DECISION OF CHIEF NOT TO BE GRIEVABLE. Neither the Association nor any member shall be entitled to grieve any of the following decisions by the Chief: i. any decision by the Chief which denies an application of a proposed participant to engage in a job sharing arrangement, ii. any decision by the Chief to limit the number of members allowed to participate in the job sharing programme, or iii. any decision by the Chief to identify positions which will not be permitted to be the subject of any job sharing arrangement.
DECISION OF CHIEF NOT TO BE GRIEVABLE. Neither the Association nor any member shall be entitled to grieve any of the following decisions by the Chief:


  • Chief Operating Officer The Chief Operating Officer shall be responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Company and shall see to it that all orders of the Chief Executive Officer are carried into effect.

  • Inventions Assigned to the United States I agree to assign to the United States government all my right, title, and interest in and to any and all Inventions whenever such full title is required to be in the United States by a contract between the Company and the United States or any of its agencies.

  • Route of Haul PURCHASER shall furnish to STATE, at the time of making request for scaling approval, a map showing the scaling location and the precise route which shall be used to haul logs from the timber sale area to the scaling location. Such route shall be the most direct haul route between the two points, unless another route is approved by STATE. The route of haul may be changed only with advance notice to and approval by STATE. Upon loading at the timber sale area, a log load shall be directly hauled to an approved scaling location, if required to be scaled. Log loads shall not be stored for late delivery without written approval from STATE.

  • Name; Location of Chief Executive Office Except as disclosed in the Schedule, Borrower has not done business under any name other than that specified on the signature page hereof. The chief executive office of Borrower is located at the address indicated in Section 10 hereof.

  • Subpoenas Directed to BellSouth Where BellSouth provides resold services or local switching for <<customer_name>>, BellSouth shall respond to subpoenas and court ordered requests delivered directly to BellSouth for the purpose of providing call detail records when the targeted telephone numbers belong to <<customer_name>> end users. Billing for such requests will be generated by BellSouth and directed to the law enforcement agency initiating the request. BellSouth shall maintain such information for <<customer_name>> end users for the same length of time it maintains such information for its own end users.

  • Grievability Denial of a petition for reinstatement is grievable. The grievance may not be based on information other than that shared with the Employer at the time of the petition for reinstatement.

  • Abuse and Neglect of Children and Vulnerable Adults: Abuse Registry Party agrees not to employ any individual, to use any volunteer or other service provider, or to otherwise provide reimbursement to any individual who in the performance of services connected with this agreement provides care, custody, treatment, transportation, or supervision to children or to vulnerable adults if there has been a substantiation of abuse or neglect or exploitation involving that individual. Party is responsible for confirming as to each individual having such contact with children or vulnerable adults the non-existence of a substantiated allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation by verifying that fact though (a) as to vulnerable adults, the Adult Abuse Registry maintained by the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and (b) as to children, the Central Child Protection Registry (unless the Party holds a valid child care license or registration from the Division of Child Development, Department for Children and Families). See 33 V.S.A. §4919(a)(3) and 33 V.S.A. §6911(c)(3).

  • Composition of the Committee The Committee will comprise: - one (1) retiree appointed by OPSEU CAAT Academic - one (1) retiree appointed by OPSEU CAAT Support - one (1) retiree appointed by the Ontario Colleges Administrative Staff Association (OCASA) - three (3) management representatives appointed by the Council - one (1) resource person appointed by OPSEU - one (1) resource person appointed by OCASA - one (1) resource person appointed by the Council Additionally, when necessary, representatives of insurance carriers shall attend meetings to provide information but shall not act as resource persons for any of the parties.

  • Data Protection Officer 10.1 The Data Processor will appoint a Data Protection Officer where such appointment is required by Data Protection Laws and Regulations.

