DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association. 1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year. 2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues. 3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1. 4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association. B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date. 1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria: a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council. b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list. c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing. d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. 2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board. 3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Negotiated Agreement, Negotiated Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. 1. The Board District agrees to deduct from teachers' the salaries unified membership of its teachers dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Divisionteacher organizations. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to teachers’ organizations will indemnify and hold the AssociationDistrict harmless from any liability resulting from any action arising from compliance with this policy, or in reliance on any list, notice, certification or authorization furnished under this policy.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October2. The Board manner in which the dues deduction information will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days submitted is as follows:
a. The teachers’ organizations will notify the Payroll Department of the current rate of their membership dues. If the teachers’ organizations change the rate of their membership dues, they shall give Payroll sufficient notice prior to the distribution effective date of such change.
b. New enrollment authorization will be on a form provided by each of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered ’ organizations and will be submitted to the Payroll Department in alphabetical order.
c. A typed list of the names and dues of continuing members will also be submitted in alphabetical order to the Payroll Department.
d. If a teacher wants dues deducted after the distribution of initial deductions are made, the November payroll whose organization must submit a new enrollment authorization form for that teacher.
3. All deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of over consecutive pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1periods.
4. In All monies collected, along with the event that records, will be transmitted to the respective teachers’ organizations following each pay period in which the deductions are made.
5. Requests for deduction of dues will continue in full force and effect with the District until the teachers’ organization submits a written revocation of such request. If a teacher terminates employmentwishes to stop deductions, he/she must submit a signed and dated letter to the Board shall deduct Payroll Department, and simultaneously send a copy to the balance respective teacher organization. Dues deduction will be stopped as soon as the forms can be processed following receipt of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Associationrequest.
B. Payroll 6. Information regarding individual payroll deduction procedures will be provided to interested teachers by the respective teachers’ organization, and questions by teachers regarding dues deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts referred to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay daterespective teachers’ organization.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Teacher Employment Agreement, Teacher Employment Agreement, Teacher Employment Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachersemployees' salaries unified membership dues and assessments for Xxxxxxxxx the Administrators and Supervisors of Carroll County, Carroll County Teachers Education Association, the Maryland State Education Association Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers employees individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through by means of an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionAssociation. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the AssociationAssociation semi-monthly.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August September 1 and ending August 30.
2. The Association will provide the Board with the authorization forms from all employees enrolled. Deductions for new members will begin the first pay following the receipt of the application in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in Octoberpayroll.
3. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are deduction authorization not delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made as specified above in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year#2.
24. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
35. No later than October 1 of each year, the The Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers employees who have voluntarily authorized the Board to deduct dues for the Association as specified in Paragraph A.
6. Members electing to pay membership dues by payroll deduction shall have deductions continue from whom year to year for the dues were deducted on set annually unless they rescind such authorization in writing to the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4Association by certified mail between August 1 and September 1 of any school year. In case of separation from employment within the event that a teacher terminates employmentschool year, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership that year will be deducted from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Associationsalary check.
B. Payroll deductions will be available available, at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.individual employee for:
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies Tax-Sheltered Annuities as authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
32. Teachers desiring payroll deductions Group insurance plans as authorized by the Association and the Board.
C. The Board agrees to deduct for XXXXX one "Charitable Contribution Drive" from employees' salaries only when the employee has duly authorized such deduction; and when each employee voluntarily determines the amount of such contribution. No system-wide, school or individual quotas will be established.
D. For any deduction changes on checks, the employee shall notify be notified and given reasons for the Board in writing with fifteendeductions.
E. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association by Paragraph A of this Article will not be granted to any other employee's group or organization during the term of this Agreement.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachersemployees' salaries unified membership dues and assessments for Xxxxxxxxx the Administrators and Supervisors of Xxxxxxx County, Xxxxxxx County Teachers Education Association, the Maryland State Education Association Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers employees individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through by means of an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionAssociation. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the AssociationAssociation semi-monthly.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August September 1 and ending August 30.
2. The Association will provide the Board with the authorization forms from all employees enrolled. Deductions for new members will begin the first pay following the receipt of the application in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in Octoberpayroll.
3. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are deduction authorization not delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made as specified above in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year#2.
24. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
35. No later than October 1 of each year, the The Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers employees who have voluntarily authorized the Board to deduct dues for the Association as specified in Paragraph A.
6. Members electing to pay membership dues by payroll deduction shall have deductions continue from whom year to year for the dues were deducted on set annually unless they rescind such authorization in writing to the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4Association by certified mail between August 1 and September 1 of any school year. In case of separation from employment within the event that a teacher terminates employmentschool year, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership that year will be deducted from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Associationsalary check.
B. Payroll deductions will be available available, at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.individual employee for:
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies Tax-Sheltered Annuities as authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
32. Teachers desiring payroll deductions Group insurance plans as authorized by the Association and the Board.
C. The Board agrees to deduct for XXXXX one "Charitable Contribution Drive" from employees' salaries only when the employee has duly authorized such deduction; and when each employee voluntarily determines the amount of such contribution. No system-wide, school or individual quotas will be established.
