Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates Sample Clauses

Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates. Contractor shall ensure coverage effective dates for the Covered California Enrollee consistent with applicable State law. Covered California and Contractor shall require payment of premium in accordance with the premium payment due dates specified in 10 CCR § 6410 and the premium payment process specified in 10 CCR § 6500 and other applicable State law. Contractor shall provide Covered California with information necessary to confirm Contractor’s receipt of premium payment from a Covered California Enrollee that is required to commence coverage. The specific terms and conditions relating to commencement of coverage, including the cancellation or postponement of the effective date of coverage in the event of nonpayment or partial payment of an initial premium, shall be established by Covered California in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The first premium binder payment shall be either paid directly to the Contractor or processed through a third-party administrator and deposited into an account owned by the third-party administrator and settled by the third-party administrator to the Contractor’s own bank account.
Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates. Contractor shall ensure coverage effective dates for the Enrollee consistent with applicable State law. Covered California and Contractor shall require payment of premium in accordance with 10 CCR § 6500 and other applicable State law. Contractor shall provide Covered California with information necessary to confirm Contractor’s receipt of premium payment from Enrollee that is required to commence coverage. The specific terms and conditions relating to commencement of coverage, including the cancellation or postponement of the effective date of coverage in the event of nonpayment or partial payment of an initial premium, shall be established by Covered California in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The first premium binder payment shall be either paid directly to the Contractor or processed through a third-party administrator and deposited into an account owned by the third-party administrator and settled by the third-party administrator to the Contractor’s own bank account.
Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates. Contractor shall ensure a coverage effective dates for the Enrollee as of (1) the first (1st) day of the next subsequent month for a QDP selection notice received by Covered California consistent with applicable State law. between the first (1st) day and fifteenth (15th) day of the month, or (2) the first (1st) day of the second following month for QDP selections received by Covered California from the sixteenth (16th) day through the last day of a month, or (3) such other applicable dates specified in 10 CCR § 6502 for the Open Enrollment Period and 10 CCR § 6504 for the Special Enrollment Period and/or as otherwise established by Contractor in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Covered California and Contractor shall require payment of premium in accordance with 10 CCR § 6500 and other applicable State law. Premium payment due date shall not be earlier than the fourth (4th) remaining business day of the month prior to the month coverage begins. Contractor shall provide Covered California with information necessary to confirm Contractor’s receipt of premium payment from Enrollee that is required to commence coverage. The specific terms and conditions relating to commencement of coverage, including the cancellation or postponement of the effective date of coverage in the event of nonpayment or partial payment of an initial premium, shall be established by Covered California in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The first premium binder payment shall be either paid directly to the Contractor or processed through a third-party administrator and deposited into an account owned by the third-party administrator and settled by the third-party administrator to the Contractor’s own bank account.
Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates. Contractor shall ensure coverage effective dates for the Covered California Enrollee consistent with applicable State law. Covered California and Contractor shall require payment of premium in accordance with the premium payment due dates specified in 10 CCR § 6410 and the premium payment process specified in 10 CCR § 6500 and other applicable State law. Contractor shall provide Covered California with information necessary to confirm Contractor’s receipt of premium payment from a Covered California Enrollee that is required to commence coverage. Covered California shall establish the specific terms and conditions relating to commencement of coverage, including the administration of a state advance premiumfinancial assistance subsidyprogram, advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost sharing reductions, and cancellation or postponement of the effective date of coverage in the event of nonpayment or partial payment of an initial premium, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The first premium binder payment shall be either paid directly to the Contractor or processed through a third-party administrator and deposited into an account owned by the third-party administrator and settled by the third-party administrator to the Contractor’s own bank account.
Covered California for the Individual Market Coverage Effective Dates. Contractor shall ensure a coverage effective date for the Enrollee as of (1) the first (1st) day of the next subsequent month for a QDP selection notice received by Covered California between the first (1st) day and fifteenth (15th) day of the month, or (2) the first (1st) day of the second following month for QDP selections received by Covered California from the sixteenth (16th) day through the last day of a month, or

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