DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 14.01 All terms and conditions of the Agreement shall apply unless otherwise noted here in Section 14. 14.02 The Director of Photography shall be paid either on a weekly rate or an hourly rate basis according to the minimum scale rates and conditions of this Agreement. Over scale pay may be negotiated by the Cameraperson. All benefits and fringes shall be paid in addition to the rate. i. Weekly rates are based on sixty (60) hours guaranteed per week which is equivalent to seventy (70) pay hours. ii. If a weekly work assignment is less than one (1) week, as in the first (1st) or last week of a production schedule, then the rate shall be one-fifth (1/5th) of the Director of Photography weekly rate for each day worked during the fractional work week. iii. If on a weekly work assignment, the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) day pay shall apply as per the Agreement by multiplying one-fifth (1/5th) of the weekly rate by one and one-half (1 ½) and two (2) times the weekly rate respectfully.
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY. All terms and conditions of the Agreement shall apply unless otherwise noted here in Section 14.
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Shall be responsible for the efficient functioning of those categories under the Director of Photography's technical direction and for assisting the Producer in translating the screen play into visual images within the creative and budgetary latitude afforded. Duties include maintaining optimum photographic quality of the production on film; supervising the crews on each of the cameras in their use on the production; operating a camera as required; supervising all lighting and sound; supervising the timing of the work and answer prints; viewing all rushes and/or cinexes for quality control; performing any and all functions normally and customarily associated with Director of Photography.


  • Hosting At CLEC’s request, SBC-10STATE shall perform hosting responsibilities for the provision of billable message data and/or access usage data received from CLEC for distribution to the appropriate billing and/or processing location or for delivery to CLEC of such data via SBC-10STATE’s internal network or the nationwide CMDS network pursuant to the applicable Appendix HOST, which is/are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

  • Director An Approved User who is generally a senior IT official of the Requester with the necessary expertise and authority to affirm the IT capacities at the Requester. The IT Director is expected to have the authority and capacity to ensure that the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the NIH GDS Policy and the Requester’s IT security requirements and policies are followed by all of the Requester’s Approved Users.