Water Quality 8.1. The Supply shall comply with the quality standards imposed by the Act and the Water Quality Regulations, PROVIDED ALWAYS that where a particular standard is the subject of a legal instrument accepted or issued by the Secretary of State or the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water under the provisions of the Act or the Water Quality Regulations, compliance with the terms of the relevant legal instrument shall be deemed to be compliance with the relevant quality standard imposed by the Act or the Water Quality Regulations (as the case may be), in which case the Water Company shall provide the New Appointee with a certified copy of any such authorised departure or undertaking. Each party undertakes to keep the other party fully informed of any discussions which take place at any time hereafter with the Secretary of State for the proposed issue of a legal instrument and of the outcome thereof. 8.2. The Water Company shall act as a reasonable and prudent operator to ensure that the Water Company’s Distribution Network does not cause any contamination of the water in the New Appointee’s Water Distribution Network including suspending the Bulk Supply and, in any event, shall: 8.2.1. notify the New Appointee of the existence and cause (if known) of any contamination that it considers (acting as a reasonable and prudent operator) could affect the New Appointee’s Water Distribution Network as soon as practicable after the same have come to the Water Company’s attention; and 8.2.2. keep the New Appointee notified of the steps being taken to remedy the contamination. 8.3. Without prejudice to clause 8.1, the Water Company reserves the right to supply water of a different nature and composition or with different characteristics from that previously supplied where this results from the characteristics of the source or sources from which the Supply is taken, or the Water Company’s Distribution Network, beyond the reasonable control of the Water Company or if, in the due discharge of its statutory duty to supply water, it considers it necessary or desirable to do so acting reasonably and in good faith. 8.4. In addition, both parties agree to be bound by the provisions of the Water Quality Protocol or such modified version of such Water Quality Protocol as may from time to time be agreed in writing by the parties.
Power Quality Neither the facilities of Developer nor the facilities of Connecting Transmission Owner shall cause excessive voltage flicker nor introduce excessive distortion to the sinusoidal voltage or current waves as defined by ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, in accordance with IEEE Standard 519, or any applicable superseding electric industry standard. In the event of a conflict between ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, or any applicable superseding electric industry standard, ANSI Standard C84.1-1989, or the applicable superseding electric industry standard, shall control.
NMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 2.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 2.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 2.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 2.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 2.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, North Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 2.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
SMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Participates in an annual performance development review. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, South Metropolitan Health Service and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures. 4.6 Abides by the WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
EMHS Governance, Safety and Quality Requirements 4.1 Participates in the maintenance of a safe work environment. 4.2 Actively participates in the Peak Performance program. 4.3 Supports the delivery of safe patient care and the consumers’ experience including participation in continuous quality improvement activities in accordance with the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other recognised health standards. 4.4 Completes mandatory training (including safety and quality training) as relevant to role. 4.5 Performs duties in accordance with the EMHS Vision and Values, WA Health Code of Conduct, Occupational Safety and Health legislation, the Disability Services Act and the Equal Opportunity Act and Government, WA Health, EMHS and Departmental / Program specific policies and procedures.
BUY AMERICAN PROVISIONS COMPLIANCE To the extent applicable, Supplier must comply with all applicable provisions of the Buy American Act. Purchases made in accordance with the Buy American Act must follow the applicable procurement rules calling for free and open competition.
COUNTY’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The County or its agent will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this Contract on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will include assessing the Contractor’s compliance with all Contract terms and conditions and performance standards. Contractor deficiencies which the County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performance of the Contract in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board of Supervisors. The report will include improvement/corrective action measures taken by the County and the Contractor. If improvement does not occur consistent with the corrective action measures, the County may terminate this Contract or impose other penalties as specified in this Contract.
Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.
Professional Qualifications It shall be a condition of continued professional employment that employees must apply for enrolment in their appropriate professional licensing body by the thirtieth day of continuous service.
Provisions governing staff and subcontractors A. To require any subcontractor to execute documents that binds the subcontractor to comply with the provisions of this Contract. Subcontractor means an individual or entity to which the Contractor has contracted with or delegated some of its management functions or responsibilities of providing all or a part of the services required of the Contractor under this Contract. B. That it is responsible for the behavior of its staff and subcontractors to ensure a violence-free contractual relationship. The Contractor understands that any remarks, gestures or actions toward HHSC employees, volunteers or clients that carry an implied threat of any kind, even if intended to be in jest, will be taken seriously and may lead to corrective action, up to and including terminating this contractor. C. To comply with the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 regarding employment verification and retention of verification forms for an individual hired on or after November 6, 1986, who will perform any labor or services under this Contract. D. To certify and ensure that it utilizes and will continue to utilize, for the term of this Contract, the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's e- Verify system to determine the eligibility of: 1. all people employed during the Contract term to perform duties within Texas; and 2. all people (including subcontractors). E. That representatives of HHSC, AG-MFCU and HHS may conduct interviews of Contractor personnel, subcontractors and their personnel, witnesses, and clients without a Contractor's representative present unless the person interviewed voluntarily requests that the representative be present. The Contractor must not coerce its personnel, subcontractors and their personnel, witnesses, or clients to accept representation by the Contractor, and the Contractor agrees that no retaliation will occur to a person who denies the Contractor's offer of representation. Nothing in the Contract limits a person's right to counsel of his or her choice. Requests for interviews are to be complied with in the form and the manner requested. The Contractor must ensure by contract or other means that its personnel and subcontractors cooperate fully in any investigation conducted by representatives of HHSC, AG-MFCU and HHS. F. That if it is a Home and Community Support Services agency ("HCSSA"), the Contractor will hire Personal Assistance Services and Community Support Services providers chosen by the client or the client's legally authorized representative, if requested, and provided the individual who will provide the services: 1. meets minimum qualifications for the service; 2. is willing to be employed as an attendant by the Contractor; and 3. is willing, and determined competent by the Contractor, to deliver the service(s) according to the client's individual service plan.