Data Sources Sample Clauses

Data Sources. Client may only upload data related to individuals that originates with or is owned by Client. Client shall not upload data purchased from third parties without Granicus’ prior written consent and list cleansing Services provided by Granicus for an additional fee. Granicus will not sell, use, or disclose any personal information provided by Client for any purpose other than performing Services subject to this Agreement.
Data Sources. This study used a mixed - methods design to gather quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously (Xxxxxxxx, 2012). The questionnaires used open - ended and closed-ended questions with 5 point Likert scales. By answering the questions, the extent of partnership between schools and pedagogy universities in teacher education can be revealed and recognized. In this study, the characteristics of partnership between schools and teacher education universities in teacher education were used as a theoretical framework to set up specific themes and questions for the questionnaires. Accordingly, the questionnaires focus on determining awareness and attitudes implemented by teachers, lecturers and students in practicum process. The questionnaires were discussed intensively several times with other researchers as regarding their words before they were used in practice. In this study, the data come from three main sources: • Teacher questionnaires, • Student questionnaires, • Lecturers questionnaires The questionnaires applied similar content for the questions, with an emphasis on specific, visible and measurable manifestations of the partnership between schools and teacher education universities in teacher education and attitudes about the activities of school and teacher education universities. Specifically, the questions were about: • The importance and level of the coordinating contents between the school and the pedagogy university in practicum to training teachers; • The level of implementation and awareness between the school and the teacher education university in practicum to training teachers;
Data Sources. In the past, Annual Reports have used a Statistics Canada survey, the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), to present societal indicators in LMAPD Annual Reports (e.g., employment income levels of persons with disabilities). As announced by the Government of Canada, SLID data is being replaced by data from the Canadian National Household Income Survey. The federal government was not able to provide Survey data to provinces and territories in time for the required posting of this Report by December 3, 2014. The Ministry will make this data available once received. For reference, 2011 social indicator data is provided in the Appendix of this report. Ontario’s program data is derived from ministry and service provider databases.
Data SourcesTable 14 shows the data items and sources for ITHIM SACOG implementation. Rather than obtaining travel behavior data from regional travel surveys like the implementations in San Francisco Bay Area and NAMPO, Xx et al. (2019) sourced travel behavior data from SACSIM15, which is an activity-based model built and calibrated to produce disaggregate travel data at the individual level (SACOG, 2015). SACSIM15 outputs for the 2016 MTP/SCS were used to estimate the average active transportation (walking and cycling) time (i.e., minutes per day) and average distance (i.e., miles per day) for each demographic group for all analysis scenarios. VMT outputs from SACSIM15 for each travel mode was estimated. Health data for all-cause mortality statistics were obtained from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) vital records data and statistics (CDPH, 2020). Average annual all-cause mortality rates by age-sex-race/ethnicity and age-sex income level categories were calculated for each county in the SACOG region. Due to small African-American population in some counties, annual all-cause mortality rate for the Black population is only available for the entire region rather than for each county. The U.S. disease burden data for all age-sex categories were derived from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) database (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2017). The California Health Interview Survey (UCLA, 2012) data were used to identify characteristics of non-transport physical activities for residents of SACOG. MET-hours per week are calculated for occupational and exercise physical activity (non-travel METs) in the same way as the San Francisco Bay Area study by Xxxxxxxx et al. (2013). Source Calibration Data Item Units Stratification Sacramento Activity- Based Travel Simulation Model (SACSIM15) (SACOG, 2015) Per capita mean daily travel distance Miles/person/ day Travel mode Per capita mean daily travel time Minutes/person/ day Travel mode Ratio: per capita mean daily active transportation time Walk, bike, age, and sex Standard deviation of mean daily active transportation time Minutes/person/ day Walking speed Miles/hour Ratio of daily per capita bicycling time to walking time Personal auto travel distance and time Miles and hours/day Driver and passenger Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by facility type Miles/day Travel mode and road type US Census Distribution of population by age and gender % Age and sex California Health Interview Survey (UCLA, 2008) Per ...
