Dissemination of Project Outcomes Sample Clauses

Dissemination of Project Outcomes. The Lead Partner and the Project Partners shall take note of the fact that the results of the project may be made available to the public and they agree that the results of the project shall be available to all interested parties. Furthermore, they commit to actively participate in any actions organised to capitalize on and disseminate the results of the project.
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Dissemination of Project Outcomes. RESEARCH PROJECT RESULTS Dissemination form Conference /Symposium: description (max. 2000 characters) including the nature of participation in the conference/symposium, e.g. presentation, poster, organisation, participation, membership of the Scientific Committee. A science-promotion event: description (max. 300 characters). Other forms of dissemination of outcomes, including indication of an entity (public organisation, NGO or other) with which cooperation was established, description of what the cooperation is all about and what activities have been undertaken within the framework of this cooperation, and attach letters of intent in PDF format: description (max. 1000 characters) and information about the projects submitted as a result of the cooperation (project title, source of funding, date of submission, partners). Website: description (max. 300 characters), including information whether the project's website and/or the information about the project's deliverables were created on the website of the entity implementing the project or other entities. Entering the item into a public database: description (max. 300 characters).
Dissemination of Project Outcomes. The National Partner agrees to disseminate to the maximum extent possible the outcomes of the Project, including final reports and recommendations, to relevant national entities and officials. Article 11 Status of the MOC For legal purposes, nothing in this MOC shall be construed as creating a joint venture, an agency relationship or a legal partnership between the Parties. No provision of this MOC shall be construed so as to in any way interfere with the respective decision-making processes of the Parties with regard to their own respective work and operation. Unless otherwise specified in this MOC or mutually agreed between the Parties, each Party will bear its own costs incurred in the implementation of this MOC. This MOC does not represent a commitment of funds on the part of either Party. Article 12 Institutional Framework Each Party will appoint a representative who will act as a focal point for the implementation of this MOC and communicate his or her contact details to the other Party without delay. The focal point will Секоја интелектуална сопственост која е развиена во врска со Проектот, вклучувајќи ги Националните студии, Регионалните студии и Програмите за обука, претставува интелектуална сопственост само на Институтот. Член 9 Обелоденување Страните можат да го откријат постоењето на овој МЗС за целите на јавноста и нејзините пошироки цели, но не смеат да го обелоденат целиот МЗС или неговите конкретни содржини. Секоја размена на доверливи информации помеѓу Страните ќе биде предмет на нивните соодветни политики и постапки во врска со објавувањето на доверливи информации. Секоја од Страните ќе ги преземе потребните активности за заштита на доверливите информации и/или тајните информации на другата Страна. Освен ако не е поинаку договорено меѓу Страните, како и во интерес на целосната транспарентност, сите јавни изјави што треба да ги даде едната Страна кои содржат директни упатувања на другата Страна, мора да бидат одобрени од соодветната Страна пред објавувањето. Член 10 Споделување на Резултатите од Проектот Националниот партнер се согласува да ги споделува резултатите од Проектот во најголема можна мера, вклучувајќи ги и конечните извештаи и препораки до релевантните национални субјекти и службеници. Член 11 Статус на МЗС За правните цели, ништо од она што е содржано во овој МЗС нема да се толкува како создавање на заедничко вложување, агенциски однос или правно партнерство помеѓу страните. Ниту една одредба од овој МЗС нема да се толкува на ...

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  • Dissemination of Information The Borrower authorizes each Lender to disclose to any Participant or Purchaser or any other Person acquiring an interest in the Loan Documents by operation of law (each a "Transferee") and any prospective Transferee any and all information in such Lender's possession concerning the creditworthiness of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries, including without limitation any information contained in any Reports; provided that each Transferee and prospective Transferee agrees to be bound by Section 9.11 of this Agreement.

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  • INFORMATION OF THE PARTIES Information of the Company The Company is a company established in the PRC in 1984 and converted into a joint stock limited company on 28 September 2015. The principal business of the Company includes providing comprehensive leasing services to high-quality customers in industries including aviation, infrastructure, shipping, vehicle and construction machinery. Information of the Assets Transferor The Assets Transferor is a limited liability company incorporated in the PRC on 16 May 2017 and is located in Guangdong Province, the PRC. It mainly engages in finance lease, transfer and acquisition of finance lease assets, and fixed income securities investment. IMPLICATION OF LISTING RULES According to Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules, as the highest applicable percentage ratio of the transaction under the Assets Transfer Agreements is higher than 5% but lower than 25%, such transaction constitutes a discloseable transaction of the Company and is subject to the announcement requirement but is exempt from the shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules.

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