Route of Haul Sample Clauses

Route of Haul. PURCHASER shall furnish to STATE, at the time of making request for scaling approval, a map showing the scaling location and the precise route which shall be used to haul logs from the timber sale area to the scaling location. Such route shall be the most direct haul route between the two points, unless another route is approved by STATE. The route of haul may be changed only with advance notice to and approval by STATE. Upon loading at the timber sale area, a log load shall be directly hauled to an approved scaling location, if required to be scaled. Log loads shall not be stored for late delivery without written approval from STATE.
Route of Haul. As part of the annual Operating Schedule, Contractor shall furnish a map show- ing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from Contract Area to the approved Scaling location. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most economical haul route available between the points. (a) For accountability checks when products are in transit from Contract Area to the designated Scaling location or (b) For a remote check Scale when products are in transit after being truck Scaled at the designated Scaling lo- cation. Contractor and Forest Service shall agree to locations for accountability checks and remote check Scales in ad- xxxxx of haul. Such locations shall be established only in areas where it is safe to stop trucks. Forest Service shall notify Contractor of the methods to be used to alert truck drivers of an impending stop.
Route of Haul. As part of the an- nual Operating Schedule, Contractor shall furnish a map showing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from Contract Area to the approved Scaling location. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most economical haul route available be- tween the points.
Route of Haul. (07/2022)
Route of Haul. PURCHASER shall furnish to STATE, at the time of making request for scaling approval, a map showing the scaling location and the precise route which shall be used to haul logs from the Timber Sale Area to the scaling location. Such route shall be the most direct haul route between the two points, unless another route is approved by STATE. The route of haul may be changed only with advance written notice to, and prior approval by, STATE.
Route of Haul. As part of the annual Operating Schedule, shall furnish a map showing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from the Stewardship Project Area to the approved Scaling location. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most economical haul route available between the points. Upon advance written agreement, other routes may be approved. All unscaled products removed from Stewardship Project Area shall be transported over the designated routes of haul. shall notify Forest Service when a load of products, after leaving Stewardship Project Area, will be delayed for more than 12 hours in reaching Scaling location. shall require truck drivers to stop, if requested by Forest Service, for the following reasons: For accountability checks when products are in transit from Stewardship Project Area to the designated Scaling location or For a remote check Scale when products are in transit after being truck Scaled at the designated Scaling location. and Forest Service shall agree to locations for accountability checks and remote check Scales in advance of haul. Such locations shall be established only in areas where it is safe to stop trucks. The Forest Service shall notify of the methods to be used to alert truck drivers of an impending stop. Product Identification. Before removal from the Stewardship Project Area, unless the Forest Service determines that circumstances warrant a written waiver or adjustment, shall: Hammer brand all products that are eight (8) feet or more in length and one-third (1/3) or more sound, on each end that is seven (7) inches or more in diameter. West of the 100th meridian, paint with a spot of highway-yellow paint all domestic processing products that are eight (8) feet or more in length and one-third (1/3) or more sound, on each end that is seven (7) inches or more in diameter. Each paint spot must be not less than three (3) square inches in size. The Forest Service shall assign brands and, if the Stewardship Project Area is within a State that maintains a log brand register, brands shall be registered with the State. shall use assigned brand exclusively on logs under this SPA until Forest Service releases brand. will furnish and apply highway-yellow paint of a lasting quality (oil-base or equivalent). All hammer brands and/or highway-yellow paint must remain on logs until they are domestically processed. shall replace identifying marks if they are lost, removed, or become unreadable. may remanufacture products...
Route of Haul. As part of the an- nual Operating Schedule, Contractor shall furnish a map showing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from Contract Area to the approved Scaling location. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most economical haul route available be- tween the points.‌‌ Upon advance written agreement, other routes may be approved. All unscaled products removed from Con- tract Area shall be transported over the designated routes of haul. Contractor shall notify Forest Service when a load of products, after leaving Contract Area, will be delayed for more than 12 hours in reaching Scal- ing location.‌‌ Contractor shall require truck drivers to stop, if re- quested by Forest Service, for the following reasons:‌‌
Route of Haul. As part of the annual Operating Schedule, shall furnish a map showing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from the Stewardship Project Area to the approved Scaling location. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most economical haul route available between the points. Upon advance written agreement, other routes may be approved. All unscaled products removed from Stewardship Project Area shall be transported over the designated routes of haul. shall notify Forest Service when a load of products, after leaving Stewardship Project Area, will be delayed for more than 12 hours in reaching Scaling location. shall require truck drivers to stop, if requested by Forest Service, for the following reasons: a) For accountability checks when products are in transit from Stewardship Project Area to the designated Scaling location or b) For a remote check Scale when products are in transit after being truck Scaled at the designated Scaling location. and Forest Service shall agree to locations for accountability checks and remote check Scales in advance of haul. Such locations shall be established only in areas where it is safe to stop trucks. The Forest Service shall notify of the methods to be used to alert truck drivers of an impending stop.
Route of Haul. Purchaser shall furnish to County, at least 7 days prior to hauling, a map showing the scaling location and the precise route which will be used to haul logs from the sale area to the scaling location. If overnight or weekend holding areas for loaded trucks enroute are needed, such areas will also be shown on the map. Such route of haul will be the most direct haul route between the two points, unless another route is approved by the County. The route of haul may be changed only with advance notice to, and approval by the County.
Route of Haul. As part of the annual Operating Schedule, Purchaser shall furnish a map show- ing the route of haul over which unscaled products will be transported from Sale Area to the approved Scaling loca- tion. Such route of haul shall be the shortest, most eco- nomical haul route available between the points.