Roles and Responsibilities 1. The Donor States shall make funds available in support of eligible programmes proposed by the Beneficiary State and agreed on by the Financial Mechanism Committee within the priority sectors listed in Article 3.1 of Protocol 38c and the programme areas listed in the Annex to Protocol 38c. The Donor States and the Beneficiary State shall cooperate on the preparation of concept notes defining the scope and planned results for each programme. 2. The Beneficiary State shall assure the full co-financing of programmes that benefit from support from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in accordance with Annex B and the programme agreements. 3. The Financial Mechanism Committee shall manage the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and take decisions on the granting of financial assistance in accordance with the Regulation. 4. The Committee shall be assisted by the Financial Mechanism Office (hereinafter referred to as the “FMO”). The FMO shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and shall serve as a contact point.
Position and Responsibilities During the Employment Term, the Executive shall serve as the Executive Vice President - Government and International of the Company or in such higher capacity as agreed by the Company and the Executive. The Executive shall report exclusively to the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board"). The Executive shall, to the extent appointed or elected, serve on the Board as a director and as a member of any committee of the Board, in each case, without additional compensation. The Executive shall, to the extent appointed or elected, serve as a director or as a member of any committee of the board (or the equivalent bodies in a non-corporate subsidiary or affiliate) of any of the Company's subsidiaries or affiliates and as an officer or employee (in a capacity commensurate with her position with the Company) of any such subsidiaries or affiliates, in all cases, without additional compensation or benefits and any compensation paid to the Executive, or benefits provided to the Executive, in such capacities shall be a credit with regard to the amounts due hereunder from the Company. The Executive shall have duties, authorities and responsibilities generally commensurate with the duties, authorities and responsibilities of persons in similar capacities in similarly sized companies subject to the By-laws of the Company and the organizational structure of the Company. The Executive shall devote substantially all of her business time, attention and energies to the performance of her duties hereunder, provided the foregoing will not prevent the Executive from participating in charitable, community or industry affairs, from managing her and her family's personal passive investments, and (with the consent of the Chief Executive Officer or the Organization and Compensation Committee (or its successor) of the Board (the "O&C Committee"), which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) serving on the board of directors of other companies, provided that these activities do not materially interfere with the performance of her duties hereunder or create a potential business conflict or the appearance thereof. The Company has consented to the Executive's services on the boards of directors, if any, on which the Executive currently serves, which boards the Executive has disclosed in writing to the O&C Committee. The Executive may retain any compensation or benefits received as a result of consented to service as a director of entities not related to the Company.
Role and Responsibilities During the Employment Period, the Executive shall serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, and shall perform such employment duties as are usual and customary for such position. The Executive shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company (the “CEO”). At the Company’s request, the Executive shall serve the Company and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates in other capacities in addition to the foregoing, consistent with the Executive’s position hereunder. In the event that the Executive, during the Employment Period, serves in any one or more of such additional capacities, the Executive’s compensation shall not be increased beyond that specified in Section 2(b) hereof. In addition, in the event the Executive’s service in one or more of such additional capacities is terminated, the Executive’s compensation, as specified in Section 2(b) hereof, shall not be diminished or reduced in any manner as a result of such termination provided that the Executive otherwise remains employed under the terms of this Agreement.
Rights and Responsibilities This Agreement is our standard service agreement. Under this Agreement, we agree to provide and xxxx for Service, and you agree to use and pay for Service, as provided herein and in our other applicable Terms of Service. Our rights and responsibilities, and your rights and responsibilities, are as set forth in this Agreement and our other applicable Terms of Service.
Employment Duties and Responsibilities A) The Company shall employ the Executive, and the Executive shall serve the Company, as President and Chief Executive Officer, with such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to the Executive by the Board of Directors of the Company (“BOD”) and are typically associated with a position of that nature. B) The Executive shall devote his best efforts and all of his business time to the performance of his duties under this Agreement and shall perform them faithfully, diligently and competently in a manner consistent with the policies and goals of the Company as determined from time to time by the BOD. C) The Executive shall report to the BOD of the Company. D) The Executive shall not engage in any activities outside the scope of his employment that would detract from, or interfere with, the fulfillment of his responsibilities or duties under this Agreement. E) The Executive shall not serve as a director (or the equivalent position) of any company or entity other than the Company and shall not render services of a business, professional or commercial nature to any other person or firm, except for not-for-profit entities, without prior written consent of the BOD. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. F) The Executive shall not receive fees or other remuneration for work performed either within or outside the scope of his employment without prior written consent of the BOD. