Design Development An interim step in the design process. Design Development documents consist of plans, elevations, and other drawings and outline specifications. These documents will fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of structure, grade elevations, sidewalks, utilities, roads, parking areas, mechanical and electrical systems, and such other work as may be required.
Design Development Phase 1.3.1 Based on the approved Schematic Design Documents, model(s) and any adjustments to the Program of Requirements, BIM Execution Plan or Amount Available for the Construction Contract authorized by the Owner, the Architect/Engineer shall prepare, for approval by the Owner and review by the Construction Manager, Design Development Documents derived from the model(s) in accordance with Owner’s written requirements to further define and finalize the size and character of the Project in accordance with the BIM Execution Plan, “Facility Design Guidelines” and any additional requirements set forth in Article 15. The Architect/Engineer shall review the Design Development documents as they are being modeled at intervals appropriate to the progress of the Project with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by Owner in the State of Texas. The Architect/Engineer shall utilize the model(s) to support the review process during Design Development. The Architect/Engineer shall allow the Construction Manager to utilize the information uploaded into Owner’s PMIS to assist the Construction Manager in fulfilling its responsibilities to the Owner. 1.3.2 As a part of Design Development Phase, Architect/Engineer shall accomplish model coordination, aggregation and “clash detection” to remove conflicts in design between systems, structures and components. Architect/Engineer shall utilize Owner’s PMIS to accomplish model coordination and collaborate with Construction Manager in the resolution of critical clashes identified by the Construction Manager. Architect/Engineer shall demonstrate and provide written assurance to Owner that conflicts/collisions between models have been resolved. 1.3.3 The Architect/Engineer shall review the Estimated Construction Cost prepared by the Construction Manager, and shall provide written comments. 1.3.4 Before proceeding into the Construction Document Phase, the Architect/Engineer shall obtain Owner’s written acceptance of the Design Development documents and approval of the mutually established Amount Available for the Construction Contract and schedule. 1.3.5 The Architect/Engineer shall prepare presentation materials including an animation derived from the model(s) as defined in “Facility Design Guidelines” at completion of Design Development and if so requested shall present same to the Board of Regents at a regular meeting where scheduled within the state. 1.3.6 The Architect/Engineer shall prepare preliminary recommended furniture layouts for all spaces where it is deemed important to substantiate the fulfillment of program space requirements, or to coordinate with specific architectural, mechanical and electrical elements. 1.3.7 Architect/Engineer shall assist the Owner, if requested, with seeking approval of the Project by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Such assistance shall include (i) the preparation of a listing of the rooms and square footages in the Project, and (ii) the preparation of project cost information, in accordance with THECB Guidelines. This information shall be provided at the completion of the Design Development Phase when requested by the Owner. The listing of rooms and square footages shall then be updated to reflect any changes occurring during construction and provided to the Owner at Substantial Completion. 1.3.8 At the completion of the Design Development Phase, or such other time as Owner may specify to Architect/Engineer, at Owner’s sole option and discretion, Owner will furnish Architect/Engineer with a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal prepared by Construction Manager based upon the Design Development documents prepared by the Architect/Engineer and approved by the Owner. The Architect/Engineer shall assist the Owner and endeavor to further and advocate the Owner’s interests in Owner’s communications with the Construction Manager in an effort to develop a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal acceptable to Owner, in Owner’s sole option and discretion. If the Owner does not accept the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, the Architect/Engineer shall participate with the Owner and Construction Manager in constructability reviews and shall revise the documents as necessary in order to reach an agreement. If the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal exceeds the Schematic Design Phase Estimated Construction Cost prepared by, or otherwise accepted by the Construction Manager due to an increase in the scope of the Project caused by further development of the design documents by the Architect/Engineer to the extent that such could not be reasonably inferred by the Construction Manager from the Schematic Design documents, and Owner directs Architect/Engineer to revise the documents, the Architect/Engineer shall revise the documents at its own expense so that the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal for constructing the Project shall not exceed the Owner’s Amount Available for the Construction Contract and any previously approved Estimated Construction Costs. If it is determined to be in the Owner’s best interest, instead of requiring the Architect/Engineer to revise the Drawings and Specifications, the Owner reserves the right to accept a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal that exceeds the stipulated Amount Available for the Construction Contract. The Architect/Engineer shall analyze the final Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal document, together with its supporting assumptions, clarifications, and contingencies, and shall submit a detailed written analysis of the document to the Owner. Such analysis shall include, without limitation, reference to and explanation of any inaccurate or improper assumptions and clarifications. The A/E will not be required to make revisions to the documents at its own expense under the provisions of this paragraph if the Owner’s rejection of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal is not due to a failure of the A/E to provide the services otherwise required herein. 1.3.9 After the Guaranteed Maximum Price has been accepted, the Architect/Engineer shall incorporate necessary revisions into the Design Development documents. The A/E will not be required to make revisions to the documents at its own expense under the provisions of this paragraph if the revisions are required as the result of inaccurate assumptions and clarifications made in the development of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal that are not due to a failure of the A/E to provide the services otherwise required herein.
