Vaccinations Sample Clauses

VaccinationsContractor understands, acknowledges, and agrees that, pursuant to Article II of the General Appropriations Act, none of the General Revenue Funds appropriated to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) may be used for the purpose of promoting or advertising COVID-19 vaccinations in the 2024-25 biennium. It is also the intent of the legislature that to the extent allowed by federal law, any federal funds allocated to DSHS shall be expended for activities other than promoting or advertising COVID-19 vaccinations. Contractor represents and warrants that it is not ineligible, nor will it be ineligible during the term of this Contract, to receive appropriated funding pursuant to Article II.
Vaccinations. (1) Employees shall be provided with free influenza vaccination once annually. (2) Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccinations shall be made available to employees on commencement of employment and shall be made available free of change where necessary.
VaccinationsThe College will, at no cost to the employee, make vaccinations and testing recommended by OSHA or WISHA available to employees whose duties put them at risk of occupational exposure to infectious agents.
VaccinationsThe Employer will, at no cost to the employee, make vaccinations recommended by OSHA or WISHA available to employees whose duties put them at risk of occupational exposure to infectious agents.
Vaccinations. Monterey County is responsible for providing vaccinations as defined by the most current Cal/OSHA regulations or the appropriate regulatory body for the job activities. Any worker who elects to be vaccinated at a non-County facility shall bear the full cost of the vaccination and the follow up testing and provide appropriate documentation to their Human Resources department.
VaccinationsThe parties agree that the District will continue to seek opportunities to participate in partnerships with other agencies to provide unit members, students and community with opportunities to access vaccines. Prior to reporting in-person to District schools or worksites for required instruction/services with students, unit members shall have had the opportunity (eligibility and access) to be fully vaccinated for achieved immunity at the prescribed schedule. The District will make every attempt to facilitate SCTA bargaining unit member vaccinations as soon as possible, including booster COVID vaccinations, when such additional vaccination measures become available. A. The District shall actively support and assist the Sacramento Department of Public Health to ensure the COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and easily accessible to staff, to the best of the District’s ability, including the measures listed below: B. The Parties shall communicate with all unit members in writing about the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine to them, including where they may receive the vaccine and how to make an appointment, if necessary, to receive the vaccine; C. The District shall provide to all unit members written educational materials about the vaccine, including accurate information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on the vaccine’s benefits, risks, and efficacy rates and shall encourage them to be vaccinated against COVID-19; D. Unit members may use 2-hours to be vaccinated during their work hours without loss of pay. In extenuating circumstances, unit members shall be able to utilize more than 2-hours of paid time in order to be vaccinated. If unit members make an appointment during the contractual day, they will work with their site administrator on how to accommodate.
VaccinationsThe Employer shall provide notice and offer, for employees who request them and at no cost to the employee, Hepatitis A and B vaccinations for employees caring for high-risk clients and who are not otherwise covered by health insurance. The Employer and the Union will work together to find a way to offer, tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia vaccinations for employees who request them. Employees shall receive, upon request, flu shots as prescribed by medical standards.
VaccinationsThe Employer shall provide notice and offer, for employees who request them and at no cost to the employee, Hepatitis A and B vaccinations for employees caring for high‐risk clients and who are not otherwise covered by health insurance. The Employer and the Union will work together to find a way to offer, tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia vaccinations for employees who request them. Employees shall receive, upon request, flu shots as prescribed by medical standards. The Employer will continue to follow federal and state guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations in Response to COVID-19 Vaccination.
Vaccinations. All dogs are required to be vaccinated; however, no vaccine for airborne illnesses is 100% effective, and I understand my dog may still contract an airborne illness or any illness despite being vaccinated.
VaccinationsCOVID-19 vaccination of employees directly or indirectly supporting AbilityOne contracts, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to an accommodation.