Condition of Leased Premises; Alterations, Etc Sample Clauses

Condition of Leased Premises; Alterations, Etc. A. Except as provided in Section 14B, Tenant shall keep and maintain in good order, condition and repair (including replacement of parts and equipment, necessary) the Leased Premises and every part thereof and any and all appurtenances thereto wherever located, including, storefront, all plumbing and sewage facilities within the Leased Premises, including free flow up to the main sewer line (unless caused outside of the Leased Premises), all fixtures, heating, air conditioning sprinkler, and electrical systems which service the Leased Premises, and all walls, floors, and ceilings, periodic painting of the Buildings exterior, asphalt repairs/seal coating/striping, routine sweeping and cleaning of the parking areas, exterior sidewalks, and repairs and upkeep of the landscape irrigation system, repairs and upkeep of all exterior lighting and maintenance of all landscaping material. Tenant shall also perform routine maintenance and patching of the roof. Tenant shall hire a licensed mechanical contractor for the purpose of performing preventive maintenance services and routine repairs on a minimum quarterly basis. All repairs and replacements to contractors, fans, relays, freon leaks, and other minor components are Tenant’s responsibility.
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Related to Condition of Leased Premises; Alterations, Etc

  • Condition of Leased Premises Tenant hereby acknowledges that Xxxxxx has examined the leased premises prior to the signing of this Lease, or knowingly waived said examination. Tenant acknowledges that Tenant has not relied on any representations made by Landlord or Landlord’s agents regarding the condition of the leased premises and that Tenant takes premises in its AS-IS condition with no express or implied warranties or representations beyond those contained herein or required by applicable Georgia law. Xxxxxx agrees not to damage the premises through any act or omission, and to be responsible for any damages sustained through the acts or omissions of Tenant, Xxxxxx’s family or Xxxxxx’s invitees, licensees, and/or guests. If such damages are incurred, Tenant is required to pay for any resulting repairs at the same time and in addition to the next month’s rent payment, with consequences for non-payment identical to those for non- payment of rent described herein. At the expiration or termination of the Lease, Tenant shall return the leased premises in as good condition as when taken by Tenant at the commencement of the lease, with only normal wear-and-tear excepted. Modification Of This Lease Any modification of this lease shall not be binding upon Landlord unless in writing and signed by Landlord or Landlord’s authorized agent. No oral representation shall be effective to modify this Lease. If, as per the terms of this paragraph, any provision of this lease is newly added, modified, or stricken out, the remainder of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect.

  • Condition of Subleased Premises (a) Subtenant shall maintain and repair the Subleased Premises in a manner consistent with Sublandlord’s obligations under the Lease. Sublandlord shall have the right to enter the Subleased Premises from time to time upon reasonable prior notice to Subtenant, during normal business hours and escorted by Subtenant (if Subtenant makes such escort reasonably available). Sublandlord’s right of entry shall include the right of inspection to confirm that Subtenant is in compliance with all applicable maintenance and repair obligations set forth in the Lease. In the event that Sublandlord determines, in Sublandlord’s reasonable opinion, that Subtenant is in default of any maintenance and/or repair obligation set forth in the Lease, and such default may incur liability to Sublandlord upon the surrender of the Subleased Premises upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease (a “Required Repair Item”), then Sublandlord shall have the right to notify Subtenant of any such Required Repair Items. Subtenant shall be obligated to cure such Required Repair Items within thirty (30) days of such notice from Sublandlord, or, if such Required Repair Items cannot be reasonably completed in such thirty (30) day period, such longer period as reasonably necessary to cure such Required Repair Items, so long as Subtenant has commenced such cure and diligently pursues such cure to completion. In no event shall Sublandlord’s rights hereunder impose any additional and/or greater repair or maintenance standards from those set forth in the Lease. In the event Subtenant fails to cure such Required Repair Items as set forth above, then such failure shall be deemed a default under this Sublease, entitling Sublandlord to exercise any of its rights and remedies herein, including, without limitation, the self help rights set forth in Section 6(b) above.

