DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For any and all disputes arising between Hiring Attorneys, Freelance Paralegals and Freelance Attorneys, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in your particular Service Contract. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that Company will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Care Seekers and Care Givers, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained herein. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that Xxxxx at Home will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the Escrow Instructions. If Care Givers or Care Seeker intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct Dwell at Home, or our Affiliates to take or refrain from taking any action that party will (a) give us at least five business days’ prior notice of the hearing; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to obligation affecting Dwell at Home, we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) be paid for the reasonable value of the services to be rendered pursuant to such order.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Clients and ADR Practitioners, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in the Escrow Instructions that apply to your particular Service Contract. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that Jupitice will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the Escrow Instructions. If ADR Practitioner or Client intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct Jupitice to take or refrain from taking any action with respect to an Escrow Account, that party will (a) give us at least five business days’ prior notice of the hearing; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to obligation affecting Jupitice or Jupitice Escrow, we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to any obligation affecting Jupitice or Jupitice Escrow, Jupitice be paid for the reasonable value of the services to be rendered pursuant to such order.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. You agree to try to resolve your disputes with other Users by following the dispute resolution process in the Escrow Instructions that apply to your contract. (a) give us at least five (5) business days’ prior notice of the hearing on the order; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to any obligation affecting Upwork or Upwork Escrow, we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to any obligation affecting Upwork or Upwork Escrow, Upwork be paid for the reasonable value of the services the order obligates us to undertake.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Clients and Freelancers, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in the Dispute Resolution Process that apply to your particular Service Contract. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that TovBan will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the Dispute Resolution Process. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT THE MILESTONES SCHEDULE AND A MILESTONE’S DESCRIPTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WILL BE HEAVILY REFERRED TO WHEN ASSESSING WHETHER FREELANCER HAS PERFORMED THEIR SERVICES. DUE TO THE POTENTIAL SUBJECTIVITY OF SERVICES, THE PARTIES SHALL, TO THE BEST OF THEIR EFFORTS, ENSURE AVOIDANCE OF ANY DOUBT BY BEING AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE WHEN DESCRIBING WHAT EXACTLY CONSTITUTES A MILESTONE. SHOULD A MILESTONE BE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DELIVERED, AND THE QUALITY OF THE DELIVERED MILESTONE IS CHALLENGED BY CLIENT, TOVBAN WILL ADJUDICATE UPON THE DISPUTE BY ASSESSING: • WHETHER THE DELIVERED MILESTONE MATCHES OR DOES NOT MATCH THE IMMEDIATE MILESTONE DESCRIPTION; • WHETHER IT IS REASONABLE THAT FREELANCER HAS EXPENDED SUFFICIENT OR INSUFFICIENT EFFORT TO PRODUCING THE DELIVERED MILESTONE; AND • WHETHER THE POINTS OF CLIENT DISSATISFACTION IS REASONABLY OR UNREASONABLY OBVIOUS, SUCH THAT A RATIONAL FREELANCER CAN OR CANNOT ANTICIPATE SUCH CLIENT DISSATISFACTION. IF THE DELIVERED MILESTONE MATCHES THE IMMEDIATE MILESTONE DESCRIPTION, AND IT IS REASONABLE TO ASSUME THAT FREELANCER HAS PERFORMED THE WORK TO THE UTMOST OF THEIR ABILITY, THEN PAYMENT BY CLIENT WILL BE RELEASED TO FREELANCER. IF THE DELIVERED MILESTONE DOES NOT MATCH THE IMMEDIATE MILESTONE DESCRIPTION, AND IT IS REASONABLE TO ASSUME THAT FREELANCER HAS FAILED IN THEIR DELIVERANCE, PAYMENT BY CLIENT WILL BE REFUNDED TO CLIENT. TovBan’s immediate responsibility in the dispute resolution assistance shall cease at the conclusion of payment release or refund. Should the dispute continue to be unresolved, TovBan is not obligated but may offer itself in offering information to the competent courts or adjudicative institutions of the Kingdom of Cambodia if requested. If Freelancer or Client intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct TovBan, TovBan Transaction Trust, or our Affiliates to take or refrain from taking any action with respect to an Transaction Settlement Account, that party will (a) give us at least fi...
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Buyers and Sellers, you agree to abide by the 3D Houdini dispute process and thereby agree to accept all decisions reached by the 3DHoudini Dispute Resolution Center. The 3DHoudini Dispute Resolution Center will make a judgment based on the Order, Invoice, Service Contract, and any other information provided by the Buyer and Seller as to whether or not the Seller has met the terms described in the Service Contract (terms of the corresponding Order described on the Site are included in the Service Contract). If both parties are in agreement to obtain dispute assistance from an arbitrator or court other than the 3DHoudini Dispute Resolution Center, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree: that 3DHoudini will not and is not obligated to provide payment for any dispute assistance beyond our own; and must provide written notice that denotes: name and address of new court or arbitrator, scheduled date of arbitration and signed consent of change in arbitration by both parties, to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@0xxxxxxxx.xxx. If Seller or Buyer intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct 3DHoudini to take or refrain from taking any action with respect to an Payment Account, that party will (a) give us at least five business days’ prior notice of the hearing; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to obligation affecting 3DHoudini we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) be paid for the reasonable value of the services to be rendered pursuant to such order.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Customers and Drivers, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in the Stripe Payment Instructions that apply to your particular Service Contract. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that QWQER will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the Stripe Payment Instructions. If Driver or Customer intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct QWQER, Stripe, Inc. (“Stripe”), or our Affiliates to take or refrain from taking any action with respect to a Stripe Payment Account, that party will (a) give us at least five business days’ prior notice of the hearing; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to obligation affecting QWQER or Stripe, we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) be paid for the reasonable value of the services to be rendered pursuant to such order.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Consumers and Service Providers, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in the Escrow Instructions that apply to your particular Service Contract. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that Credzu will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the Escrow Instructions. If Service Provider or Consumer intends to obtain an order from any arbitrator or any court that might direct Credzu to take or refrain from taking any action with respect to an Escrow Account, that party will (a) give us at least five business days’ prior notice of the hearing; (b) include in any such order a provision that, as a precondition to obligations affecting Credzu, we be paid in full for any amounts to which we would otherwise be entitled; and (c) be paid for the reasonable value of the services to be rendered pursuant to such order.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between Users, you agree to abide by the dispute process that is explained in your Work Agreement. If the dispute process does not resolve your dispute, you may pursue your dispute independently, but you acknowledge and agree that Xxxxxx will not and is not obligated to provide any dispute assistance beyond what is provided in the dispute resolution section X.
DISPUTES AMONG USERS. For disputes arising between EMPLOYERs and ARTISANs, you agree to resolve independently or approach an attorney but Superproxy is not involved in any dispute resolution between EMPLOYER and ARTISAN.