Electronic authentication and digital certificates. 1. The Parties commit to establishing cooperation mechanisms between the national accreditation and digital certification authorities for electronic transactions. 2. Each Party shall work towards the recognition, at the central level of government, of digital certificates issued by the other Party.
Electronic authentication and digital certificates. 1. Each Party shall maintain domestic legislation for electronic authentication that:
(a) permits parties to electronic transactions to determine the appropriate authentication technologies and implementation models for their electronic transactions, without limiting the recognition of such technologies and implementation models; and
(b) permits parties to electronic transactions to have the opportunity to prove in court that their electronic transactions comply with any legal requirements.
2. The Parties shall work towards the mutual recognition of digital certificates at government level, based on internationally accepted standards.
3. The Parties shall encourage the interoperability of digital certificates in the business sector.
Electronic authentication and digital certificates. 1. Each Party shall maintain, or adopt as soon as practicable, measures based on international norms for electronic authentication that:
(a) permit participants in electronic transactions to determine the appropriate authentication technologies and implementation models for their electronic transactions;
(b) do not limit the recognition of authentication technologies and implementation models; and
(c) permit participants in electronic transactions to have the opportunity to prove that their electronic transactions comply with the Party's domestic laws and regulations.
2. The Parties shall, where possible, endeavour to work towards the mutual recognition of digital certificates and electronic signatures that are issued or recognised by governments based on internationally accepted standards.
3. The Parties shall encourage the interoperability of digital certificates used by business.
Electronic authentication and digital certificates. Each Party shall maintain domestic legislation for electronic authentication that:
Electronic authentication and digital certificates. 1. The Parties shall maintain laws regulating electronic signatures that allow:
(a) parties to electronic transactions to mutually determine the appropriate electronic signature and authentication methods; and
(b) electronic authentication service providers, including agencies, to have the opportunity to prove before judicial or administrative authorities that their electronic authentication services comply with the relevant legal tequirements.
2. The Parties shall work towards the mutual recognition of digital certificates and electronic signatures.
3. The Parties shall encourage the use of digital certificates in the business sector.