Data Sources. ITHIM required 14 calibration data items covering underlying disease burdens, travel habits, physical activity participation, air pollution levels, and traffic injuries and fatalities in the study area. Table 6 summarizes the data items and the sources. Source Calibration Data Item Units Stratification San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey 2000 Regional Travel Characteristics (MTC, 2004) Per capita mean daily travel distance Miles/person/day Travel mode Per capita mean daily travel time Minutes/person/ day Travel mode Ratio: per capita mean daily active transportation time Walk, bike, age, and sex Standard deviation of mean daily active transportation time Minutes/person/ day Walking speed Miles/hour Ratio of daily per capita bicycling time to walking time Personal auto travel distance and time Miles and hours/day Driver and passenger MTC’s Travel demand model (MTC, 2017) Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by facility type Miles/day Travel mode and road type US Census Distribution of population by age and gender % Age and sex California Health Interview Survey (UCLA, 2008) Per capita weekly non-travel related physical activity, expressed in Metabolic Equivalent Task (MET) hours MET-hours/ week Age and sex Age-sex specific ratio of disease- specific mortality rate between the Bay area and USA. Disease group, age, and sex Proportion of colon cancers from all colorectal cancers California Highway Patrol (CHP, 2008) and Transportation Injury Mapping System (SafeTREC, 2020) Serious and fatal injuries between a striking vehicle and a victim vehicle in road traffic collisions Injuries Severity, striking mode, victim mode, and road type EMFAC 2007 (CARB, 2020b) Emissions of PM2.5 attributable to light-duty vehicles Tons/day
Data SourcesTable 10 list the data items used for NAMPO’s implementation of ITHIM. Middle TN Transportation and Health Study Per capita mean daily travel distance Miles/person/day Travel mode Per capita mean daily travel time Min/person/day Travel mode Ratio: per capita mean daily active transportation time(reference group: females aged 15–29 years) Dimensionless Walk, bike, age, sex Standard deviation of mean daily active transportation time Min/person/day None Walking speed Miles/hour None Ratio of daily per capita bicycling time to walking time Dimensionless Bicycle, walk Personal auto travel distance and time Miles and hours/day Driver, passenger Travel Demand Model Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by facility type Miles/day Travel mode and road type4 US Census Distribution of population by age and gender % Age, sex NHANES Per capita weekly non-travel related physical activity MET-hours/week Median of quintile of walk +bicycle METs, by age and sex TN Department of Health Age-sex specific ratio of disease- specific mortality rate between Nashville metro and USA. Dimensionless Disease group5, age, sex Proportion of colon cancers from all colorectal cancers Dimensionless None TN Department of Safety Serious and fatal injuries between a striking vehicle and a victim vehicle in road traffic collisions Injuries Severity, striking mode x victim mode, road type TN Department of Environment and Conservation Emissions of PM2.5 attributable to light-duty vehicles Tons/day None The Middle Tennessee Transportation and Health Study (MTTHS) was NAMPO’s regional household travel survey conducted in 2012 (Xxx et al., 2013). The MTTHS contained questions for residents in the MPO area regarding the origins, destinations, purposes, travel modes (including walking and cycling), start time, and end time of all trips in a 24-hour period. The travel distance between a pair of origin and destination was estimated with recommend travel route on Google Maps (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 2017). Vehicle miles traveled by roadway types were obtained from the NAMPO’s travel demand models. The 2010 US Census provided data for the study area population by age and sex. Participation in non-travel related physical activities (i.e., leisure, domestic, and occupational physical activity) were obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011–2012 (CDC, 2013). The most recent (2008-2010) mortality data for all diseases in the study area were provided by the Tennessee Department of Health (Xxxxx...
Data SourcesThe Committee may use whatever data sources it deems appropriate, excluding, however, anonymous surveys, provided the data it intends to use in a mid or end cycle review or summative evaluation has been reduced to writing and shared with the Superintendent at least 14 calendar days before the meeting in a timely manner. Due to the unreliability and potential prejudice of anonymous or so-called “360” evaluations, these instruments shall not be solicited or utilized as part of the evaluation procedure.
Data Sources. As part of the Platform, Company may provide access to data (including, without limitation, Patient Information) from Customer’s or third-party data sources selected by Customer (“Data Sources”). Data Sources may include, without limitation, Customer’s EMR, Device manufacturers, or Customer uploads. Company is not responsible for the availability (or unavailability), accuracy (or inaccuracy), or usability (or unusability) of data in the Platform, including whether data is available or received from Data Sources. Customer hereby authorizes Company and its Subcontractors to access data available from the Data Sources selected by Customer in connection with the Services. Company does not guarantee that it will be able to access the Data Sources selected by Customer (e.g., in the event that a manufacturer prevents access to Device data).
Data Sources. 13.1.1. [**]. All extended unit sales of IR Reference Product will be determined by reference to [**] data [**]. All gross sales of XR Reference Product referred to in this Agreement will be determined by reference to [**] data [**].
Data Sources. Canfor has a number of data sources that were used to develop and/or validate yield projections for the regenerating landbase.