  • Composition of the Board of Directors (a) Upon the occurrence of a Walgreens Investor Rights Initiation Event, the Company’s board of directors (the “Board”) took the action necessary to cause one (1) Walgreens Designee to be appointed to the Board. (b) Upon the occurrence of a Walgreens Investor Rights Step-Up Event, the Board shall promptly (and in any case within ten (10) Business Days) after receiving a Walgreens Investor Rights Step-Up Event Notice take all action necessary (including by amending the organizational documents of the Company, if necessary) to cause one (1) additional Walgreens Designee to be appointed to the Board, such that the Board shall have two (2) Walgreens Directors. (c) During the Walgreens Investor Rights Period, subject to the other provisions of this Section 1.1, including Section 1.1(d), and Section 1.2, at each annual or special meeting of the stockholders of the Company at which directors are to be elected to the Board, the Company will nominate and use its reasonable best efforts (which shall, subject to Applicable Law, include including in any proxy statement used by the Company to solicit the vote of its stockholders in connection with any such meeting the recommendation of the Board that stockholders of the Company vote in favor of the slate of directors) to cause the election to the Board of a slate of directors that includes (i) during the Walgreens Enhanced Investor Rights Period, two (2) Walgreens Designees or (ii) otherwise, one (1) Walgreens Designee. (d) WBA shall notify the Company of the identity of any proposed Walgreens Designee, in writing, on or before the time such information is reasonably requested by the Board or the Governance and Nominating Committee for inclusion in a proxy statement for a meeting of stockholders, together with all information about such proposed Walgreens Designee as shall be reasonably requested by the Board or the Governance and Nominating Committee (including, at a minimum, any information regarding such proposed Walgreens Designee to the extent required by applicable securities laws or for any other person nominated for election to the Board). (e) Subject to Section 1.1(d) and Section 1.2, so long as no Walgreens Investor Rights Termination Event has occurred, in the event of (i) the death, disability, removal or resignation of a Walgreens Director, the Board will promptly appoint as a replacement Walgreens Director the Walgreens Designee designated by WBA to fill the resulting vacancy, or (ii) the failure of a Walgreens Designee to be elected to the Board at any annual or special meeting of the stockholders of the Company at which such Walgreens Designee stood for election but was nevertheless not elected (such Walgreens Designee, a “Walgreens Specified Designee”), the Board will promptly appoint another Walgreens Designee designated by WBA to serve in lieu of such Walgreens Specified Designee as a Walgreens Director during the term that such Walgreens Specified Designee would have served had such Walgreens Specified Designee been elected at such meeting of the stockholders of the Company, and, in each case of clause (i) and clause (ii), such individual shall then be deemed a Walgreens Director for all purposes hereunder. Neither the Company nor the Board will remove any Walgreens Director without the prior written consent of WBA, unless such Walgreens Director is no longer eligible for designation as a member of the Board pursuant to Section 1.2 or to the extent necessary to remedy a breach of Section 1.5. (f) The Company will at all times provide each Walgreens Director (in his or her capacity as a member of the Board) with the same rights to indemnification and exculpation that it provides to the other members of the Board. The Company acknowledges and agrees that any such indemnification obligations to indemnify or advance expenses to each Walgreens Director, in his or her capacity as such, for the matters covered by such indemnification obligations, shall be the primary source of indemnification and advancement of such Walgreens Director in connection therewith, and any obligation on the part of any Investor Indemnitor under any Investor Indemnification Agreement to indemnify or advance expenses to such Walgreens Director shall be secondary to the Company’s obligation and shall be reduced by any amount that such Walgreens Director may collect as indemnification or advancement from the Company. In the event that the Company fails to indemnify or advance expenses to each Walgreens Director as required by such indemnification obligations and this Agreement (such unpaid amounts, the “Unpaid Indemnitee Amounts”), and any Investor Indemnitor makes any payment to such Walgreens Director in respect of indemnification or advancement of expenses under any Investor Indemnification Agreement on account of such Unpaid Indemnitee Amounts, such Investor Indemnitor shall be subrogated to the rights of such Walgreens Director under this Agreement in respect of such Unpaid Indemnitee Amounts.