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Delivery Date and Cancellation Sample Clauses

Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Training and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx. You must use all Red Hat training offerings, including Training Units and Consulting Units, within one (1) year of the date of purchase; any unused training offerings will be forfeited.
Delivery Date and CancellationCancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of On-Site Courses are available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.
Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the 1.4 ᐇ᪋ВࠊŞࣕࣥࢭЫ ࢺJ—ࢽࣥP࠾ࡼࡧ࢜ࣥサイࢺ コ— cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Training and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx. You must use all Red Hat training offerings, including Training Units and Consulting Units, within one (1) year of the date of purchase; any unused training offerings will be forfeited. ࢫ Œ ࢫ P ࢪ ࣗ — Ы タ ᐃ ࡟ ࡘ ࠸ Z ࡣ ࠊ xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx ࡟ᐃࡵࡿŞࣕࣥ ࢭЫつᐃ࡜ᡭ㡰࡟ᚑỹࡶŒ࡜ࡋࡲࡍ。 ࢺJ—ࢽࣥP lࢽ jࢺ࡜コࣥサЫȳ࢕ࣥP lࢽjࢺÇpࡴAZŒJjࢻ\j ࢺࢺJ—ࢽࣥPࡣࠊ㉎ධВ௜࠿5 1 ᖺ௨ෆ࡟౑⏝ࡍࡿᚲせ ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍ。౑⏝ࡋ࡞࠸gྜࠊࡑŒࢺJ—ࢽࣥPࡣ↓ຠ࡜ ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ。
Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Learning Services and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.
Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Learning Services and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx. You must use all Red Hat training offerings, including Training Units and Consulting Units, within one (1) year of the date of purchase; any unused training offerings will be forfeited. レッドハットはラーニング サービス、トレーニング ユニット、およびコンサルティング ユニットを販売しています。 ラーニングサービス、トレーニング ユニット、またはコンサルティング ユニットは、お客様が弊社および弊社の正規ビジネス パートナーのどちらから購入されたかにかかわらず、本別添の条件に基づいて弊社がお客様に対して提供します。 それと引き換えにお客様は、本付属文書の要件と条件に従うことに同意するものとします。 本付属文書において大文字で始まる用語が定義なしに使用されている場合 、それらの用語は、本付属文書の基となる契約において定義された意味と同一の意味とします。 “「ラーニング サービス」 はレッドハットのトレーニング コースを意味し、レッドハットが一般に提供しているコース (「オープン登録コース」) と、お客様が指定するサイトで提供されるコース ( 「オンサイト コース」) が含まれます。 1.1 機器と施設 オンサイトコースにおいては、xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/ training/solutions/requirements.htmlの規定に基づいてお客様が機器と施設を提供するものとします。 レッドハットがトレーニング施設とハードウェアを提供することに同意する場合 、お客様はレーニング サービスで使用されるそれらの機器やハードウェアの紛失および破損に対して責任を負うものとします。
