Development Activities The Development activities referred to in item “b” of paragraph 3.1 include: studies and projects of implementation of the Production facilities; drilling and completion of the Producing and injection xxxxx; and installation of equipment and vessels for extraction, collection, Treatment, storage, and transfer of Oil and Gas. The installation referred to in item “c” includes, but is not limited to, offshore platforms, pipelines, Oil and Gas Treatment plants, equipment and facilities for measurement of the inspected Production, wellhead equipment, production pipes, flow lines, tanks, and other facilities exclusively intended for extraction, as well as oil and gas pipelines for Production Outflow and their respective compressor and pumping stations.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES This Grant Agreement is for the Foundational Year only. Subsection 1. Continuous SIA Plan Implementation (a) Increasing instructional time, which may include: (A) More hours or days of instructional time; (B) Summer programs; (C) Before-school or after-school programs; or (D) Technological investments that minimize class time used for assessments administered to students. (b) Addressing students’ health or safety needs, which may include: (A) Social-emotional learning and development; (B) Student mental and behavioral health; (C) Improvements to teaching and learning practices or organizational structures that lead to better interpersonal relationships at the school; (D) Student health and wellness; (E) Trauma-informed practices; (F) School health professionals and assistants; or (G) Facility improvements directly related to improving student health or safety. (c) Reducing class sizes, which may include increasing the use of instructional assistants, by using evidence-based criteria to ensure appropriate student-teacher ratios or staff caseloads. (d) Expanding availability of and student participation in well-rounded learning experiences, which may include: (A) Developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive early literacy practices and programs in prekindergarten through third grade; (B) Culturally responsive practices and programs in grades six through eight, including learning, counseling and student support that is connected to colleges and careers; (C) Broadened curricular options at all grade levels, including access to: (i) Art, music and physical education classes; (ii) Science, technology, engineering and mathematics education;
Development Program A. Development activities to be undertaken (Please break activities into subunits with the date of completion of major milestones) B. Estimated total development time
Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
Development and Commercialization Subject to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, Fibrocell shall be solely responsible for the development and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products and Improved Products. Fibrocell shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the Fibroblast Program except that Intrexon shall be responsible for the following: (a) costs of establishing manufacturing capabilities and facilities in connection with Intrexon’s manufacturing obligation under Section 4.6 (provided, however, that Intrexon may include an allocable portion of such costs, through depreciation and amortization, when calculating the Fully Loaded Cost of manufacturing a Fibrocell Product, to the extent such allocation, depreciation, and amortization is permitted by US GAAP, it being recognized that the majority of non-facilities scale-up costs cannot be capitalized and amortized under US GAAP); (b) costs of basic research with respect to the Intrexon Channel Technology and Intrexon Materials (i.e., platform improvements) but, for clarity, excluding research described in Section 4.7 or research requested by the JSC for the development of a Fibrocell Product or an Improved Product (which research costs shall be reimbursed by Fibrocell); (c) [*****]; and (d) costs of filing, prosecution and maintenance of Intrexon Patents. The costs encompassed within subsection (a) above shall include the scale-up of Intrexon Materials and related active pharmaceutical ingredients for clinical trials and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products undertaken pursuant to Section 4.6, which shall be at Intrexon’s cost whether it elects to conduct such efforts internally or through Third Party contractors retained by either Intrexon or Fibrocell (with Intrexon’s consent).
Development Period The Contractor may commence pre-construction activities like utility shifting, boundary wall construction or any other activity assigned to the Contractor by the Authority to enable construction of the Project Highway immediately after signing of the Agreement, to the extent that such work is ready for execution. The Parties agree that these works may be taken up and completed to the extent feasible by the Contractor, before declaration of the Appointed Date, but no claim against the Authority for delay shall survive during this period and that the undertaking of these works by the Contractor shall not count towards the Scheduled Construction Period of the project which starts counting only from the Appointed Date. No construction activity of the Project Highway shall be undertaken during the development period.
Development Plan document specifying the work program, schedule, and relevant investments required for the Development and the Production of a Discovery or set of Discoveries of Oil and Gas in the Concession Area, including its abandonment.
Development Diligence Pfizer will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop (including to seek Regulatory Approval for) at least one (1) Licensed Product in one (1) Major Market Country for each Research Project Target for which Pfizer exercises its Option. Except as provided in Section 2.2 and this Section 3.2.1, Pfizer will have no other diligence obligations with respect to the Development or Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products under this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, any actions taken by Pfizer’s Affiliates or Sublicensees under this Agreement shall be treated as actions taken by Pfizer in regard to satisfaction of the requirements of this Section 3.2.1.
Commercialization Intrexon shall have the right to develop and Commercialize the Reverted Products itself or with one or more Third Parties, and shall have the right, without obligation to Fibrocell, to take any such actions in connection with such activities as Intrexon (or its designee), at its discretion, deems appropriate.