Co-Authorship Sample Clauses

Co-Authorship. If the article was prepared jointly with other authors, the signatory of this form warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors to sign this agreement on their behalf, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this agreement.
Co-Authorship. Subject to the consent of Principal Investigator, should the Company Results be usable, Principal Investigator will be listed as a co-author on any Publications using the Company Results. This provision as written is somewhat strained since the PI may not actually be contributing. Consider adding language giving the PI the option to review and substantively contribute or even state in the language that the PI will be listed on any publication as a “substantial contributor.” COMMENTS
Co-Authorship. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on abstracts. The first author must inform and have agreement from all co-authors of the abstract submission. The first author will be required to confirm this information when submitting the abstract. The first author is also responsible for notifying all authors of any and all correspondence relating to this abstract submission.
Co-Authorship. The terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. This Agreement exists independently of the First Agreement, the Second Agreement and any other agreement among the parties, and survives them. This Agreement is the joint product of the Parties, and it shall not be construed against either Party to the Agreement on the ground of sole authorship.
Co-Authorship. Dissertation chairs and committee members who collaborate with the participant (graduate doctoral student) in developing the and publishing the manuscript become co- author. The participant would be the first author. The order of co-authorship for the remaining of the authors corresponds with the amount contributions to the manuscript development. • Reviewers will not be coauthor if they provide feedback and support for manuscript development. However, if the reviewers in addition to providing feedback start editing and revising the manuscripts they may become eligible for coauthor-ship. A written consent for coauthor-ship completed by both participant and reviewer must be provided to the workshop leadership prior entering to coauthor-ship.
Co-Authorship. The transfer of copyrights should be signed by all authors.
Co-Authorship. If DCI staff members were instrumental in any of the following activities that contribute to a research publication: obtaining and interpreting critical results, providing substantial help in designing and conducting experiments, and/or performing advanced analysis of data, then such members would be expected to be listed as co-authors of any relevant forthcoming publication. The decision on co- authorship will be discussed by all members of the research team constructively, in line with the guidelines of SNF.
Co-Authorship. All Data Partners participating in the study are permitted to include the co-investigator and other study contributors as co-authors in presentations, reports, abstracts or publications, assuming co-authors meet authorship criteria. The Data User is responsible for soliciting co-authorship information from Data Partners. If no co-authors are provided by a Data Partner, the Data User must secure institutional approval of presentations, reports, abstracts or publications materials from the Data Partner’s CODI institutional lead listed in “Exhibit A”. When approval of presentations, reports, abstracts or publications is needed, Data User will allow at least 5 business days for response. If Data Partner is not responsive within the allotted review time period, the Data User is permitted to proceed without approval.

Related to Co-Authorship

  • Works Contractor must notify the Department or State of Florida of any publications, artwork, or other copyrightable works developed in connection with the Contract. All copyrights created or developed through performance of the Contract are owned solely by the State of Florida.

  • Remote Work Buyer agrees that Honeywell may provide some or all of the Services remotely using an internet connection and may install additional software and related communication and/or diagnostic devices on Buyer's applicable systems (the “Systems”) to enable such connection and/or remote work. Xxxxx agrees to fully cooperate with Honeywell’s installation and commissioning of such software and devices on the Systems. To the extent required by Honeywell, Buyer will enable and consents to internet connectivity between its applicable Systems and Honeywell’s applicable computer server(s)/system(s) and/or the Honeywell cloud platform(s) throughout the term of this Agreement.

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