B4 Key Personnel The Contractor acknowledges that the Key Personnel are essential to the proper provision of the Services to the Authority.
Supplier Personnel The Customer and Supplier agree and acknowledge that in the event of the Supplier ceasing to provide the Services or part of them for any reason, Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer) shall apply. The Supplier shall not and shall procure that any relevant Sub-Contractor shall not take any step (expressly or implicitly and directly or indirectly by itself or through any other person) without the prior written consent of the Customer to dissuade or discourage any employees engaged in the provision of the Services from transferring their employment to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor. During the Termination Assistance Period, the Supplier shall and shall procure that any relevant Sub-Contractor shall: give the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor reasonable access to the Supplier's personnel and/or their consultation representatives to present the case for transferring their employment to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or to discuss or consult on any measures envisaged by the Customer, Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor in respect of persons expected to be Transferring Supplier Employees; co-operate with the Customer and the Replacement Supplier to ensure an effective consultation process and smooth transfer in respect of Transferring Supplier Employees in line with good employee relations and the effective continuity of the Services. The Supplier shall immediately notify the Customer or, at the direction of the Customer, the Replacement Supplier of any period of notice given by the Supplier or received from any person referred to in the Staffing Information, regardless of when such notice takes effect. The Supplier shall not for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of transfer re-employ or re-engage or entice any employees, suppliers or Sub-Contractors whose employment or engagement is transferred to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier except that this paragraph 10.5 shall not apply where an offer is made pursuant to an express right to make such offer under Call Off Schedule 10.1 (Staff Transfer) in respect of a Transferring Supplier Employee not identified in the Supplier's Final Supplier Personnel List.
Contractor Key Personnel The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).
CONTRACT EMPLOYEES Contained in Annexure D.
DISCIPLINE OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. Any action or behavior which reflects discredit upon the City or is a direct hindrance to the effective performance of the City's municipal governmental and proprietary functions may be considered good cause for disciplinary action against an employee and such actions or behavior which may be considered good cause for disciplinary action shall include, but not be limited to the following: A. Habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess or the use of narcotics. B. Being adjudged guilty of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or disgraceful conduct. C. Taking intoxicating beverages, or being intoxicated, while on duty. D. Engaging in improper political activity as defined in Article IXA, Section 8, of the Charter of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska. E. Offensive conduct or language toward the public or toward City officers or employees. F. Lacking either mental or physical competence to perform assigned duties. G. Damaging or being negligent in the care and handling of City property. H. Violating any lawful and reasonable regulations or directives made or given by a superior. I. Inducing or attempting to induce any officer or employee in the City service to commit an illegal act or to act in violation of any lawful and reasonable departmental or official regulation or order, or participating therein. J. Using or attempting to use personal or political influence or bribery to secure an advantage in an examination or promotion, leave of absence, transfer, change of grade, pay or character of work. K. Failing to pay just debts due or owing or failing to make reasonable provisions for future payment of such debts, thereby causing annoyance to officials of the City, or embarrassment to the City. L. Any unauthorized absence of an employee from duty shall be deemed to be an absence without pay and may be made grounds for disciplinary action by the Department Head. In the absence of such disciplinary action, any employee who absents himself for three or more continuous days without authorized leave shall be deemed to have resigned. Such absence may be covered, however, by the Department Head by a subsequent grant of leave with or without pay where extenuating circumstances are found to have existed. M. Repeated violations of State laws or City ordinances relating to the operation of a motor vehicle or a bus. N. The employee has failed to maintain a satisfactory attendance record whereby a pattern of excessive sick leave and unexcused leaves of absence has been established. O. Intentionally falsifying and/or theft of official records and/or statement/property. Section 2. The Director of Public Works/Utilities may suspend or discharge any employee for cause or suspend any employee for investigation of any accident, incident, or other occurrence after having orally informed such employee, and then confirmed in writing, the reason(s) for such suspension or discharge, the duration of the suspension, and/or the effective date of the discharge. Except as otherwise provided in Section 3 below, any employee who has been so suspended or discharged shall have the right to have his case taken up in accordance with the procedures hereinafter provided in Article 8. If it is found during Steps 1 or 2 of the grievance procedure that there was not cause for the suspension or discharge, such employee shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost through such suspension or discharge at his regular straight time hourly rate of pay, or paid such other amount as may appear to be just. Any