Dissertation Regulations Sample Clauses

Dissertation Regulations. Students may either choose their supervisor and dissertation title on the basis of a published list of subject areas, which they will receive from the Administrator in Antwerp, or propose their own dissertation title. In the latter case they must obtain the agreement of a supervisor and the approval of the Joint Board of Studies (see the special instructions with respect to dissertations below). Students must submit a dissertation brief by 1 March. The brief should outline the topic or hypothesis to be investigated together with a working title, the main literature to be consulted, the method of investigation, data sources, etc. Briefs must be submitted to the Administrator in Antwerp who will forward them to the relevant supervisors. Students who choose their own title will be informed whether their title is acceptable or not. Students wishing to change their dissertation title must submit a new brief to the Administrator in Antwerp or Prague and obtain the approval of the Joint Board of Studies. A dissertation title cannot be changed after 1 July. Students are expected to make regular contact with their supervisor and keep evidence of this contact (e-mail/fax/signed notes) and produce them if required by the Examination Board. The ultimate submission date for the dissertation for graduation in July is 31 May. The final submission date for dissertation for graduation in autumn is 30 September. Students that fail to submit on one of these two dates should write a letter before 30 September to the Joint Board of Studies, stating the reason(s) for this, and asking for the permission to submit ‘as-if-for-the-fist-time’ in the next academic year. If the permission is not granted by the Board then the dissertation submitted in the next year shall count as a second submission. Students must submit 3 bound copies of their dissertation to the Coordinator or Administrator at their home institution. In addition students must also supply a version of their thesis in the form of a pdf and a Word file. The dissertation is evaluated by two readers (including the supervisor) that come from two different institutions. The final mark for the dissertation will be a weighted average of the two marks. Upon receipt of the dissertation, the local Coordinator/Administrator will forward 3 copies to the readers. One copy will be sent to Antwerp and one copy will be retained by the home institution. Local Coordinators - in the case the student graduates in autumn - send marks to th...
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  • EXPORT REGULATIONS Licensee agrees and accepts that Software may be subject to import and export laws of any country, including those of the European Union and United States (specifically the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)). Licensee acknowledges that it is not a citizen, national, or resident of, and is not under control of the governments of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria and is not otherwise a restricted end-user as defined by applicable export control laws. Further, Licensee acknowledges that it will not download or otherwise export or re-export Software or any related technical data directly or indirectly to the above-mentioned countries or to citizens, nationals, or residents of those countries, or to any other restricted end user or for any restricted end-use.

  • Export Regulation You acknowledge that the Licensed Software and related technical data and services (collectively "Controlled Technology") are subject to the import and export laws of the United States, specifically the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and the laws of any country where Controlled Technology is imported or re-exported. You agree to comply with all relevant laws and will not to export any Controlled Technology in contravention to U.S. law nor to any prohibited country, entity, or person for which an export license or other governmental approval is required. All Symantec products, including the Controlled Technology are prohibited for export or re-export to Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Sudan and to any country subject to relevant trade sanctions. You hereby agree that You will not export or sell any Controlled Technology for use in connection with chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, or missiles, drones or space launch vehicles capable of delivering such weapons.

  • Compliance with Federal Regulations (1) Any contract entered pursuant to this solicitation shall contain the following provisions: All USDOT-required contractual provisions, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, are incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, FTA mandated terms shall control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Agreement. Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any grantee request that would cause the recipient to be in violation of FTA terms and conditions. Contractor shall comply with all applicable FTA regulations, policies, procedures and directives, including, without limitation, those listed directly or incorporated by reference in the Master Agreement between the recipient and FTA, as may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of this contract. Contractor’s failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this contract.

  • General Data Protection Regulation 10.1 Protecting your personal information is incredibly important to Excalibur. Our privacy policy which sets out how we do this is available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/gdpr-policy/. This policy explains the information that we hold, how we use it, and how long we keep it for. Please take a few minutes to read it.

  • FCC Regulations The unstayed, effective regulations promulgated by the FCC, as amended from time to time.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS If required within the Authorized User Agreement, Contractor will provide verification of compliance with specific Federal, State and local regulations, laws and IT standards that the Authorized User is required to comply with. See Appendix F – Primary Security and Privacy Mandates. AUTHENTICATION TOKENS The Authorized User Agreement may require authentication tokens for all systems. For more details, please see NYS ITS Policy S14-006 Authentication Tokens Standard or successor. MODIFICATION TO CLOUD SERVICE DELIVERY TYPE AND DESCRIPTION WITHIN AN AUTHORIZED USER AGREEMENT As Cloud services can be flexible and dynamic, delivery mechanisms may be subject to change. This may result in changes to the service type, description, or SKU. The State and Authorized Users require notification of any such changes to ensure security and business needs are met. Any changes to the description, type of service(s), or SKU (e.g., PaaS to IaaS) must be provided to OGS via Appendix C - Contract Modification Procedure. In addition, notification must be provided to the Authorized User for review and acceptance, prior to implementation. Any changes to the Authorized User Agreement will require the Authorized User to re-assess the risk mitigation methodologies and strategies and revise the Authorized User Agreement as needed.

  • Leave Regulations The leave regulations in Subchapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual, insofar as such regulations establish wages, hours and working conditions of employees covered by this Agreement, shall remain in effect for the life of this Agreement.

  • Other Governmental Regulations To the extent that this Agreement may be funded by fiscal assistance from another governmental entity, Consultant and any subcontractors shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations to which City is bound by the terms of such fiscal assistance program.

  • Privacy Act If performance involves design, development or operation of a system of records on individuals, this Agreement incorporates by reference FAR 52.224-1 Privacy Act Notification (Apr 1984) and FAR 52.224-2 Privacy Act (Apr 1984).

  • Compliance with Federal Law, Regulations, and Executive Orders This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund the contract only. The contractor will comply will all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives.

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