  • Destruction of Leased Premises In the event the Premises shall be partially or totally destroyed as the result of a peril insured against by the insurance policies carried by Landlord and such damage renders the Premises partially or totally untenantable, Landlord shall repair the Premises to the lesser of (i) with respect to the Premises, the condition of the Premises inclusive of Landlord improvements, but exclusive of Tenant improvements, as of lease commencement adjusted for ordinary wear and tear; or (ii) the extent of the insurance proceeds actually received by Landlord allocable to the Premises plus insurance proceeds received by Tenant for the risks set forth herein, which Tenant shall promptly pay over to Landlord to the extent of the costs incurred by Landlord in such repairs and reconstruction in excess of the insurance proceeds, if any, received directly by Landlord. Tenant's insurance carriers shall have not recourse against the Landlord for reimbursement. The Fixed Minimum Rental and other charges shall be abated in proportion to the amount of the Leased Premises rendered untenantable until so repaired. If: (i) more than Twenty percent (20%) of the floor area of the building in which the Leased Premises are located shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other insured casualty; or (ii) if there is less than Three (3) years of the term of this Lease remaining; (iii) or if in Landlord's opinion the Premises is so extensively or substantially damaged so that reconstruction is impracticable; then Landlord may either elect that the Premises may be repaired or rebuilt or, at its sole option, terminate this Lease by giving Notice to Tenant of its election to so terminate, such Notice to be given within Ninety (90) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction, and Tenant's obligations to pay rent shall cease as of such date. If Landlord is required or elects to repair or rebuild the Leased Premises as herein provided, Tenant shall repair or replace its merchandise, trade fixtures, furnishings, and equipment in a manner and to at least a condition equal to that prior to its damage or destruction. Tenant shall diligently undertake such repair or replacement in cooperation with Landlord and shall complete such replacement or repair no later than Thirty (30) days after Landlord notifies Tenant that the Premises are ready for occupancy and all rent and other charges shall resume in full as of such date. Landlord and Tenant shall agree upon an equitable reduction in Rent in the event this Lease is not terminated and the Premises or the Leased Premises are damaged or destroyed to such an extent that it materially and adversely affects Tenant's business. Such abatement shall in no event exceed the proportion of the square footage of the Premises which is not tenantable.

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord does hereby sublease to Subtenant, and Subtenant subleases and rents from Sublandlord, the Premises (the “Subleased Premises”).

  • Condition of Leased Property Tenant acknowledges receipt and delivery of possession of the Leased Property and Tenant accepts the Leased Property in its “as is” condition, subject to the rights of parties in possession, the existing state of title, including all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, mineral leases, easements and other matters of record or that are visible or apparent on the Leased Property, all applicable Legal Requirements, the lien of any financing instruments, mortgages and deeds of trust existing prior to the Commencement Date or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, and such other matters which would be disclosed by an inspection of the Leased Property and the record title thereto or by an accurate survey thereof. TENANT REPRESENTS THAT IT HAS INSPECTED THE LEASED PROPERTY AND ALL OF THE FOREGOING AND HAS FOUND THE CONDITION THEREOF SATISFACTORY AND IS NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF LANDLORD OR LANDLORD’S AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT THERETO AND TENANT WAIVES ANY CLAIM OR ACTION AGAINST LANDLORD IN RESPECT OF THE CONDITION OF THE LEASED PROPERTY. LANDLORD MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN RESPECT OF THE LEASED PROPERTY OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR USE, DESIGN OR CONDITION FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THEREIN, LATENT OR PATENT, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS ARE TO BE BORNE BY TENANT. To the maximum extent permitted by law, however, Landlord hereby assigns to Tenant all of Landlord’s rights to proceed against any predecessor in interest or insurer for breaches of warranties or representations or for latent defects in the Leased Property. Landlord shall fully cooperate with Tenant in the prosecution of any such claims, in Landlord’s or Tenant’s name, all at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Tenant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Landlord from and against any loss, cost, damage or liability (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by Landlord in connection with such cooperation.

  • Premises Building Project and Common Areas 1.1 Premises, Building, Project and Common Areas.

  • LANDLORD'S ACCESS TO PREMISES Landlord reserves and shall at any time upon reasonable notice and in compliance with Tenant’s reasonable security measures have the right to enter the Premises to inspect the same, to supply any service to be provided by Landlord to Tenant hereunder to service and repair HVAC units, water pipes and sprinkler mains, and electrical and telephone risers servicing other parts of the Building, to show said Premises to prospective purchasers or tenants, to alter or repair the Premises or any portion of the Building, and to place “for sale” or “for rent” signs on the Building, all without being deemed guilty of an eviction of Tenant and without abatement of Rent, provided that the business of Tenant shall be interfered with as little as is reasonably practicable. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or any inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, any loss of quiet enjoyment of the Premises and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock the main door to the Premises but not Tenant’s vaults and safes, and Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said door in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of said means shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Premises, or any eviction of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof. No provision of this Lease shall be construed as obligating Landlord to perform any repairs, alterations or decoration except as otherwise expressly agreed to be performed by Landlord.