suspension or discharge arising from the provisions of Article 31 need not be done in writing. Section 3. If an employee is charged with an offense involving the mishandling of fares or the misappropriation of City funds or property, intentional falsification or theft of official records or statements, immorality or drunkenness, neither such charge nor the discipline meted out in connection therewith shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures provided for in this Agreement unless the grievance or demand for arbitration in such cases be accompanied by a document signed by the employee involved authorizing the City to disclose any and all facts and information pertaining to the case and releasing the City from any and all liability therefor. Section 4. When an employee is notified to come to the office to explain the reason or reasons for any complaint, incident or accident, the employee shall make himself available with representation, if so desired, within forty-eight (48) hours (Saturday, Sunday, holidays, days off excluded). The record of complaint and employee explanation will be made a part of the personnel record only after such meeting. Section 5. In considering disciplinary action, Management will take into account the twelve calendar months prior to the month in which the incident occurred in the employee's record. Section 6. Written reprimands and rebuttals or explanations thereof shall be removed from an employee's personnel file, including such files within a Department, one (1) year after the filing. All reprimands and rebuttals or explanations will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for inclusion into the employee's permanent record. Section 7. No discussion or investigation of anything involving possible disciplinary action shall be over the system radio. Telephone investigations will be for information purposes only and at the option of the employee; however, if the employee is called, the employee will be paid for the actual time spent on the telephone. Section 8. The Union shall receive a written notice of all pre-disciplinary hearings or meetings to be held. This notice shall be provided to the Union at least twenty-four
Employees 8.1 The Parties acknowledge that the Employees' contracts of employment shall automatically transfer to the Purchaser pursuant to the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (as amended) (the “Regulations”). Additionally, the Seller acknowledges that (i) no employee of the Purchaser has an employment agreement; and (ii) no employee of the Seller shall be granted an employment agreement. 8.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for and undertakes to indemnify and keep the Seller indemnified from and against all accrued holiday pay entitlements and accrued holiday entitlements of the Employees which have accrued prior to the Closing Date. 8.3 Unless actions for the claim(s) arise before the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall have no recourse against the Seller in respect of any claim made by or in relation to the Employees whether by virtue of the assumption of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981, the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 1999 or arising under contract, statute, regulation, directive or otherwise. 8.4 Beginning on the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of all wages and salaries due, any related pay-as-you-earn, National Insurance or deductions in respect of the Employees. 8.5 The Seller undertakes to indemnify and keep the Purchaser indemnified from and against all liabilities, obligations, costs, claims and demands arising from or in respect of any of the Employees, insofar as and to the extent that the same was caused by any act or omission by the Seller prior to the Closing Date. 8.6 All the obligations of the Seller under or in connection with the contracts of employment of the Employees arising in respect of any event or period on or prior to the Closing Date shall be performed and discharged by the Seller and the Seller shall indemnify the Purchaser from and against any and all actions, proceedings, costs, claims, expenses, demands, damages, awards (whether of compensation or otherwise), fines, penalties, judgements, order and liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, national insurance and pension entitlements and any liability to pay accrued holiday pay) which: 8.6.1 relate to or arise out of or in connection with the employment or dismissal of any of the Employees or any other employee by the Seller or any other person or any act or omission by the Seller or any associate of the Seller or any other event occurring on or prior to the Closing Date for which the Purchaser is liable by reason of the operation of the Regulations or other measure having the force of law; or 8.6.2 (whether or not in respect of a period before or after the Closing Date) relate to any contract of employment of any employee of the Seller or any other person (other than any of the Employees) in respect of which the Purchaser is liable as a result of the Regulations or Directive 77/187 of the Council of European Communities or the termination of any such contract (and in this connection the Purchaser shall terminate such contacts of employment promptly on becoming aware of the same); or 8.6.3 arise from any failure by the Seller to comply with its obligations made or contemplated by the Regulations. 8.7 The Seller undertakes to authorise and hereby authorises each of the Employees to disclose to the Purchaser after the Closing Date all information in his or her possession relating to the Business notwithstanding any term of his or her employment with the Seller (whether express or implied) which would otherwise preclude him or her from so doing. 8.8 Should any liabilities, obligations, costs, claims and demands arising from or in respect of any of the Employees, insofar as and to the extent that the same was caused by any act or omission by the Seller prior to the Closing Date (the “Employee Liabilities”), arise on or after the Closing Date, the Employee Liabilities shall be subject to the Offset defined in Section 3.1.