Delivery Date and CancellationCancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of On­Site Courses are available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx 以下条款适用于客户购买的任何学习服务或 JCredits 1. “学习服务”是指根据一项订购表购买的红帽的 培训课程,包括红帽面向公众的课程(“公开注册课 程”)和在客户指定的现场所提供的课程(“现场课 程”)。“培训单元”是指红帽的培训信用值,JCredits 是 客户可根据本附件 2 的条款在将来某个时点要求兑换的额外信用值。除非美国政府的最终用户,所有学习服务和 JCredits 必须在订购表生效日起的一(1)年以内使用,否则将被没收。 2. 付款 所有学习服务和 JCredits 的服务费在交付前应全额支付。除非订购表中另有明确规定,授课人员的差旅和其他开支应包含在现场课程的服务费中。 3. 设备和设施 红帽同意为公开注册课程提供适当的培训设施和硬件,而学习服务所使用的该类设备和硬件的任何灭失或毁坏,应由客户负责。客户将为现场课程提供设施和设备,具体要求见 xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/training/solutions/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ml。 4. 客户责任 客户负责评估学习服务参加者是否适合参加学习服务及其在适当课程中的注 册。客户还负责其参加者按时出席计划好的课程。 5. 培训材料的相关权利 与学习服务相关而提供的、或在学习服务履行期间所开发的所有培训产品、资 料、方法、软件或过程(统称为“培训 IP”),皆为红帽或 其某一关联机构的专有财产,其著作权归红帽或其关联 机构所有,除非对此另有规定。培训 IP 仅供参加者使 用,未事先征得红帽的书面同意,不得对其复制或转让。 培训 IP 是红帽的保密信息和专有信息。
Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Learning Services and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx. You must use all Red Hat training offerings, including Training Units and Consulting Units, within one (1) year of the date of purchase; any unused training offerings will be forfeited. 红帽销售培训服务、培训点数和咨询点数。无论贵方是直接向我们购买还是通过授权的商业伙伴购买培训服务、培训点数或咨询点数 ,我们都同意按照本附件所述的条款为贵方提供培训服务、培训点数或咨询点数。相应地,贵方同意遵守本附件中的要求和条款。如果我们在本附件中使用了未经定义的关键术语,则该术语的含义与基本协议中的定义相同。 1. 培 训 服 务
Delivery Date and CancellationYou agree to the cancellation policies and the procedures for scheduling of Learning Services and On-Site Courses available at xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx. You must use all Red Hat training offerings, including Training Units and Consulting Units, within one (1) year of the date of purchase; any unused training offerings will be forfeited. Red Hat은 학습 서비스, 교육 유닛 및 컨설팅 유닛을 판매한다. 직접 또는 당사의 공인된 비즈니스 파트너를 통해 학습 서비스, 교육 유닛 또는 컨설팅 유닛을 구매하든 관계 없이 당사는 본 부록에 설명한 조항에 따라 학습 서비스, 교육 유닛 및 컨설팅 유닛을 제공하는 데 동의한다. 이에 대해, 고객은 본 부록의 요구조건과 조항을 준수하기로 합의한다. 본 부록에서 정의 없이 대문자를 사용한 경우, 용어는 기본 계약서의 의미를 따른다. 1. 학습 서비스 1.1 장비 및 설비. 현장 교육 과정의 경우, 고객은 xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx의 설비와 장비를 제공한다. Red Hat이 교육 설비와 하드웨어를 제공하기로 합의한 경우, 학습 서비스와 관련하여 사용하는 장비 및 하드웨어의 손상 또는 파손에 대해 고객이 책임진다. 1.2 고객 책임. 고객은 (a) 참가자의 학습 서비스 적합성 평가, (b) 적절한 교육 과정 등록 및 (c) 참가자의 계획된 교육 과정 출석에 대해 책임진다. 1.3 교육 자료에 대한 권리. 학습 서비스와 연계하여 제공하거나 학습 서비스 운영 중 개발된 교육 제품, 자료, 방법, 소프트웨어 및 공정에 구현된 지적 자산(집합적으로, “교육 자료”)는 Red Hat 또는 Red Hat 계열사의 자산이며, 별도로 지정하지 않는 한 저작권은 Red Hat에 있다. 교육 자료는 참가자의 사용 목적으로만 제공하며, Red Hat의 사전 서면 동의 없이 복사 또는 양도할 수 없다. 교육 자료는 Red Hat의 기밀 및 정보 자산이다. 1.4 제공일 및 취소. 고객은 다음 주소의 학습 서비스와 현장 교육 과정(xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx)에 대한 취소 정책과 일정 수립 절차에 동의한다. 고객은 구매일로부터 1년 이내에 교육 유닛과 컨설팅 유닛을 포함하여 모든 Red Hat 교육 오퍼링을 사용해야 한다. 사용하지 않은 교육 오퍼링은 상실된다.

