Class Coverage Teachers, including but not limited to classroom teachers, special area teachers, and clinicians, shall not be required to take another teacher’s classes except in an emergency. Examples of an emergency are the following: a sudden illness of a teacher during the school day, or awaiting the arrival of an obtained substitute, and other situations mutually accepted by the teacher and the principal.
Coverage Limits By requiring insurance, the State of Washington and DSHS do not represent that the coverage and limits required in this Contract will be adequate to protect the Contractor. Such coverage and limits shall not limit the Contractor’s liability in excess of the required coverage and limits, and shall not limit the Contractor’s liability under the indemnities and reimbursements granted to the State and DSHS in this Contract.
When Your Coverage Begins Your coverage will begin on the first day of the month following your eligibility date as long as we receive required enrollment information within the first thirty (30) days following your eligibility date and the premium is paid. If you or your dependents fail to enroll at this time, you cannot enroll in the plan unless you do so through an Open Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment Period.
Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Coverage The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for losses paid under the terms of the insurance policy which arise from work performed by the Consultant.
Excess Public Liability Insurance over and above the Employers’ Liability Commercial General Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance coverage, with a minimum combined single limit of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) per occurrence/Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) aggregate.
Life Coverage Paragraph 1: The Board shall provide a group term life coverage in the sum of
Basic Coverage Contractor shall provide and maintain at the JBE’s discretion and Contractor’s expense the following insurance during the Term:
Professional Liability Coverage Consultant shall maintain professional errors and omissions liability insurance for protection against claims alleging negligent acts, errors or omissions which may arise from Consultant or by its employees, or subcontractors. The amount of this insurance shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) on a claims-made annual aggregate basis, or a combined single-limit per occurrence basis.
Continuing Coverage If a letter of assurance is obtained from any insurer under a Hazard Insurance policy or a Flood Insurance policy that the insurance coverage shall continue in full force and effect, the Servicer shall deposit such letter in the appropriate Servicer Mortgage Loan File.
Coverage Types and Policy Limits The types of coverage and policy limits required from the Contractor are specified in Paragraph B Insurance Requirements below.