All Employees to be Members All employees of the Employer, as a condition of continuing employment, shall become and remain members in good standing of the Union, according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Union. All future employees of the Employer shall, as a condition of continued employment, become and remain members in good standing in the Union from the date of hire.
Service Plans 2.1 Standard Price Service Standard Price Term Home Basic Broadband 100 HK$168 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months HomeFibre 500 HK$178 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months HomeFibre 1000 HK$198 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months a) WiFi service is only applicable at the Company’s designated wireless hotspots, for details, please visit www. xxxxxxxx.xxx b) No first time installation fee required. 2.2 Switch-in Offer a) Customer who accepts Switch-in Offer is entitled to up to 6 free service months provided the total Term will be (i) number of free service months; plus (ii) 24 months For example, if a customer opts in for 6 free service months, the total Term will be 30 months (6 free service months + 24 months = 30 months in total). The free months will be on 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th months of the Term. b) The monthly service fee waiver cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. c) The Company may request the Customer to present his existing broadband service contracts or bills with the other operator as verification. d) The Company has the final decision on the number of free service months to be offered. 2.3 Super Value Price a) Super Value Price is calculated based on Standard Price minus the cash bonus for the respective service plans. The cash bonus for Home Basic Broadband 100, HomeFibre 500 and HomeFibre 1000 is $20/month respectively. b) The cash bonus will be credited to the monthly bill of the Customer’s Account. The first Credit Amount will be credited to the 1st monthly bill after the service effective date. c) The Super Value Price service plan is subject to change from time to time. d) Customer who has registered for the Service and simultaneously subscribed to a designated monthly plan for the Company’s mobile telephone services (“Monthly Mobile Plan”) or HomePhone+ (“HomePhone+”) will be eligible for the Super Value Price in place of the Standard Price for the Term subject to the following conditions. e) The Service and the designated Mobile Monthly Plan should be registered under the same name and account; for HomePhone+, the Service and the HomePhone+ should be registered with same HKID. Otherwise the Customer will not be entitled to the Super Value Price. f) The Super Value Price will apply according to the bill date of the Service provided that the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is active. Cash bonus will be credited to the monthly bill. If the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is terminated/disconnected for whatsoever reason on the bill date of the Service, the Super Value Price of that month will not apply and the Customer will be charged the Standard Price. The Company will check the account status of the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ on every bill date of the Service to determine whether Super Value Price or the Standard Price will be charged for the Service to the Customer. g) One designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is entitled to one Super Value Price in a bill month. h) If the Customer subscribes to two Services and one designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+, only the Super Value Price with the higher amount will be given to the Customer. i) For customer who has enjoyed the Switch-in Offer, the cash bonus (as described in Clause 2.3(a)) will take effect after the end of the free service months. 2.4 The Customer can change to a higher service plan during the Term and contract period shall remain the same. Customer who change to a lower value service plan is required to pay liquidated damages (as described in Clause 7 below) and also sign a new fixed term contract for the service plan. In both cases, the Customer shall pay an installation fee (if applicable) at the Company’s prevailing rate of charges for the Service from time to time. 2.5 The Service Plan is charged on a monthly basis. The monthly charges for the first month will be charged on a non pro-rata basis from the service effective date to the first bill date. The monthly charges are payable in advance and non-refundable under whatever circumstances. 2.6 Unless otherwise specified by the Customer, the Service will continue to be provided to the Customer after the expiry of the Term and such service will be charged at the same Monthly Service Plan that is chargeable to the Customer on the expiry date of the Term. 2.7 Free Three Months Offer a) This offer is only applicable to Home Basic Broadband 100. b) The offer can be used in conjunction with Switch-in Offer described in Clause 2.2. c) The free service months of this offer are 3rd, 6th, 9th month after the free months of the Switch-in Offer. For example, if a customer opts in for 6 free service months, the total Term will be 30 months (6 free service months + 24 months = 30 months in total). All the free months will be on 3rd, 6th, 9th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30thmonths of the Term. d) No cash bonus will be credited on the free service months. e) All monthly service fee waivers are not transferable and exchangeable for cash. f) The offer is subject to change from time to time.
EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL FILES 24-1 It is recognized by the parties that the School District may prescribe regulations for the custody, use and preservation of the records, papers, books, documents and property pertaining to the School District. However, to the extent that any records, papers, or other documents covering Employees of the Association do not relate to pre-employment data, every Employee shall be allowed to review the personnel file at any reasonable time upon request. No Employee's request shall be deferred for more than seven (7) School Days for a central office file and no more than two (2) School Days for a site location file excluding weekends and holidays. If any Employee is involved in a grievance regarding matters in the personnel file which may be material, an Association officer or other Association Representative with the written approval of the Employee may also be granted access to the Employee's personnel file at reasonable times where such access is authorized in advance by the Employee. The District shall provide copies of all legally permissible information pertinent to the grievance. 24-2 A copy of each written report, comment, or reprimand concerning an Employee which the School District places in the Employee's personnel file shall be provided that Employee. The Employee must sign the personnel copy of the report, comment, or reprimand as directed as acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of the document. Such signature may not be construed as agreement to the contents of the document. Upon request, an Employee shall be provided, at the prevailing rate per page, a reproduction of any material, excluding any pre-employment documents, in the Employee's file. Unless requested by the Association, such a request may not be made more than one time per year. 24-3 Any written response by the Employee to any written report, comment, or reprimand will also become a part of the Employee's personnel file and will remain a part of said file as long as the report, comment, or reprimand responded to remains a part of the file. In order to insure that the response is not inadvertently overlooked, the Employee will note under his or her signature on the report, comment, or reprimand at the time the response is delivered that a response has been made and the document will be countersigned by the receiving administrator and shall be attached to the supervisor's document. If an Employee desires to make a written response to any written report, comment, or reprimand issued by the Immediate Supervisor or Appropriate Administrator, the Employee's response must be made within twenty (20) days. Upon written request of the Employee, a waiver of the time limits by the Appropriate Administrator, not to exceed twenty (20) days, may be granted, which will not be unreasonably withheld. When a copy of the Immediate Supervisor's or Appropriate Administrator's written document is forwarded to any other location, a copy of the Employee's written response must be attached. 24-4 Upon review of the personnel file, an Employee may respond to documents, comments, or reprimands contained therein that the Employee believes to be inaccurate. The Employee's response shall be directed to the Superintendent's designee. If upon investigation by the Superintendent's designee it is determined that the Employee's response is accurate, the response shall become part of the Employee's personnel file or the comment, document, or reprimand in question may be removed by the Superintendent's designee. The determination as to whether the Employee response is accurate and whether said response shall become part of the Employee's personnel file or the comment, document, or reprimand in question shall be removed are determinations that shall be grievable. The Performance Evaluation Report shall remain a permanent part of the Employee's personnel file. If it is determined that the information contained within the evaluation is not substantiated as factual, the District shall replace the evaluation with a corrected copy. 24-5 It is the School District's intention that work rules, policies, and procedures are to be interpreted and applied uniformly to all Employees under similar circumstances.
Current Employees Employees who are eligible to participate but not deferring shall have Elective Deferrals withheld in the amount of ______ % of Compensation or $_________ of Compensation. Employees and Participants shall have the right to amend the stated automatic Elective Deferral percentage or receive cash in lieu of deferral into the Plan.