Related to Delivery Date and Cancellation

  • ORDER CANCELLATION Users of this contract are advised that orders (all or part) cancelled or returned after acceptance of requested merchandise will be subject to a restocking fee of ten percent (10%) of the invoice amount (not to exceed $500.00 per order) plus return freight charges. The amount authorized for payment of return freight will, in no instance, be more than original delivery charges documented by carrier. These charges may be applied, at the option of the supplier, to those orders which have been accepted. Orders cancelled prior to shipment or acceptance by ordering entity from the manufacturer will not be assessed charges.

  • Contract Cancellation By written notice and without a cure period, Buyer may cancel the whole Contract, or any part of this Contract, in the event of the suspension of Seller’s business, insolvency of Seller, institution of bankruptcy, liquidation proceedings by or against Seller, appointment of a trustee or receiver for Seller’s property or business, any assignment, reorganization, or arrangement by Seller for the benefit of creditors, or the debarment or suspension of Seller by any Government agency. Xxxxx’s remedies in the event of a cancellation of the Contract pursuant to this ¶ 18 shall be the same as set forth in ¶ 19, TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT.

  • Amendment and Cancellation We may amend or change the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time. You will be notified of any change in the manner provided by applicable law prior to the effective date of the change. However, if the change is made for security purposes, we can implement such change without prior notice. We may cancel or suspend your Card or this Agreement at any time. You may cancel this Agreement by returning the Card to us. Your termination of this Agreement will not affect any of our rights or your obligations arising under this Agreement prior to termination. In the event that your Card Account is cancelled, closed, or terminated for any reason, you may request the unused balance to be returned to you via a check to the mailing address we have in our records. There may be a fee for this service. Subject to applicable law, the Issuer reserves the right to refuse to return any unused balance amount less than $1.00.

  • TERM AND CANCELLATION 22.1 Notwithstanding the date of signature hereof, the Commencement Date of this Agreement is ………… and the duration shall be for a three [3] year period, expiring on , unless: a) this Agreement is terminated by either Party in accordance with the provisions incorporated herein or in any schedules or annexures appended hereto, or otherwise in accordance with law or equity; or b) this Agreement is extended at Transnet’s option for a further period to be agreed by the Parties. 22.2 Notwithstanding clause 23 [Breach and Consequence of Termination], either Party may cancel this Agreement without cause by giving 30 [thirty] calendar days prior written notice thereof to the other Party, provided that in such instance, this Agreement will nevertheless be applicable in respect of all Purchase Orders which have been placed prior to the date of such cancellation.

  • ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION/CANCELLATION The County reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all bids and to make the award to that bidder who, in the opinion of the County, will be in the best interest of and/or the most advantageous to the County. The County also reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder who has previously failed in the proper performance of an award or to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature or who, in the County’s opinion, is not in a position to perform properly under this award. The County reserves the right to inspect all facilities of bidders in order to make a determination as to the foregoing. The County reserves the right to waive any irregularities and technicalities and may, at its discretion, request a re- bid. Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as determined by the County. The County reserves the right, and the Manager, Procurement Division has absolute and sole discretion, to cancel a solicitation at any time prior to approval of the award by the Board of County Commissioners when such approval is required. The decision to cancel a solicitation cannot be the basis for a protest pursuant to the Orange County Code.

  • Prepayment and Cancellation 29 10. Interest........................................................ 31 11. Terms........................................................... 33 12.

  • No Cancellation No Required Insurance policy may be canceled by either Party during the required insured period under this Agreement, except after thirty days’ prior written notice to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. Prior to the effective date of any such cancellation Consultant must procure and put into effect equivalent coverage(s).

  • Policy Cancellation Except for ten days notice for non-payment of premium, each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that; without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City, the policy shall not be canceled, non-renewed or coverage and/or limits reduced or materially altered, and shall provide that notices required by this paragraph shall be sent by certified mail to the address shown below.

  • Automatic cancellation The Commitment of each Lender will be automatically cancelled at the close of business on the last day of the Availability Period.

  • Termination and Cancellation 9. 1. Licences will expire after the period shown in Clause 3 (above). 9. 2. Licensee reserves the right to terminate the Licence in the event that payment is not received in full or if there has been a breach of this agreement by you. Appendix 1 — Acknowledgements: Reprinted by permission from [the Licensor]: [Journal Publisher (e.g. Nature/Springer/Palgrave)] [JOURNAL NAME] [REFERENCE CITATION (Article name, Author(s) Name), [COPYRIGHT] (year of publication) For Advance Online Publication papers: Reprinted by permission from [the Licensor]: [Journal Publisher (e.g. Nature/Springer/Palgrave)] [JOURNAL NAME] [REFERENCE CITATION (Article name, Author(s) Name), [COPYRIGHT] (year of publication), advance online publication, day month year (doi: 10.1038/sj.[JOURNAL ACRONYM].)