Design XXX XXX XXXXX Plan and Aligned Budget
SCOPE OF ARCHITECT’S BASIC SERVICES 3.1 The Architect’s Basic Services consist of those described in this Article 3 and include usual and customary structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering services. Services not set forth in this Article 3 are Supplemental or Additional Services. § 3.1.1 The Architect shall manage the Architect’s services, research applicable design criteria, attend Project meetings, communicate with members of the Project team, and report progress to the Owner. § 3.1.2 The Architect shall coordinate its services with those services provided by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall be entitled to rely on, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of, services and information furnished by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall provide prompt written notice to the Owner if the Architect becomes aware of any error, omission, or inconsistency in such services or information. § 3.1.3 As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, the Architect shall submit for the Owner’s approval a schedule for the performance of the Architect’s services. The schedule initially shall include anticipated dates for the commencement of construction and for Substantial Completion of the Work as set forth in the Initial Information. The schedule shall include allowances for periods of time required for the Owner’s review, for the performance of the Owner’s consultants, and for approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Once approved by the Owner, time limits established by the schedule shall not, except for reasonable cause, be exceeded by the Architect or Owner. With the Owner’s approval, the Architect shall adjust the schedule, if necessary, as the Project proceeds until the commencement of construction. § 3.1.4 The Architect shall not be responsible for an Owner’s directive or substitution, or for the Owner’s acceptance of non-conforming Work, made or given without the Architect’s written approval. § 3.1.5 The Architect shall contact governmental authorities required to approve the Construction Documents and entities providing utility services to the Project. The Architect shall respond to applicable design requirements imposed by those authorities and entities. § 3.1.6 The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection with the Owner’s responsibility for filing documents required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project.
Design and Drawings (i) Design and Drawings shall be developed in conformity with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-D. In the event, the Contractor requires any relaxation in design standards due to restricted Right of Way in any section, the alternative design criteria for such section shall be provided for review and approval of the Authority’s Engineer. (ii) The Contractor shall appoint a proof check consultant (the “Proof Consultant”) after proposing to the Authority a panel of three (3) names of qualified and experienced firms from whom the Authority may choose one (1) to be the Proof Consultant. Provided, however, that if the panel is not acceptable to the Authority and the reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose to the Authority a revised panel of three (3) names from the firms empanelled as proof consultants by the [Ministry of Road Transport and Highways] for obtaining the consent of the Authority. The Contractor shall also obtain the consent of the Authority for two (2) key personnel of the Proof Consultant who shall have adequate experience and qualifications in highways and bridges respectively. The Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving a proposal from the Contractor hereunder, convey its decision, with reasons, to the Contractor, and if no such decision is conveyed within the said period, the Contractor may proceed with engaging of the Proof Consultant. (iii) The Proof Consultant shall: (a) evolve a systems approach with the Design Director so as to minimise the time required for final designs and construction drawings; and (b) proof check the detailed calculations, drawings and designs, which have been approved by the Design Director. (iv) In respect of the Contractor’s obligations with respect to the design and Drawings of the Project Highway as set forth in Schedule-I, the following shall apply: (a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as is consistent with the Project Completion Schedule, three (3) copies each of the design and Drawings, duly certified by the Proof Consultant, to the Authority’s Engineer for its approval. Provided, however, that in respect of Major Xxxxxxx and Structures, the Authority’s Engineer may require additional drawings for approval in accordance with Good Industry Practice. (b) by submitting the Drawings for review and approval to the Authority’s Engineer, the Contractor shall be deemed to have represented that it has determined and verified that the design and engineering, including field construction criteria related thereto, are in conformity with the Scope of the Project, the Specifications and Standards and the Applicable Laws; (c) within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Drawings, the Authority’s Engineer shall review the same and convey its approval/observations to the Contractor with particular reference to their conformity or otherwise with the Scope of the Project and the Specifications and Standards. Provided, however that in case of a major bridge or structure, the aforesaid period of 15 (fifteen) days may be extended up to 30 (thirty) days; (d) if the aforesaid observations of the Authority’s Engineer indicate that the Drawings are not in conformity with the Scope