Network Services Local Access Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, Customer will pay fixed monthly recurring local loop charges ranging from $1,200 to $2,000 for TDM-based DS-3 Network Services Local Access Services at 2 CLLI codes mutually agreed upon by Customer and Company.
Transportation Services i) In the event that transportation services for a student served by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individual Services Agreement are to be provided by a party other than CONTRACTOR or the LEA or its transportation providers, such services shall be reflected in a separate agreement signed by the parties hereto, and provided to the LEA and SELPA Director by the CONTRACTOR. Except as provided below, CONTRACTOR shall compensate the transportation provider directly for such services, and shall charge the LEA for such services at the actual and reasonable rates billed by the transportation provider, plus a ten percent (.
Emergency Services The parties recognize that in the event of a strike or lockout, situations may arise of an emergency nature. To this end, the Employer and the Union will agree to provide services of an emergency nature.