Continuing Education Course. Within 6 months of the date of this Agreement, Licensee shall complete a continuing education and/or an individualized course or courses of no less than 6 hours in length on the topic of recordkeeping. Licensee shall submit a summary and description of the course and/or courses, along with a summary of the instructor(s)'s credentials for pre-approval by the Committee, within 30 days of the date this Agreement for Corrective Action becomes effective. The Committee reserves the right to reject the course and/or courses proposed by Licensee. If the Committee rejects the course and/or courses proposed by Licensee, the Committee may require that Licensee submit additional courses, or the Committee may provide Licensee with approved courses.
Continuing Education Course. Licensee shall complete a continuing education and/or an individualized course or courses of no less than 4 hours in length on the topic of professionalism and bias in forensic psychology. Licensee shall submit a sumary and description of the course and/or courses along with a sumary of the instructor(s)'s credentials for pre-approval by the Committee within 30 days of the date this Agreement for Corrective
Continuing Education Course. Within 6 months of the date of this Agreement, Licensee shall complete a continuing education and/or an individualized course or courses of no less ihan 4 hours in length on 1he topic of the role of psychologists in court, the differences between a treating clinician and a forensic evaluator, and how to ethically manage those two roles. Licensee shall submit a sum and description of the course and/or cou�es along with a summary of the instrucwr(s)'s credentials for pre-approval by the Committee witrun 30 days of the date this Agreement for Corrective Action becomes effective. The Committee reserves the right to reject the course and/or courses proposed by Licensee. lf the Committee rejects the course and/or courses proposed by Licensee, the Committee may require that Licensee submit additional courses> or the Committee may provide Licensee with aproved courses. v6v6v9v�sg LLV\10) gs·'E:s OZ OL.-&.0-1:>' LO� 9 jO S Q�'Po_:t Ur...>S.IQPU'V' �·,._.,_I • > I