of the Project or the Specifications and Standards, such Drawings shall be revised by the Contractor in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement and resubmitted to the Authority’s Engineer for review and approval. The Authority’s Engineer shall give its observations, if any, within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the revised Drawings. In the event the Contractor fails to revise and resubmit such Drawings to the Authority’s Engineer for review/approval as aforesaid, the Authority’s Engineer may withhold the payment for the affected works in accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.5 (iv). If the Contractor disputes any decision, direction or determination of the Authority’s Engineer hereunder, the Dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure; (e) no review/approval and/or observation of the Authority’s Engineer and/or its failure to review/approval and/or convey its observations on any Drawings shall relieve the Contractor of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement in any manner nor shall the Authority’s Engineer or the Authority be liable for the same in any manner; and if errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, inadequacies or other Defects are found in the Drawings, they and the construction works shall be corrected at the Contractor's cost, notwithstanding any approval under this Article 10; (f) the Contractor shall be responsible for delays in submitting the Drawing as set forth in Schedule-I caused by reason of delays in surveys and field investigations, and shall not be entitled to seek any relief in that regard from the Authority; and (g) the Contractor warrants that its designers, including any third parties engaged by it, shall have the required experience and capability in accordance with Good Industry Practice and it shall indemnify the Authority against any damage, expense, liability, loss or claim, which the Authority might incur, sustain or be subject to arising from any breach of the Contractor’s design responsibility and/or warranty set out in this Clause. (h) the Contractor shall ensure that all the designs and drawings shall be approved from the Authority’s Engineer within 90 days (ninety) from the Appointed Date. (v) Any cost or delay in construction arising from review/approval by the Authority’s Engineer shall be borne by the Contractor. (vi) Works shall be executed in accordance with the Drawings provided by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 10.2 and the approval of the Authority’s Engineer thereon as communicated pursuant to the provisions of sub- Clause (c) & (d) of Clause 10.2 (iv). Such Drawings shall not be amended or altered without prior written notice to the Authority’s Engineer. If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in the design or Drawings, that Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect. (vii) Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date, the Contractor shall furnish to the Authority and the Authority’s Engineer a complete set of as- built Drawings, in 2 (two) hard copies and in micro film form or in such other medium as may be acceptable to the Authority, reflecting the Project Highway as actually designed, engineered and constructed, including an as-built survey illustrating the layout of the Project Highway and setback lines, if any, of the buildings and structures forming part of Project Facilities.
Configuration Management The Contractor shall maintain a configuration management program, which shall provide for the administrative and functional systems necessary for configuration identification, control, status accounting and reporting, to ensure configuration identity with the UCEU and associated cables produced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain a Contractor approved Configuration Management Plan that complies with ANSI/EIA-649 2011. Notwithstanding ANSI/EIA-649 2011, the Contractor’s configuration management program shall comply with the VLS Configuration Management Plans, TL130-AD-PLN-010-VLS, and shall comply with the following:
Design Services The Engineer shall perform services during the schematic design phase, the design development phase, the contract documents phase, and the bidding period as hereinafter specified.
Technology Upgrades Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizon shall have the right to deploy, upgrade, migrate and maintain its network at its discretion. The Parties acknowledge that Verizon, at its election, may deploy fiber throughout its network and that such fiber deployment may inhibit or facilitate Ymax’s ability to provide service using certain technologies. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit Verizon's ability to modify its network through the incorporation of new equipment or software or otherwise. Ymax shall be solely responsible for the cost and activities associated with accommodating such changes in its own network.
Design Review (a) Where so specified in Schedule A (Scope of Goods and Services) or as otherwise instructed by the City, the Supplier shall submit design-related Documentation for review by the City, and shall not proceed with work on the basis of such design Documentation until the City’s approval of such Documentation has been received in writing. (b) None of: (i) the submission of Documentation to the City by the Supplier; (ii) its examination by or on behalf of the City; or (iii) the making of any comment thereon (including any approval thereof) shall in any way relieve the Supplier of any of its obligations under this Agreement or of its duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and correctness of such Documentation, and its suitability to the matter to which it relates.