Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 2 (a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand; (b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice; (c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing; (d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed; (e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface; (f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice; (g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Target values Tolerances Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method 4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer. 4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.
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Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 22 Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Target values Tolerances Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.
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Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining in order to obtain the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Wherewhere: Figure 2
(a) d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax dmax dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given: The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 2mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent 55% natural sand and at least 45 per cent 45% crushed sand;
(b) ; The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) ; The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent 100% crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) ; The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) ; No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) ; The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) ; The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 1: Design guidelines Target values Tolerances By total mass of mix By mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 47.6% 50.5 50.5% ±5 ± 5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 38.0% 40.2 40.2% ±5 ± 5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 8.8% 9.3 9.3% ±2 ± 2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 5.8% N.A. ±0.5 ± 0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(fpara. 3.2.2. (f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.98%
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining in order to obtain the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 · (d/dmax) 1/2 where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 2. Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 1. Design guidelines Target values Tolerances By total mass of mix By mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 ± 5 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 ± 0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f3.2.2. (f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness Compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.%
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining in order to obtain the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 2:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent 55% natural sand and at least 45 per cent 45% crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent 100% crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 1: Design guidelines Target values By mass of By total mass the of mix aggregate Tolerances Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 ±6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(fpara. 3.2.2. (f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > >50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.%
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 22 Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. aboveof this annex, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Quantity Target values Tolerances by total mass of mix by mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - – 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f3.2.2. (f)) – Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 – Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness Marshaxx xxxxxctness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.–
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Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 22 Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs paragraphs
2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Target values Tolerances By total mass of mix By mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 Marshall compactnesx 00 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.
4.3. Volumetric macrotexture measurement For the purpose of this standard, texture depth measurements shall be made on at least 10 positions evenly spaced along the wheel tracks of the test strip and the average value taken to compare with the specified minimum texture depth. For the description of the procedure see standard ISO 10844:2014.
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Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining in order to obtain the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 · (d/dmax) 1/2 where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 2. Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given: Annex 4
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 1. Design guidelines Target values Tolerances By total mass of mix By mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 ± 5 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 ± 0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f3.2.2. (f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness Compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.%
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Wherewhere: Figure 22 In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. aboveof this annex, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Quantity Target values Tolerances by total mass of mix by mass of the aggregate Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - – 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f3.2.2. (f)) – Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 – Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.–
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 . (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 22 Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. aboveof this annex, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 Design guidelines Target values Tolerances Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - – 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(f3.2.2. (f)) – Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 – Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.–
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Design Guidelines. As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines for obtaining the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: where: d = square mesh sieve size, in mm dmax dmax dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve dmax = 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve dmax = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve P (% passing) = 100 E/ECE/324 Add.8/Rev.2/Amend.1 Regulation No. (d/dmax)1/2 Where: Figure 29 page 21 In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given:
(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per cent 55% natural sand and at least 45 per cent 45% crushed sand;
(b) The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;
(c) The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent 100% crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;
(d) The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;
(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;
(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40-60, 60-80 or even 80-100 depending on the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;; E/ECE/324 Add.8/Rev.2/Amend.1 Regulation No. 9 page 22
(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passing passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. Table 1 1: Design guidelines Target values By total By mass mass of of the mix aggregate Tolerances Mass of stones, square mesh sieve (SM) > 2 mm 47.6 % 50.5 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of sand 0.063 < SM < 2 mm 38.0 % 40.2 % ±5 ± 5 Mass of filler SM < 0.063 mm 8.8 % 9.3 % ±2 ± 2 Mass of binder (bitumen) 5.8 % N.A. ±0.5 ± 0.5 Max. chipping size 8 mm 6.3 - 10 Binder hardness (see paragraph 3.2.2.(fpara. 3.2.2. (f)) Polished stone value (PSV) > 50 Compactness, relative to Xxxxxxxx compactness 98 % 4. Test method
4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close to the wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4. above), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. above. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value which is higher than 10 per cent. The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended that a few locations of size approximately 200 x 300 mm should be left where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.
4.2. Sound absorption coefficient The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO/DIS 10 534: "Acoustics - Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance by a tube method". Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1 above). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores shall be averaged to constitute the final result.%
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Samples: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles