DEATH BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF PENSION. (a) In the event of the death of a Member who has attained vesting, while in the employment of the Company before commencement of his pension or if a member dies following his termination of employment but prior to the commencement of any deferred pension payable under the Plan, a lump sum payment equal to the contributions made on behalf of the Member by the Company, plus credited interest, shall be payable to the member’s surviving spouse, or in the absence of a surviving spouse, the member’s beneficiary.
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DEATH BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF PENSION. (ai the of the death a Member who has vesting. in the employment of Company before of his pension or if a member his termination employment but prior to the commencement any cleferred pension payable the Plan, a equal to the contributions macle on behalf of by Company, credited interest, shall be payable to the member’s surviving spouse, or in the absence of a surviving spouse, the member’s beneficiary. surviving spouse may elect, lieu lump payable in accordance Section (ai above, to receive an or deferred pension payable on or the surviving spouse attains age to be contributions xxxxx on behalf of the member by Company, plus creditetlinterest. The member’s surviving spouse elect within clays or any other period of time which prescribed under the Pension Benefits Act to receive under either Section (a) or the surviving spouse fails to an election within prescribed period of the spouse shall be to elected to receive an pension Section above. A member and spouse may jointly waive the spousal entitlement under Section in a form prescribed by Benefits Act, in which event death benefit be payable to the beneficiary in accordance with Section (a). the foregoing, a spouse who was living separate and apart the member on the date of the member’s shall not be entitled to any benefit under this Section unless such spouse is the designated
DEATH BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF PENSION. (a) In the event of the death of a Member who has attained vesting, whiFe in the empFoyment of the Company before commencement of his pension or if a member dies foFFowing his termination of empFoyment but prior to the commencement of any deferred pension payabFe under the PFan, a Fump sum payment equaF to the contributions made on behaFf of the Member by the Company, pFus credited interest, xxxXX be payabFe to the member's surviving spouse, or in the absence of a surviving spouse, the member's beneficiary.
DEATH BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF PENSION. (a) In the event of the death of a Member who has attained vesting, while in the employment of the Company before commencement of his pension or if a member dies following his termination of employment but prior to the commencement of any deferred pension payable under the Plan, a lump sum payment equal to the contributions made on behalf of the Member by the Company, plus credited interest, shall be payable to the member’s surviving spouse, or in the absence of a surviving spouse, the member’s beneficiary. The surviving spouse may elect, in lieu of the lump sum amount payable in accordance with Section
DEATH BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF PENSION. (a) In the event of the death of a Member who has attained vesting, while in the employment of the Company before commencement of his pension or if a member dies following his termination of employment but prior to the commencement of any deferred pension payable under the Plan, a lump sum payment equal to the contributions made on behalf of the member by the Company, plus credited interest, shall be payable to the member’s surviving spouse or, in the absence of a surviving spouse, the member’s beneficiary. The surviving spouse may elect, in lieu of the lump sum amount payable in accordance with Section above, to receive an immediate or deferred pension payable on or before the surviving spouse attains age equal to the contributions made on behalf of the member by the Company, plus credited interest. The member’s surviving spouse must elect within days or any other period of time which may be prescribed under the Benefits Act to receive payment under either Section or Section If the surviving spouse fails to make an election within the prescribed period of time, the spouse shall be deemed to have elected to an immediate pension under Section above. A member and his spouse may jointly waive the entitlement under Section in a form by the Pension Benefits Act, in which event the death benefit would be payable to the beneficiary accordance with Section Notwithstanding the foregoing, a spouse who was living separate and apart from the member on the date of the member’s death shall not be entitled to any benefit under this Section unless such spouse is the member’s designated beneficiary.


  • Commencement of Benefits The benefits commence six (6) months from the date that disability began, which shall include the period of payment under the terms of the Short Term Income Protection Plan. Proof of disability must be submitted within six (6) months following the Qualifying Period.

  • Commencement of Service The Company hereby engages the Executive as President and Director and the Executive hereby agrees to such service on the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. The Executive is being engaged directly by the Company as an Executive who will be compensated for the services rendered as herein provided. This replacement Executive Service Agreement with the Company will commence on January 1, 2013 (the effective date of this contract).

  • PRE-COMMENCEMENT PHASE Part 1 - Pre-commencement Phase Services Part 2 - Construction Documents and Site Plan SECTION 3 – CONSTRUCTION PHASE Part 1 - Construction Phase Services Part 2 - Changes to the Work Part 3 - Time. Part 4 - Correcting the Work, Inspections, Covering and Uncovering Work Part 5 - Subcontractors, Trade Contractors, and Suppliers

  • Death Benefit Should Employee die during the term of employment, the Company shall pay to Employee's estate any compensation due through the end of the month in which death occurred.

  • Effective Date of Benefit Termination Medical, dental and life coverage termination will take effect on the first of the month following the loss of eligible employee or dependent status. Disability benefit coverage terminations will take effect on the day following loss of eligible employee status.

  • TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION 2.1 The Contractor shall commence the Work upon the date established in the Notice to Proceed.

  • Death Benefits Upon the Executive's death during the Contract Period, his estate shall not be entitled to any further benefits under this Agreement.

  • Commencement and Completion The Work shall commence on _______________, 20__ and shall be complete in accordance with this Agreement without delay on ______________, 20__. The term “day”, used throughout this Agreement, refers to calendar days. Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any Permitted Delays. If this Agreement is not signed and returned to the Owner before any work commences, this Agreement will be considered as accepted as presented to the Contractor.

  • Post-Retirement Benefits The present value of the expected cost of post-retirement medical and insurance benefits payable by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries to its employees and former employees, as estimated by the Borrower in accordance with procedures and assumptions deemed reasonable by the Required Lenders is zero.

  • Commencement of Services The Consultant shall begin carrying out the Services from the Effective Date or from such other Date specified in the SC.

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