  • DEMISE OF LEASED PREMISES Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord for Tenant's own use in the conduct of Tenant's business and not for purposes of speculating in real estate, for the Lease Term and upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Lease, that certain interior space described in Article 1 as the Leased Premises, reserving and excepting to Landlord the right to fifty percent (50%) of all assignment consideration and excess rentals as provided in Article 7 below. Tenant's lease of the Leased Premises, together with the appurtenant right to use the Outside Areas as described in Paragraph 2.2 below, shall be conditioned upon and be subject to the continuing compliance by Tenant with (i) all the terms and conditions of this Lease, (ii) all Laws governing the use of the Leased Premises and the Property, (iii) all Private Restrictions, easements and other matters now of public record respecting the use of the Leased Premises and Property, and (iv) all reasonable rules and regulations from time to time established by Landlord. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby reserves to itself and its designees all rights of access, use and occupancy of the Building roof, and Tenant shall have no right of access, use or occupancy of the Building roof except (if at all) to the extent required in order to enable Tenant to perform Tenant's maintenance and repair obligations pursuant to this Lease.

  • Landlord Improvements Landlord shall substantially complete the Landlord Improvements prior to Tenant’s taking occupancy of the Expansion Space. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Landlord Improvements by May 1, 2014. “Substantial Completion” shall mean the Landlord Improvements have been constructed in material accordance with the above referenced drawing, save and except for minor “punch list” items such that Tenant can occupy the Expansion Space and conduct its business, Landlord has obtained all approvals from the applicable governmental authorities for the legal occupancy of the Expansion Space and Landlord has delivered possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in the required condition, which date is currently anticipated to be May 1, 2014. Upon Substantial Completion, Landlord shall deliver possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in good, vacant, broom clean condition, with all building systems in good working order and the roof water-tight, and in compliance with all laws applicable to Landlord or Tenant. In the event that construction of the Landlord Improvements is not substantially completed by May 1, 2014, then the Expansion Space Commencement Date shall be automatically amended to be that date the Expansion Space is delivered to Tenant with the Landlord Improvements substantially complete. Upon Substantial Completion of the Landlord Improvements, Landlord shall give Tenant (i) written notice (“Notice of Completion”) that the Expansion Space are ready for occupancy. Within seven (7) days following Landlord’s giving of the Notice of Completion, Landlord and Tenant shall meet at a mutually convenient time to perform a walk-through of the Expansion Space to inspect the Landlord Improvements and to prepare a punch list of minor items needing correction and Landlord shall promptly cause such items to be corrected.

  • Tenant’s Alterations (a) The construction of the initial Leasehold Improvements (as defined in Exhibit C) shall be governed by the terms of Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. Except for the Leasehold Improvements and as otherwise set forth below, Tenant shall not, and shall not permit any Tenant Agent to, cut, drill into, or secure any fixture, apparatus, or equipment, or make alterations, improvements, or physical additions of any kind to any part of the Premises (collectively, “Alterations”) without first obtaining the written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. If Landlord fails to respond to a request for consent to a proposed Alteration within 10 business days after Landlord’s receipt of such request, the request shall be deemed denied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Landlord fails to respond within such 10 business-day period, Tenant may thereafter send to Landlord a second written requesting approval of the proposed Alteration, which request must set forth in bold and 14-point capitalized type on the first page thereof the following statement: “SECOND AND FINAL REQUEST—LANDLORD HAS 10 BUSINESS DAYS TO RESPOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 9” (“Second Alteration Request”). If Landlord then fails to respond to the Second Alteration Request within 10 business days after receipt thereof (“Second Alteration Request Response Period”), Landlord shall be deemed to have elected to consent to the proposed Alteration, provided Tenant shall otherwise have complied with all provisions of this Lease relating to such Alterations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Landlord notifies Tenant in writing within the Second Alteration Request Response Period that Landlord requires additional time to review the request, then the Second Alteration Request Response Period shall be extended by an additional 10 business days. “

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