DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. In this Agreement the following meanings apply, unless the context is clearly otherwise: Club Bookings bookings with a named, established club with an agreed arrangement with the school Community Use Period the hours when the facilities are available for community use, set out in Schedule 1 Facility the facilities specified in Schedule 1 Low Income In receipt of Unemployment Benefit or Income Support Marginal Costs Staff costs and administration, heating, lighting, cleaning and routine maintenance, publicity, insurance premiums, non-capital equipment Development Programme A programme of activities aimed at attracting and retaining new participants in activities, developing the activities of a community organisation, or maintaining the quality of provision for established participants Peak Use Period, or Peak Time the most busy period, defined in Schedule 1 Peoplewith Disabilities all registered disabled people Priority Groups those categories of persons identified under Schedule 2 The School The Grange Primary School Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx XX00 0XX School Core Time Hours of School operation, defined in Schedule 1 The Premises The school's land, buildings and facilities
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DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. In this Agreement the following meanings apply, unless the context is clearly otherwise: Club Bookings bookings with a named, established club with an agreed arrangement with the school Community Use Period the hours when the facilities are available for community use, set out in Schedule 1 Facility the facilities specified in Schedule 1 Low Income In receipt of Unemployment Benefit or Income Support Marginal Costs Staff costs and administration, heating, lighting, cleaning and routine maintenance, publicity, insurance premiums, non-capital equipment Development Programme A programme of activities aimed at attracting and retaining new participants in activities, developing the activities of a community organisation, or maintaining the quality of provision for established participants Peak Use Period, or Peak Time the most busy period, defined in Schedule 1 Peoplewith Disabilities all registered disabled people Priority Groups those categories of persons identified under Schedule 2 The School The Grange Primary School Cornwall Road Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN16 3AW School Core Time Hours of School operation, defined in Schedule 1 The Premises The school's land, buildings and facilities
DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this Agreement (including those in Article 53) shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and expressions defined in the Schedules and used therein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Schedules. ThewordsandexpressionsbeginningwithcapitallettersanddefinedinthisAgreement(incl udingthoseinArticle53)shall,unlessthecontextotherwiserequires, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and expressionsdefined in the Schedules and used therein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto intheSchedules.
DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. In this Agreement the following expressions where the context so permits shall have the following meanings:
DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. The definitions and rules of interpretation set out in Schedule 1 shall apply in this Agreement.
DEFINITIONSANDINTERPRETATION. 2.1. Wheretheyappear in theseConditions: Annexmeanstheannexesatachedto theseConditionswhichformpartof theFundingAgreement; AssetmeansanyassetsthataretobepurchasedordevelopedusingtheGrantincludingequipmentoranyotherassetswhich maybeaFixedAssetorMajorAssetasappropriate in therelevantcontext,andAssetswil beconstruedaccordingly; AssetOwningPeriodmeanstheperiodduringwhichtheAssetsarerecordedasAssets inGrantRecipient’saccounts; Authority Personal Data means any Personal Data supplied for the purposes of, or in connection with, the Funding AgreementbytheAuthority to theGrantRecipient; BriberyActmeanstheBriberyAct2010andanysubordinate legislationmadeunder thatAct fromtimeto timetogetherwith anyguidanceorcodesofpracticeissuedby therelevantgovernmentdepartmentconcerningthis legislation; CapitalGrantsmeans thesumor sumsofmoneyprovidedbyagrantmakingbody to thegrant recipient for itemssuchas buildings,equipment, landormachinery; Code of ConductmeanstheCodeofConduct forRecipientsof GovernmentGeneralGrantspublishedby theCabinetOfice inNovember2018which isavailableat htps:// 06_Code_of_Conduct_for_Grant_Recipients.pdf, includinganysubsequentupdatesfromtimeto time; date]; CommencementDatemeansthedateonwhichtheFundingAgreementcomesintoefect,beingthe[Insertcommencement Confidential Informationmeans any information (however conveyed, recorded or preserved) disclosed by a Party or its personneltoanotherParty(and/orthatParty’spersonnel)whetherbeforeorafterthedateoftheFundingAgreement,including butnot limitedto:
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