Warranty Service In-home 07/13
Grades of Service The Parties shall initially engineer and shall monitor and augment all trunk groups consistent with the Joint Process as set forth in Section 14.1 of this Attachment.
TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.
Level of Service Complex case management with a provider focus is appropriate for members who either choose not to be actively involved or are unable to actively participate in their health care. Complex case management targets members with two (2) or more disease states who need assistance with care coordination, making preventive care appointments, or accessing care to address the members’ chronic health conditions or members who have had an inpatient hospital stay in the last ninety (90) days or members with high dollar claims of over fifty thousand dollars (>$50,000) in six (6) months. The focus is on working with the providers to meet the needs of the individual through communication with the PMP (if applicable), other providers, and the member’s natural support system. The goal is to help members gain optimum health or improved functional capability, in the right setting and in a cost-effective manner. Complex case management with provider focus is the active coordination by the Contractor of care and services between providers while navigating the extensive systems and resources required for the member. It involves comprehensive assessment, determination of available benefits, development and implementation of a complex case management plan directed at the chronic health conditions. At a minimum, the Contractor must provide complex case management services for members discharged from an inpatient psychiatric, drug overdose, or substance abuse hospitalization, for no fewer than ninety (90) calendar days following that inpatient hospitalization discharge. The Contractor must also provide complex case management services for any member at risk for inpatient psychiatric or substance abuse re -hospitalization. Care managers must contact members during an inpatient hospitalization or as soon as practicable upon receiving notification of a member’s inpatient behavioral health hospitalization. The care manager must work with the hospital discharge planner, provider case manager and/or natural supports (i.e. family) to ensure that an outpatient follow-up appointment is scheduled to occur no later than seven (7) calendar days following the inpatient behavioral health hospitalization discharge and transportation is not a barrier to attending the appointment. Complex case management with provider focus includes all of the services and benefits from disease management and care management. In addition,
Standard of Service As Agent for the Fund, you agree to provide service equal to or better than that provided by you or others furnishing shareholder services to other open-end investment companies ("Standard") at a fee comparable to the fee paid you for your services hereunder. The Standard shall include at least the following: (a) Prompt reconciliation of any differences as to the number of outstanding shares between various Facility records or between Facility records and records of an MFS Fund's Custodian; (b) Prompt processing of shareholder correspondence and of other matters requiring action by you; (c) Prompt clearance of any daily volume backlog; (d) Providing innovative services and technological improvements; (e) Meeting the requirements of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over you or the Fund; and (f) Prompt reconciliation of all bank accounts under your control belonging to the Fund or MFS. If any MFS Fund serviced by you is reasonably of the view that the service provided by you does not meet the Standard, it shall give you written notice specifying the particulars, and you then shall have 120 days in which to restore the service so that it meets the Standard, except that such period shall be 180 days with respect to meeting that portion of the Standard described above in item (d) of this paragraph 4. If at the end of such period the Fund remains reasonably of the view that the service provided by you, in the particulars specified, does not meet the Standard, then the MFS Fund or Funds having a majority of the accounts for which you are then Agent may, by appropriate action (including the concurrence of a majority of the Trustees or Directors, as the case may be, of such MFS Fund or Funds who are not interested persons of MFS), elect to terminate this Agreement for cause as to all such Funds upon 90 days notice to you. Upon termination hereof, the Fund shall pay you such compensation as may be due to you as of the date of such termination, and shall likewise reimburse you for any costs, expenses, and disbursements reasonably incurred by you to such date in the performance of your duties hereunder.
Teaching Load 11-1 The parties recognize that the number of students, the number of preparations, and the amount of planning time are related to student performance. 11-2 CLASS SIZE 11-2-1 The parties recognize that class size is related to economics and that reduction of class size is faced with fiscal constraints. The parties further recognize that it is not feasible at this time to set general numerical limitations upon class size because of physical space available, special programs, special student needs, attendance area variances, differences in scheduling systems, busing, and because of other variable causes affecting class size. Nevertheless, the parties shall make reasonable effort to maintain class size at reasonable, workable, and educationally effective levels in all situations. 11-3 TEACHER LOAD 11-3-1 Teaching load shall be defined as the number of separate class preparations that a teacher has per school day as delineated in the course description guide.
PERIOD OF SERVICE The Grant Services will commence on the Start Date and shall expire on the End Date as set forth in the SUMMARY PAGE.
CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Elevator Service If the Building is equipped with elevators, Landlord, during Normal Business Hours of Building, shall furnish elevator service to Tenant to be used in common with others. At least one elevator shall remain in service during all other hours. Landlord may designate a specific elevator for use as a service elevator.
Our Service The services that you have selected and the charges for those services are confirmed in Section 9 - Your Consent at the end of this agreement. We agree to provide the services selected and you agree to pay us for those services. Any advice or recommendation that we offer to you, will only be given after we have assessed your needs and considered your financial objectives and attitude to any risks that may be involved. We will also take into account any restrictions that you wish to place on the type of products you would be willing to consider.