Switching All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.
Data Storage Where required by applicable law, Student Data shall be stored within the United States. Upon request of the LEA, Provider will provide a list of the locations where Student Data is stored.
Tandem Switching 4.5.1 The Tandem Switching capability Network Element is defined as: (i) trunk-connect facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a cross-connect panel and switch trunk card; (ii) the basic switch trunk function of connecting trunks to trunks; and (iii) the functions that are centralized in the Tandem Switches (as distinguished from separate end office switches), including but not limited to call recording, the routing of calls to operator services and signaling conversion features. 4.5.2 Where <<customer_short_name>> utilizes portions of the BellSouth network in originating or terminating traffic, the Tandem Switching rates are applied in call scenarios where the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized. Because switch recordings cannot accurately indicate on a per call basis when the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized for an interoffice call originating from a UNE port and terminating to a BellSouth, Independent Company or Facility-Based CLEC office, BellSouth has developed, based upon call studies, a melded rate that takes into account the average percentage of calls that utilize Tandem Switching in these scenarios. BellSouth shall apply the melded Tandem Switching rate for every call in these scenarios. BellSouth shall utilize the melded Tandem Switching Rate until BellSouth has the capability to measure actual Tandem Switch usage in each call scenario specifically mentioned above, at which point the rate for the actual Tandem Switch usage shall apply. The UNE Local Call Flows set forth on BellSouth's website, as amended from time to time and incorporated herein by this reference, illustrate when the full or melded Tandem Switching rates apply for specific scenarios.
Local Switching 4.1.1 BellSouth shall provide non-discriminatory access to local circuit switching capability, and local tandem switching capability, on an unbundled basis, except as set forth below in Section 4.1.
Links If The Services are made available through the Internet, the Financial Institution’s website may provide links to other websites, including those of Third Parties who may also provide services to You. You acknowledge that all those other websites and Third Party services are independent from the Financial Institution’s and may be subject to separate agreements that govern their use. The Financial Institution and Central 1 have no liability for those other websites or their contents or the use of Third Party services. Links are provided for convenience only, and You assume all risk resulting from accessing or using such other websites or Third Party services.
Network PHARMACY is a retail, mail order or specialty pharmacy that has a contract to accept our pharmacy allowance for prescription drugs and diabetic equipment or supplies covered under this plan. NETWORK PROVIDER is a provider that has entered into a contract with us or other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. For pediatric dental care services, network provider is a dentist that has entered into a contract with us or participates in the Dental Coast to Coast Network. For pediatric vision hardware services, a network provider is a provider that has entered into a contract with EyeMed, our vision care service manager.
Data Services In lieu of any other rates or discounts, the Customer will receive a discount equal to 20% for the following Data Services: Access: Standard VBS3Guide local loop charges for DS-0, DS-1 and DS-3 Access Service.
Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.
Network Access During its performance of this Contract, Contractor may be granted access to Purchaser’s computer and telecommunication networks (“Networks”). As a condition of Network use, Contractor shall: (a) use the Networks in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations; (b) use software, protocols, and procedures as directed by Purchaser to access and use the Networks; (c) only access Network locations made available to Contractor by Purchaser; (d) not interfere with or disrupt other users of the Networks;
Data Encryption Contractor must encrypt all State data at rest and in transit, in compliance with FIPS Publication 140-2 or applicable law, regulation or rule, whichever is a higher standard. All encryption keys must be unique to State data. Contractor will secure and protect all encryption keys to State data. Encryption keys to State data will only be accessed by Contractor as necessary for performance of this Contract.