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Consulting Units Sample Clauses

Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you.
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure:
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit 红帽销售培训、培训点数和咨询点数。无论贵方是直接向我们购买还是通过授权的商业伙伴购买培训、培训点数或咨询点数,我们都同意按照本附件所述的条款为贵方提供培训、培训点数或咨询点数 。相应地,贵方同意遵守本附件中的要求和条款。如果我们在本附件中使用了未经定义的关键术语,则该术语的含义与基本协议中的定义相同。 1. 培 训 1.1 设备和设施。对于现场课程,将由贵方提供设施和设备,详 情 请 访 问 以 下 网 址 : xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx 。 如 果红帽同意提供培训设施和硬件,则贵方须对培训中使用的该等设备和硬件的任何损失或毁坏负责。 1.2 客户责任。贵方负责:(a) 评估每个参加者是否适合参加培训 ,(b) 注册相应的课程,以及 (c) 贵方的参加者按时参加排定的课程。
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_xxxxx.xx ml. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you.
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required based on the Consulting Unit Redemption Table below. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you. • The minimum length for consulting engagements via Consulting Units is 3 days in a row.
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may 2.2 1sGkyÇsÇ 1sÿhࠋ ’1sGkyÇsÇ 1sÿ be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the h ] ª . xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html ࡟%᫂Çh½Jÿfiࣁÿh 1sGkyÇsÇ G—Ÿ5Ç pfl@šh࡟౑$½€@ÇÇJyÿh½gࠋ 1sGkyÇ applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you. s Ç 1 s ÿ h Ç ౑ $ g @ ࡟ ª . xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable ࡟ ㍕Çh€” @ 1sGkyÇsÇ 1sÿhൾ㑏§$§$§ヱfi Unit Value ¾)$࡟fi§$㡰࡟ᚑs€CࡔÇ”ࠋ • Jÿfiࣁÿh§s@fi⪅£½ª1sGkyÇs Çfi⪅࡟㐃ãt€.1sGkyÇsÇ 1sÿ h§ൾ㑏ǧ㢗t£gࠋ • $⾜g@fl@§⠊¼hᚲせ¾1sGkyÇsÇ 1sÿhᩘ‰グ㍕Çh½s‰@$⣬‰Jÿfiࣁÿ h”)äfiÇh£gࠋ • ¢Ⓐfiªs‰@$⣬࡟⨫ⓟt€Jÿfiࣁÿh࡟¾ ät£gࠋ • Jÿfiࣁÿh࡟£@ᑂᰝh$ㄆ§¼.⨫ⓟÇh½ s‰@$⣬§1Y—‰¢Ⓐfi࡟¾äÇh£gࠋ
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at 2.2 CONSULTINGEINHEITEN. „CONSULTINGEINHEITEN“ sind Gutschriften, die Sie für Red Hat CONSULTINGLEISTUNGEN unter den Bedingungen und Richtlinien einlösen können, die unter xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xx_xxxxx.xxxx festgelegt sind. Sie können CONSULTINGEINHEITEN gemäß den Werten, die in der Tabelle über die Einlösung von xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required based on the Consulting Unit Redemption Table below. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you. • The minimum length for consulting engagements via Consulting Units is 3 days in a row.
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. レッドハットはトレーニング、トレーニング ユニット、およびコンサルティング ユニットを販売しています。 トレーニング ユニット、またはコンサルティング ユニットは、お客様が弊社および弊社の正規ビジネス パートナーのどちらから購入されたかにかかわらず、本別添の条件に基づいて弊社がお客様に対して提供します。 それと引き換えにお客様は、本付属文書の要件と条件に従うことに同意するものとします。 本付属文書において大文字で始まる用語が定義なしに使用されている場合、それらの用語は、本付属文書の基となる契約において定義された意味と同一の意味とします。 1. トレーニング 1.1 機器と施設 オンサイトコースにおいては、 xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx の 規定に基づいてお客様が機器と施設を提供するものとします 。 レッドハットがトレーニング施設とハードウェアを提供することに同意する場合、お客様はトレーニングで使用されるそれらの機器やハードウェアの紛失および破損に対して責任を負うものとします。 1.2 お客様の責任。 お客様は、(a) 各参加者のトレーニングに対する適合性、(b) 適切なコースへの登録、および (c) 予定されたコースへのお客様の参加者の出席に対して責任があります。
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at
Consulting Units. “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html. You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the 2.2 コンサルティング ユニット。 「コンサルティング ユニット 」 は 、 xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/consulting/consultingunits/cu_terms.html に説明されたレッドハット コンサルティング サービスを受けることに使用できるグクレジットです。 コンサルティ applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you. ン グ ユ ニ ッ ト を 使 用 す る に は 、 xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/licenses/redemptiontable に掲載されている コンサルティング ユニット償還の表の中の該当 Unit Value ならびに次の手順に従ってください。 • レッドハットの営業担当者またはコンサルティング担当者に連絡して、コンサルティング ユニットの償還を依頼します。 • 実行する作業の範囲と必要なコンサルティングユニット数が記載されたご注文用紙がレッドハットから送付されます。 • お客様はご注文用紙に署名してレッドハットに返送します。 • レッドハットによる審査と承認の後、署名されたご注文用紙のコピーがお客様に返送されます。