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Representations and Responsibilities You represent and warrant to us that any information you have given or will give us with respect to this agreement is complete and accurate. Further, you agree that any directions you give us or action you take will be proper under this agreement, and that we are entitled to rely upon any such information or directions. If we fail to receive directions from you regarding any transaction, if we receive ambiguous directions regarding any transaction, or if we, in good faith, believe that any transaction requested is in dispute, we reserve the right to take no action until further clarification acceptable to us is received from you or the appropriate government or judicial authority. We will not be responsible for losses of any kind that may result from your directions to us or your actions or failures to act, and you agree to reimburse us for any loss we may incur as a result of such directions, actions, or failures to act. We will not be responsible for any penalties, taxes, judgments, or expenses you incur in connection with your Xxxx XXX. We have no duty to determine whether your contributions or distributions comply with the Code, regulations, rulings, or this agreement. We may permit you to appoint, through written notice acceptable to us, an authorized agent to act on your behalf with respect to this agreement (e.g., attorney-in-fact, executor, administrator, investment manager), but we have no duty to determine the validity of such appointment or any instrument appointing such authorized agent. We will not be responsible for losses of any kind that may result from directions, actions, or failures to act by your authorized agent, and you agree to reimburse us for any loss we may incur as a result of such directions, actions, or failures to act by your authorized agent. You will have 60 days after you receive any documents, statements, or other information from us to notify us in writing of any errors or inaccuracies reflected in these documents, statements, or other information. If you do not notify us within 60 days, the documents, statements, or other information will be deemed correct and accurate, and we will have no further liability or obligation for such documents, statements, other information, or the transactions described therein. By performing services under this agreement we are acting as your agent. You acknowledge and agree that nothing in this agreement will be construed as conferring fiduciary status upon us. We will not be required to perform any additional services unless specifically agreed to under the terms and conditions of this agreement, or as required under the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder with respect to Xxxx IRAs. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless for any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s fees arising from or in connection with this agreement. To the extent written instructions or notices are required under this agreement, we may accept or provide such information in any other form permitted by the Code or applicable regulations including, but not limited to, electronic communication.
General Duties and Responsibilities 1. Responsibilities under the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction: In addition to the responsibilities herein set forth, Consulting Engineer/Architect agrees to be responsible for those matters identified in the General Conditions as being responsibilities of the Consulting Engineer/Architect. Consulting Engineer/Architect specifically acknowledges receipt of a copy of the General Conditions and acceptance of the responsibilities as set forth therein.
IRO Responsibilities The IRO shall: 1. perform each Claims Review in accordance with the specific requirements of the CIA;
SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Interconnection Customer’s Scope of Work and Responsibilities
UNION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. A written list of unit officers, committeemen and stewards shall be furnished to the Board within fifteen (15) days after signing of this Agreement. Any changes in such membership shall be transmitted in writing to the Board within fifteen (15) days of such change. B. Recognizing that the safety and well-being of students are a paramount responsibility of the school bus drivers, employees shall be expected to exercise reasonable care with respect to the safety of pupils and property and shall discharge their duties and responsibilities to said students and property according to Michigan school laws and Board and administrative policies and directives. Such policies and directives shall not conflict with the provisions of this Agreement or any law of the State of Michigan nor the United States. C. The Union shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings providing it has secured the approval of the Board one (1) week in advance. The Union agrees that any additional or unusual expense incurred as a result of such use shall be reimbursed to the Board by the Union. D. A bulletin board no smaller than 2' by 3' shall be provided in the bus garage driver lounge area, upon which the Union may post announcements, notices of meetings, results of Union elections and notices pertaining to nominations and elections. The bulletin board shall not be used for political purposes or for purposes other than the above. E. Duly authorized representatives of the Union, international, local or unit, shall be permitted to transact official Union business on school property provided that they do not interfere with or interrupt work activities or normal school operation. The Union agrees to advise the Board of such meetings, discussions or other activities that it may wish to transact pertinent to the employees and shall transact such business on the employees' own time and in private. F. It is the responsibility of the Union to honor Board policies and administrative regulations. Neither the Union, its representatives nor any member shall direct employees to disregard the instructions or directions of administrators or supervisors so long as such policies, directions, instructions, or regulations do not conflict with the terms of this Agreement or any law of the State of Michigan or the United States. The Union further agrees that in the event of a grievance which is to be processed under the provisions of Article VI herein there shall be no stoppage of work because of such grievance. The Board will make available copies of Board policies and administrative regulations to the Union. G. The Union and the Board mutually agree to provide each other with any information which shall be deemed appropriate in the processing of any grievance under the provisions of Article VI herein. H. It shall be the responsibility of the individual employee to meet the conditions of employment for bus drivers as required by the State of Michigan Department of Education, and the Board. The Board assumes no financial or other responsibility for any of these requirements except as herein provided. I. Each driver is responsible for keeping the Board advised in writing of any change in name or change in address. The driver is solely responsible for any errors or omissions occasioned by his or her neglect in keeping the Board so advised, and any communication addressed to an employee at his or her last address on record with the employer shall constitute notice to the employee of the contents of such communication. J. Employees are expected to take advantage of opportunities for continually improving their skills and relationship with their co-workers and with the public. K. Drivers are expected to maintain routes, time schedules, and other work assignments as established by the Board. L. The Board recognizes and will deal with elected or appointed committeemen, members of the unit, or any representative of the international or local Union in all matters relating to grievances, interpretations of the Agreement, or in other matters which affect, or may affect the relationship between the Board and the Union. M. The Union Bargaining Committee shall be composed of a Local Union Representative, the Unit President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and one Xxxxxxx.