clearly to one or more measurable results. • Goals are concise.
Goals. The MBE and WBE participation goals as stated earlier are based on the availability of M/WBEs currently certified by New York State and geographically located to be able to perform the work in the region where the project is located. The total dollar value of the contract, scope of work, the supplies and equipment necessary to perform the project, are also considerations used to determine the percentage goals.
Goals. The Agency’s SBE Participation Goals are:
Goals to maintain or improve the physical, psychological, and social well-being of older adults, by providing or securing appropriate nutrition services.
Goals a. To provide temporary emergency and crisis services to victims of domestic violence and their children.
b. To provide resource connections for victims of domestic violence and their children so they can make an appropriate transition into a long- term, safe living environment.
Goals. (a) The making of consistent profits which provide an adequate return on investment.
(b) To increase efficiency, and productivity through effective utilisation of the skills and commitment of employees.
(c) To improve skill levels of employees.
(d) To provide the means for resolving problems which cannot be handled through existing management structures.
(e) To provide for meaningful communication between employees and management (representing the Company) to enable employees to express points of view and contribute to decision making.
(f) To develop and maintain a climate of trust and co-operation between employees and management.
(g) To promote job security.