Budget Flexibility. Federal recipients are not permitted to make transfers that would cause any funds to be used for purposes other than those consistent with this Federal program. Any budget changes that impact the Statement of Work and agreed upon outcomes or deliverables require a request for modification and prior approval from the Grant Officer. As directed in 2 CFR 200.308(e), for programs where the Federal share is over the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $150,000), the transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions and activities is restricted such that if the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the total budget as last approved by the Federal awarding agency, the recipient must receive prior approval from the Grant Officer. Any changes within a specific cost category on the SF424(a) do not require a grant modification unless the change results in a cumulative transfer among direct cost categories exceeding 10% of total budget as noted above. It is recommended that your assigned FPO review any within- line changes to your budget prior to implementation to ensure they do not require a modification. For programs where the Federal share is below the simplified acquisition threshold, recipients are not required to obtain the Grant Officer’s approval when transferring funds among direct cost categories. This includes transferring direct costs to the indirect cost category contained on the SF424 (a).
Budget Flexibility. 7. Budget transfers (budget flexibility) The budget in Annex 2 is an estimation. The budget is therefore in principle flexible (with certain exceptions, see below). The maximum grant amount (see Article 5.2 and data sheet (point 3)) can however NOT be increased. Be aware however that the budget table is considered by the granting authority to reflect the actual situation and will accordingly be the basis for decisions such as the calculation of amounts to be offset from (pre-financing) payments for beneficiaries that have outstanding debts to the Commission (see Article 22). As a general principle, beneficiaries may transfer budget among themselves, between affiliated entities or between budget categories (without requesting an amendment; see Article 39) and — at the time of reporting — declare costs that are different from the estimated budget. If the incurred eligible costs during the action implementation turn out to be lower than the estimated eligible costs, the difference can thus be allocated to another beneficiary or another budget category. The amount reimbursed for the other beneficiary/other budget category (to which the budget transfer is intended) may thus be higher than planned. Example: The estimated budget includes personnel costs of EUR 60 000 for beneficiary A and EUR 75 000 for beneficiary B. However, at the end of the action, the actual personnel costs of beneficiary A are EUR 75 000 due to an increase in salaries or to the need to employ additional personnel to carry out the tasks mentioned in Annex 1 while the actual personnel costs of beneficiary B are EUR 60 000. This may be acceptable provided the additional costs of beneficiary A fulfil the eligibility requirements of Article 6 and up to the maximum grant amount set out in the Data Sheet, Point 3 (at the level of the action). The following changes always require an amendment: changes to the description of the action in Annex 1 changes to the budget category for volunteers (if used) changes to budget categories with lump sums costs or contributions (if used; including financing not linked to costs) changes to budget categories with higher funding rates or budget ceilings (if used). The following require either an amendment or a simplified approval procedure: addition of amounts for subcontracts not provided for in Annex 1
Budget Flexibility. The budget breakdown may be adjusted — without an amendment (see Article 39) — by transfers (between participants and budget categories), as long as this does not imply any substantive or important change to the description of the action in Annex 1. However: - changes to the budget category for volunteers (if used) always require an amendment - changes to budget categories with lump sums costs or contributions (if used; including financing not linked to costs) always require an amendment - changes to budget categories with higher funding rates or budget ceilings (if used) always require an amendment - addition of amounts for subcontracts not provided for in Annex 1 either require an amendment or simplified approval in accordance with Article 6.2 - other changes require an amendment or simplified approval, if specifically provided for in Article 6.2 - [OPTION 1 by default: flexibility caps: not applicable] [OPTION 2 for programmes with flexibility caps: [OPTION 1 by default: flexibility caps: not applicable] [OPTION 2 if selected for the call: flexibility caps: [transfers between budget categories of more than [20%][[…%]] [of the total costs and contributions][per budget category] set out in Annex 2 require an amendment][[other]]]] .
Budget Flexibility. Grantee may adjust individual budget line item expenditure amounts within an individual training course without approval of POST, provided that, there is no increase to the administrative line items, and the cummulative budgetary line item changes do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total budgeted amount of the line item. All other budgetary modifications shall require POST approval in accordance with the Modification subsection of the General Provisions of this Grant. The request must be approved by POST before deviating from the current approved budget and scope of work. Requests that are not pre-approved may not be reimburseable.