D. For any deduction changes on checks, the employee shall notify be notified and given reasons for the Board in writing with fifteendeductions.
E. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association by Paragraph A of this Article will not be granted to any other employee's group or organization during the term of this Agreement.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from the teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionOffice. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-first year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first August 31 payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans and XXXXX listed below and XXXXXbelow. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx Frederick County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachersemployees' salaries unified membership dues and assessments for Xxxxxxxxx the Administrators and Supervisors of Xxxxxxx County, Xxxxxxx County Teachers Education Association, the Maryland State Education Association Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers employees individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through by means of an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionAssociation. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the AssociationAssociation monthly.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August October and ending in June of each yearJune.
2. For new enrollees, The Association will provide the Board with the authorization forms from all employees enrolled prior to October 1 to have deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in Octoberfrom the October direct deposit.
3. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are deduction authorization not delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made as specified above in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year#2.
24. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
35. No later than October November 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, employees who have voluntarily authorized the Board shall to deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.Association as specified in Paragraph A.
B. Payroll deductions will be available available, at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.individual employee for:
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies Tax-Sheltered Annuities as authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
32. Teachers desiring payroll deductions Group insurance plans as authorized by the Association and the Board.
C. The Board agrees to deduct for XXXXX one "Charitable Contribution Drive" from employees' salaries only when the employee has duly authorized such deduction; and when each employee voluntarily determines the amount of such contribution. No system-wide, school or individual quotas will be established.
D. For any deduction changes on checks, the employee shall notify be notified and given reasons for the Board in writing with fifteendeductions.
E. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association by Paragraph A of this Article will not be granted to any other employee's group or organization during the term of this Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' ’ salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily vol- untarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first August 31 payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's ’s final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first August 31 payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- No-load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, time a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, time a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. A . The Board agrees to deduct from the teachers' ’ salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association Teachers Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Divisionhuman resources office . The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the AssociationAssociation .
11 . Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each yearyear . For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in OctoberOctober . The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-first year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school yearyear .
22 . The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership duesdues . The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of duesdues .
33 . No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payrollAugust 30 payroll . The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 11 .
44 . In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's ’s final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the AssociationAssociation .
B. B . Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans and XXXXX listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay datedate .
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from the teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionOffice. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-first year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first August 31 payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans and XXXXX listed below and XXXXXbelow. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council.
b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers AssociationFCTA, the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA), and the National Education Association (NEA) as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionResources. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June with the first ten (10)-month pay of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered enrollees after the distribution of the November payroll whose first paycheck, deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining and prorated as communicated by the Association to Payroll at the time of processing of the new membership. Processing will occur in that school yearaccordance with Payroll cut-off dates for each pay period.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXXbelow. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays work days of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance councilInsurance Council. The insurance council Insurance Council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products products, and services for consideration by the insurance councilInsurance Council.
b. The insurance council Insurance Council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: :
i. Year 1 – minimum of 15 fifteen (15) employees ii. Year 2 – minimum of 30 thirty (30) employees iii. Year 3 – minimum of 50 fifty (50) employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- No-load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance councilInsurance Council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance councilInsurance Council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX Credit Union shall notify the Board in writing with fifteena fifteen (15) days notice.
4. The Board agrees to deduct charitable contributions from teachers' salaries only for charity fund drives approved by the Association and the Board when the teacher has duly authorized such deductions and has voluntarily determined the amount of such a contribution. No school or individual quotas will be established.
5. FCTA-MSEA-NEA Voluntary Political Action Contributions (PAC)
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY. A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers AssociationFCTA, the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA), and the National Education Association (NEA) as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources DivisionResources. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June with the first ten (10)-month pay of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered enrollees after the distribution of the November payroll whose first paycheck, deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining and prorated as communicated by the Association to Payroll at the time of processing of the new membership. Processing will occur in that school yearaccordance with Payroll cut-off dates for each pay period.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues.
3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1.
4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXXbelow. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays work days of its deduction following the pay date.
1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance councilInsurance Council. The insurance council Insurance Council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria:
a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products products, and services for consideration by the insurance councilInsurance Council.
b. The insurance council Insurance Council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list.
c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: :
i. Year 1 – minimum of 15 fifteen (15) employees ii. Year 2 – minimum of 30 thirty (30) employees iii. Year 3 – minimum of 50 fifty (50) employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing.
d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance councilInsurance Council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance councilInsurance Council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies.
2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board.
3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX Credit Union shall notify the Board in writing with fifteena fifteen (15) day notice.
4. The Board agrees to deduct charitable contributions from teachers' salaries only for charity fund drives approved by the Association and the Board when the teacher has duly authorized such deductions and has voluntarily determined the amount of such a contribution. No school or individual quotas will be established.
5. FCTA-MSEA-NEA Voluntary Political Action Contributions (PAC)
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement