Change Order The Change Order is then submitted to the Project Manager who immediately processes the CO with OPC as required by Bulletin 3.5 and BGS’ Contracting Plan.
Change Orders Any alteration or deviation from the Services mentioned or any other contractual specifications that result in a revision of this Agreement shall be executed and attached to this Agreement as a change order (“Change Order”).
Contract Task Order A- E shall be assigned work via a task order by COUNTY which shall subsequently be referred to as the “Contract Task Order” (hereinafter “CTO”). A CTO for each project shall be developed by A-E in conjunction with COUNTY Project Management staff. The County Project Manager shall manage all A-E’s work including monitoring the CTO work schedule, quality of deliverables, review of invoiced amounts, adherence to set budget, and internal review of submittal packages. A-E shall follow all requirements as outlined in the CTO; this general Scope of Work, the project specific Scope Statement, and the Architect-Engineer Guide (Rev July 2018). The CTO shall include a detailed Scope Statement, describing tasks to be performed with a specific list of deliverables for each task, schedule of work and cost to complete the work. The schedule of work shall allow enough time for meetings with County Management staff to review the work progress, provide technical and policy direction, resolve problems and ensure adherence to the work completion schedule. The CTO shall include a cover sheet provided by County Project Management staff with the appropriate signature blocks and contract information. Once both Parties agree, and all Parties have signed the CTO, County Management staff shall provide A-E with a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to begin work. A-E shall submit all plans, reports and other documents produced under the CTO to the assigned County Project Manager within the timeframe indicated in the CTO or as directed by County Project Management staff.
Statement of Work The Statement of Work to which Grantee is bound is incorporated into and made a part of this Grant Agreement for all purposes and included as Attachment A.
Work Order (s) means a detailed scope of work for a Service required by Transnet, including timeframes, Deliverable, Fees and costs for the supply of the Service to Transnet, which may be appended to this Agreement from time to time.
Contract Schedule The information set forth in the Contract Schedule is true and correct.
Project Delivery Order Procedures The TIPS Member having approved and signed an interlocal agreement, or other TIPS Membership document, may make a request of the awarded vendor under this Agreement when the TIPS Member has services that need to be undertaken. Notification may occur via phone, the web, email, fax, or in person. Upon notification of a pending request, the awarded vendor shall make contact with the TIPS Member as soon as possible, but must make contact with the TIPS Member within two working days. Scheduling of projects (if applicable) may be accomplished when the TIPS Member issues a Purchase Order and/or an Agreement or Contract that will serve as “the notice to proceed” as agreed by the Vendor and the TIPS Member. The period for the delivery order will include the mobilization, materials purchase, installation and delivery, design, weather, and site cleanup and inspection. No additional claims may be made for delays as a result of these items. When the tasks have been completed the awarded vendor shall notify the client and have the TIPS Member or a designated representative of the TIPS Member inspect the work for acceptance under the scope and terms in the Purchase Order and/or Agreement or Contract. The TIPS Member will issue in writing any corrective actions that are required. Upon completion of these items, the TIPS Member will issue a completion notice and final payment will be issued per the contractual requirements of the project with the TIPS Member. Any Construction contract prepared by the TIPS Member’s Legal Counsel may alter the terms of this subsection, “Scheduling of Projects”.
Change Orders and Contract Amendments 33.1 The Procuring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through notice in accordance GCC Clause 8, to make changes within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following: a) drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to be specifically manufactured for the Procuring Entity; b) the method of shipment or packing; c) the place of delivery; and d) the Related Services to be provided by the Supplier. 33.2 If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier's performance of any provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the Contract Price or in the Delivery/Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the Supplier's receipt of the Procuring Entity's change order. 33.3 Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that might be needed but which were not included in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services.
Notice of Work Schedules (a) Work schedules for regular employees shall be posted at least 14 days in advance of the starting day of a new schedule. (b) In the event that the work schedule or shift for a regular employee or an auxiliary employee working a scheduled shift roster is changed without 48 hours' advance notice and such change is the result of the actions of another employee covered by this agreement utilizing the benefits provided for by the provisions of this agreement, the employee will receive a premium of 85¢ per hour in addition to their regular pay, for work performed on the first shift to which they changed. (c) In the event that an employee's work schedule or shift is changed without five days advance notice and the change results from causes other than defined in (b) above, the employee shall receive a premium at the applicable overtime rate for work performed on the first shift to which they changed, except that if the change results from no fault of the Employer they shall not receive a premium at overtime rates but shall receive the premium defined under (b) above.
Detailed Description of Services / Statement of Work Describe fully the services that Contractor will provide, or add and attach Exhibit B to this Agreement.