Budget Flexibility. Budget revisions between identified budget categories in cost reimbursement agreements that are within the total Agreement amount, comply with the Prior Approval Requirements, above and do not change the Scope of Work or substitute Key Personnel, as defined in this Agreement, are allowed as described below:
Budget Flexibility. As directed in 2 CFR 200.308(e), the transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions and activities is restricted such that if the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the total budget as last approved by the Federal awarding agency, the recipient must receive prior approval from the Grant Officer.
Budget Flexibility. Award recipients are not permitted to make transfers that would cause any funds to be used for purposes other than those consistent with this Federal program. Any budget changes that impact the SOW and agreed upon outcomes or deliverables require a request for modification and approval from the Grant Officer. Any request for a budget modification or non-competing extension of the final budget should be submitted to the Grant Officer, in writing, at least 30 days before the Period of Performance is scheduled to expire. Such requests usually are for a period of up to 12 months. As directed in 2 CFR 200.308(f), for programs where the Federal share is over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) (currently $250,000), the transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions, and activities is restricted such that if the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10% of the total budget as last approved by the Federal awarding agency, the award recipient must receive prior approval from the Grant Officer. Any changes within a specific cost category on the SF-424A do not require a grant modification unless the change results in a cumulative transfer among direct cost categories exceeding 10% of total budget. It is recommended that the assigned Federal Project Officer or point of contact review any within-line changes to the award recipient’s budget prior to implementation to ensure they do not require a modification. For programs where the Federal share of the project is below the SAT of $250,000, recipients are not required to obtain the Grant Officer’s approval when transferring funds among direct cost categories. B(4.) Non-Federal Cost Sharing or Matching This award does not include a cost sharing or matching requirement. Part C: Funds Management C(1.) Funds – Payment Management System (PMS) Upon receipt of a NOA, in order to draw funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Payment Management System (PMS), an active account must be established. To establish an account, award recipients must complete an SF-1199A and PMS Access form (shown as the PMS New User Access Request on the PMS website) (User Access). DOL is responsible for completing portions of the SF-1199A and submitting the completed SF-1199A to the Division of Payment Management, which operates PMS. Federal award recipients do not need to complete these forms if they already have an account with PMS.
Budget Flexibility. Budget revisions between identified budget categories in cost reimbursement agreements that are within the total contract amount are allowed as described below: Up to 10% of each annual budget amount or $10,000, whichever is less, is allowed with approval of the Grant Manager. Exceeding 10% or $10,000, whichever is less, of the last approved budget will require: the Grant Manager’s prior approval; and a formal amendment to this Agreement. The Recipient shall submit a revised budget to the GRANTOR for approval. Budget transfers that would cause any portion of the funds to be used for purposes other than those consistent with the original intent of this Agreement are not allowed. Notwithstanding the above provision, the GRANTOR may proceed with a formal amendment to this Agreement for budget revisions. EXHIBIT C GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Budget Flexibility. As directed in 2 CFR 200.308(e), the transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions and activities is restricted such that if the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the total budget as last approved by the Federal awarding agency, the recipient must receive prior approval from the Grant Officer. Any changes within a specific cost category on the SF424a do not require a grant modification unless the change results in cumulative transfer among direct cost categories exceeds 10% of total budget as noted above. It is recommended that your assigned Department of Labor (DOL) Federal Project Officer (FPO) review any within-line changes to your budget prior to implementation to ensure they do not require a modification.
Budget Flexibility. (a) Subject to the prior review and approval of the Grant Manager, adjustments between existing line items may be used to defray allowable direct costs up to fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount, including any amendment(s) thereto. Line item adjustments in excess of fifteen percent (15%) require an Agreement amendment. If the detailed budget includes an amount for the Recipient’s personnel costs, that amount is based on the hours, classifications, and rates submitted by the Recipient in its application. Any changes to the hours, classifications, and rates must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the Grant Manager.