Contractor Responsibilities 19.1. Contractor shall perform national criminal history checks for Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, and 10-panel drug screening tests on all prospective employees performing work under this RFP or coming onto a CMHA property and any resulting contract and provide summaries of the results to the Authority if requested. For the purposes of this section, the term “employees” includes contractor. Prospective employees whose criminal background check discloses a misdemeanor or felony involving crimes of moral turpitude, sexual offenses or harm to persons or property shall not be employed to perform work under this RFP or any resulting contract. Contractor is required to perform drug screening of all employees and to ensure acceptable test results. Criminal history and drug screening checks will be completed at the sole expense of the contractor. Any employee of the Contractor suspected of being under the influence of drugs and or alcohol will be reported to the appropriate personnel at CMHA and/or other local law enforcement. If the employee is determined to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol in any form or manner, or believed by proper authority to be dealing in illicit sale of alcohol or drugs they will be removed and shall not be allowed to return to any job site on the Authority’s property. The Contractor’s contract may be suspended and/or terminated should such a situation occur or if the Contractor fails to submit results pursuant to this section. 19.1.1. If CMHA requests additional drug screening, the test shall be performed within 24 hours and the summary shall be sent directly to CMHA from the testing facility. 19.2. Contractor(s) shall provide uniforms and ID Badges identifying Contractor for all employees working on CMHA’s properties. No employees will be allowed on CMHA’s properties out of uniform and without his/her ID badge on his/her person. Contractor(s) must submit a picture of the uniform and a sample of his/her ID badge if requested by CMHA. 19.3. Contractor’s personnel shall be neat and conduct all work in a professional and efficient manner. If any employee of Contractor is deemed unacceptable by CMHA, Contractor shall immediately replace such personnel with an acceptable substitute to CMHA. 19.4. Contractor(s) shall practice acceptable safety precautions so as not to cause harm to any persons or property while performing services under this RFP or any resulting contract. Contractor(s) shall follow industry safety standards, and use only industry approved safety equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications in the performance of all duties. 19.5. Contractor(s) shall pay all of its employees, including any and all approved Sub-Contractors, at least the legal minimum wages as determined by the United States Department of Labor and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Labor Prevailing Wage. Wage Determinations can be accessed via the Department of Labor website, 19.6. Upon completion of the work, Contractor(s) shall clean up the area where the work was performed and Contractor(s) shall remove any debris generated by the products and/or services at CMHA premises. At no time, will Contractor(s) discard debris into any CMHA refuse container. 19.7. Contractor(s) shall clearly mark all work areas that might reasonably be expected to endanger the health and safety of residents, guests, or any other persons. Contractor(s) will provide such signs, markers and barricades as required to identify all work areas and minimize inherent dangers. 19.8. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying CMHA immediately of any damages (i.e. fire, container leaking) deemed to be a health or safety hazard whether the damage is caused by the contractor or other means. 19.9. The Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all CMHA property provided for Contractor use. At the close of each workday, CMHA facilities, property and materials shall be inspected and secured.
Contractor’s Responsibilities Unless stated specifically to the contrary in the tender with full supporting explanations, the contractor will be deemed to have concurred as a practical manufacturer with the design and layout of the works as being sufficient to ensure reliability and safety in operation, freedom from undue stresses and satisfactory performance in all other essentials as a working material.
Roles and Responsibilities 1. The Donor States shall make funds available in support of eligible programmes proposed by the Beneficiary State and agreed on by the Financial Mechanism Committee within the priority sectors listed in Article 3.1 of Protocol 38c and the programme areas listed in the Annex to Protocol 38c. The Donor States and the Beneficiary State shall cooperate on the preparation of concept notes defining the scope and planned results for each programme. 2. The Beneficiary State shall assure the full co-financing of programmes that benefit from support from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in accordance with Annex B and the programme agreements. 3. The Financial Mechanism Committee shall manage the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and take decisions on the granting of financial assistance in accordance with the Regulation. 4. The Committee shall be assisted by the Financial Mechanism Office (hereinafter referred to as the “FMO”). The FMO shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and shall serve as a contact point.
RESTRICTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Customer will not, directly or indirectly: reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code or underlying structure, ideas, know-how or algorithms relevant to the Services or any software, documentation or data related to the Services (“Software”); modify, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services or any Software (except to the extent expressly permitted by Company or authorized within the Services); use the Services or any Software for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise for the benefit of a third; or remove any proprietary notices or labels. 2.2 Further, Customer may not remove or export from the United States or allow the export or re-export of the Services, Software or anything related thereto, or any direct product thereof in violation of any restrictions, laws or regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, or any other United States or foreign agency or authority. As defined in FAR section 2.101, the Software and documentation are “commercial items” and according to DFAR section 252.227-7014(a)(1) and (5) are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation.” Consistent with DFAR section 227.7202 and FAR section 12.212, any use modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of such commercial software or commercial software documentation by the U.S. Government will be governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and will be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement. 2.3 Customer represents, covenants, and warrants that Customer will use the Services only in compliance with Company’s standard published policies then in effect (the “Policy”) and all applicable laws and regulations. [Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company against any damages, losses, liabilities, settlements and expenses (including without limitation costs and attorneys’ fees) in connection with any claim or action that arises from an alleged violation of the foregoing or otherwise from Customer’s use of Services, including any damages, losses, liabilities, settlements and expenses arising from data breach or loss. Although Company has no obligation to monitor Customer’s use of the Services, Company may do so and may prohibit any use of the Services it believes may be (or alleged to be) in violation of the foregoing. 2.4 Customer shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment and ancillary services needed to connect to, access or otherwise use the Services, including, without limitation, modems, hardware, servers, software, operating systems, networking, web servers and the like (collectively, “Equipment”). Customer shall also be responsible for maintaining the security of the Equipment, Customer account, passwords (including but not limited to administrative and user passwords) and files, and for all uses of Customer account or the Equipment with or without Customer’s knowledge or consent.
Vendor Responsibilities Note: NO EXCEPTIONS OR REVISIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED IN C-M, O-S, V-W. Indemnification
Client’s Responsibilities In addition to other responsibilities herein or imposed by law, the Client shall: (a) Designate in writing a person to act as its representative, such person having complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Client's decisions. (b) Provide all information and criteria as to the Client's requirements, objectives, and expectations for the project and all standards of development, design, or construction. (c) Provide the Consultant all available studies, plans, or other documents pertaining to the project, such as surveys, engineering data, environmental information, etc., all of which the Consultant may rely upon. (d) Arrange for access to the site and other property as required for the Consultant to provide its services. (e) Review all documents or reports presented by the Consultant and communicate decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Consultant. (f) Furnish approvals and permits from governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and approvals and consents from other parties as may be necessary. (g) Obtain any independent accounting, legal, insurance, cost estimating and feasibility services required by Client. (h) Give prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the Client becomes aware of any development that affects the Consultant's services or any defect or noncompliance in any aspect of the project.
ARCHITECT’S RESPONSIBILITIES § 2.1 The Architect shall provide professional services as set forth in this Agreement. The Architect represents that it is properly licensed in the jurisdiction where the Project is located to provide the services required by this Agreement, or shall cause such services to be performed by appropriately licensed design professionals. § 2.2 The Architect shall perform its services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by architects practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. The Architect shall perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent with such professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the Project. § 2.3 The Architect shall identify a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Architect with respect to the Project. § 2.4 Except with the Owner’s knowledge and consent, the Architect shall not engage in any activity, or accept any employment, interest or contribution that would reasonably appear to compromise the Architect’s professional judgment with respect to this Project. § 2.5 The Architect shall maintain the following insurance until termination of this Agreement. If any of the requirements set forth below are in addition to the types and limits the Architect normally maintains, the Owner shall pay the Architect as set forth in Section 11.9. § 2.5.1 Commercial General Liability with policy limits of not less than « » ($ « » ) for each occurrence and « » ($ « » ) in the aggregate for bodily injury and property damage. § 2.5.2 Automobile Liability covering vehicles owned, and non-owned vehicles used, by the Architect with policy limits of not less than « » ($ « » ) per accident for bodily injury, death of any person, and property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance and use of those motor vehicles, along with any other statutorily required automobile coverage. § 2.5.3 The Architect may achieve the required limits and coverage for Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability through a combination of primary and excess or umbrella liability insurance, provided such primary and excess or umbrella liability insurance policies result in the same or greater coverage as the coverages
SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Interconnection Customer’s Scope of Work and Responsibilities
Supplier’s Responsibilities 14.1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply in accordance with GCC Clause 12, and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 13.
Construction Responsibilities The party named in Article 1, Responsible Parties, under AGREEMENT is responsible for the following: A. Advertise for construction bids, issue bid proposals, receive and tabulate the bids, and award and administer the contract for construction of the Project. Administration of the contract includes the responsibility for construction engineering and for issuance of any change orders, supplemental agreements, amendments, or additional work orders that may become necessary subsequent to the award of the construction contract. Projects must be authorized by the State prior to advertising for construction. B. If the State is the responsible party, the State will use its approved contract letting and award procedures to let and award the construction contract. C. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the Local Government shall submit its contract letting and award procedures to the State for review and approval prior to letting. D. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the State must concur with the low bidder selection before the Local Government can enter into a contract with the vendor. E. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the State must review and approve change orders. F. Upon completion of the Project, the party responsible for constructing the Project will issue and sign a “Notification of Completion” acknowledging the Project’s construction completion and submit certification(s) sealed by a professional engineer(s) licensed in the State of Texas. G. Upon completion of the Project, the party constructing the Project will issue and sign a “Notification of Completion” acknowledging the Project’s construction completion.