Internships The Hospital may establish internships for the purpose of meeting future projected nursing shortages and/or providing career opportunities where there are no internal qualified candidates for job postings. In such circumstances, the implementation and guidelines of such an arrangement will be determined locally by the Hospital and the Union subject to the following: Internships are designed to develop the Hospital’s staff in order to fill positions for which there are currently no qualified internal candidates and/or for which shortages are predicted within a five (5) year period. Internships enable hospitals to maximize the use of qualified internal staff to meet their human resources needs, while at the same time providing career development opportunities for their employees. To provide direction to the local parties in developing and implementing internship(s) the Ontario Nurses’ Association and Participating Hospitals have agreed to the following principles: (a) The Hospital will establish the expectations for each internship opportunity; (b) There will be an open application process for internship opportunities; (c) The opportunities will be open to currently employed nurses who can demonstrate continuous learning, and a commitment to the Hospital; (d) Nurses who are selected for internship opportunities will commit to continued employment on a mutually determined basis; (e) Initiatives to support selected candidates may include but are not limited to: i) No loss of regular wages while attending a requisite course ii) Paid course fees iii) Paid time for clinical practicums in the Hospital or another clinical site iv) Any other initiatives, as agreed. (f) Part-time nurses will be credited with seniority and service for all such hours paid while participating in these initiatives as provided above.
Illegal or Unauthorized Payments; Political Contributions Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the best of the Company’s knowledge (after reasonable inquiry of its officers and directors), any of the officers, directors, employees, agents or other representatives of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any other business entity or enterprise with which the Company or any Subsidiary is or has been affiliated or associated, has, directly or indirectly, made or authorized any payment, contribution or gift of money, property, or services, whether or not in contravention of applicable law, (i) as a kickback or bribe to any Person or (ii) to any political organization, or the holder of or any aspirant to any elective or appointive public office except for personal political contributions not involving the direct or indirect use of funds of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
Opportunities During his employment with the Company, and for one year thereafter, Executive shall not take any action which might divert from the Company any opportunity learned about by him during his employment with the Company (including without limitation during the Employment Term) which would be within the scope of any of the businesses then engaged in or planned to be engaged in by the Company.
Training Opportunities The requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u ("Section 3"), requiring that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given to lower income residents of the project area and agreements for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in, the areas of the project. Borrower agrees to include the following language in all subcontracts executed under this HOME/HOPWA Regulatory Agreement: (1) The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. (2) The parties to this contract agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135, which implement Section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this contract, the parties to this contract certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the Part 135 regulations. (3) The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this Section 3 clause; and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the Section 3 preference; shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire; availability of apprenticeship and training positions; the qualifications for each; the name and location of the person(s) taking applications for each of the positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin. (4) The contractor agrees to include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this Section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135. The contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the contractor has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135. (5) The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (A) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (B) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 C.F.R. Part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under 24 C.F.R. Part 135. (6) Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts. (7) With respect to work performed in connection with Section 3 covered Indian housing assistance, section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the provisions of Section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with Section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with section 7(b).
Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults The Supplier will comply with all applicable legislation and codes of practice, including, where applicable, all legislation and statutory guidance relevant to the safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults and with the British Council’s Child Protection Policy, as notified to the Supplier and amended from time to time, which the Supplier acknowledges may include submitting to a check by the UK Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) or the equivalent local service; in addition, the Supplier will ensure that, where it engages any other party to supply any of the Services under this Agreement, that that party will also comply with the same requirements as if they were a party to this Agreement.
Copyees If Schedule 1 specifies any person to whom copies of notices shall also be sent: (a) the party giving a notice in the manner required by this Clause 18.4 shall send a copy of the notice to such person at the address for sending copies as specified in Schedule 1, or to such other person or address as may, from time to time, have been notified by the party to be notified to the notifying party under this Clause 18.4; and (b) such copy notice shall be sent immediately after the original notice.
Vaccinations Contractor understands, acknowledges, and agrees that, pursuant to Article II of the General Appropriations Act, none of the General Revenue Funds appropriated to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) may be used for the purpose of promoting or advertising COVID-19 vaccinations in the 2024-25 biennium. It is also the intent of the legislature that to the extent allowed by federal law, any federal funds allocated to DSHS shall be expended for activities other than promoting or advertising COVID-19 vaccinations. Contractor represents and warrants that it is not ineligible, nor will it be ineligible during the term of this Contract, to receive appropriated funding pursuant to Article II.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY The UNIVERSITY shall designate in writing a faculty member to coordinate with a designee of the FIELDWORK SITE.
Professional Development; Adverse Consequences of School Exclusion; Student Behavior The Board President or Superintendent, or their designees, will make reasonable efforts to provide ongoing professional development to Board members about the adverse consequences of school exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, appropriate and available supportive services for the promotion of student attendance and engagement, and developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote positive and healthy school climates, i.e., Senate Bill 100 training topics. The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluations with the goal of continuous improvement. New Board Member Orientation The orientation process for newly elected or appointed Board members includes:
Shiftworkers 37.1 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who performs Shiftwork and who starts or finishes a shift outside of the ordinary hours set out at clause 36.2 above. 37.2 A Shiftworker shall be paid at the rate of double time for all hours worked. 37.3 An Employee who has to work Shiftwork shall be given at least 48 hours of notice of the requirements to work shiftwork. 37.4 For clarity, Shiftwork, means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation; the different groups of workers do not necessarily need to be employed by the same employer for the purpose of this definition.