Life Coverage Sample Clauses

Life CoverageParagraph 1: The Board shall provide a group term life coverage in the sum of
Life CoverageParagraph 1: The Board shall provide a group term life coverage in the sum of $30,000 for all teachers employed half time or more. Any increases in coverage shall not be effective until the teacher reports or is able to report for work.
Life CoverageThe Employer shall provide "straight-term" life insurance or coverage for each permanent, full-time employee equal to the employee's annual salary rounded to the next highest thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater and including provisions for accidental death and dismemberment.
Life Coverage a. Faculty Member. A faculty member may purchase up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) additional life insurance, in increments established by the Employer, subject to satisfactory evidence of insurability. A new faculty member may purchase up to two (2) times annual salary in optional employee life coverage by their initial effective date of coverage as defined in this article, Section E, Subd. 3 without evidence of insurability. An employee who becomes eligible for insurance may purchase up to two (2) times annual salary in optional employee life coverage without evidence of insurability within thirty (30) days of the initial effective date as defined in this article.
Life CoverageParagraph 1: The Board shall pr ovide a gr oup term life cover age in the sum of
Life Coverage a. Faculty Member. A faculty member may purchase up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) additional life insurance, in increments established by the Employer, subject of satisfactory evidence of insurability. A new faculty member may purchase up to two
Life CoverageFaculty member. A faculty member may purchase up to five hundred thousand dollars 24 ($500,000) additional life insurance, in increments established by the Employer, subject 25 to satisfactory evidence of insurability. A new faculty member may purchase up to two 26 (2) times annual salary in optional faculty member life coverage by their initial effective 27 date of coverage as defined in this Article, Section 5, Subd. 3, without evidence of 28 insurability. A faculty member who becomes eligible for insurance may purchase up to 29 two (2) times annual salary in optional faculty member life coverage without evidence of 30 insurability within thirty (30) days of the initial effective date as defined in this Article.
Life Coverage. General description of the coverage
Life Coverage. When and how make a claim
Life Coverage. General description of the coverage Your Life coverage provides a benefit for your beneficiary if you die while covered. Amount Your Life benefit is $25,000. Coverage ends Your coverage will end when you retire or reach age 70, whichever is earlier. Coverage may also end on an earlier date, as specified in General Information. Who we will pay If you die while covered, Sun Life will pay the full amount of your benefit to your last named beneficiary on file with Sun Life. If you have not named a beneficiary, the benefit amount will be paid to your estate. Anyone can be your beneficiary. You can change your beneficiary at any time, unless a law prevents you from doing so or you indicate that the beneficiary is not to be changed. A minor cannot personally receive a death benefit under the plan until reaching the age of majority. If you reside outside Québec and desire to designate a minor as your beneficiary, you may wish to designate someone else to receive the death benefit in trust for the minor. If a trustee is not designated, applicable legislation may require that a death benefit payable to a minor be paid instead to a court, or guardian or public trustee. If you reside in Québec and have designated a minor as beneficiary, the death benefit will be paid to the parent(s)/legal guardian of the minor on the minor’s behalf. Alternatively (and regardless of whether you reside outside or in Québec), you may wish to consider designating your estate as beneficiary and provide the executor(s) with directions in your will as to the entitlement of the minor. You are encouraged to consult a legal advisor. Coverage during total disability If you become totally disabled before you retire or reach age 65, whichever is earlier, Life coverage may continue without the payment of premiums as long as you are totally disabled. This continued coverage is subject to the terms of the contract which were in effect on the date you became totally disabled, including reductions and terminations. Sun Life must receive proof of your total disability within 12 months of the date the disability begins. After that, we can require ongoing proof that you are still totally disabled. If proof of total disability is approved after an individual insurance policy becomes effective as a result of converting the group Life coverage, the group Life coverage will be reduced by the amount of the individual insurance policy, unless the individual insurance policy is exchanged for a refund of premium...