Contract Employees. Contained in Annexure D.
Contract Employees. Those contract employees with 12 months’ or more employment with the same employer shall be converted into permanent employees.
Contract Employees. Contained in Annexure D. Employees shall be permitted to work in the time lost due to strike action incurred during the September / October 2009 protected wage strike at normal rates of pay, provided that this is agreed to at plant level and further provided that where agreed, such employees shall be offered a loan equal to between one week and two weeks’ wages, deductible from their wages in equal weekly amounts over a 10 week period. CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE ON KEY ASPECTS OF HIV/AIDS AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN THE CLOTHING MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY OF SOUTH AFRICA
Contract Employees. An employee may be hired as a contract employee only in the following circumstances:
i) To provide key creative talent in one of the following classifications: Director, Writer, On-Air Talent, Narrator.
ii) To provide content or technical expertise not available from within the staff complement.
iii) To work on a project for which capacity is not available from the existing staff complement including: a one-off production, any given season of a TV series, one-off software development / upgrade.
iv) To replace an employee on a leave or secondment (e.g. maternity leave, STD, LTD).
v) If VICE requires a contract employee for any other reason it will discuss the need with the Union and may hire a contract employee with the Union’s consent.
Contract Employees. The University agrees that vacancies in the Police Officer classification will not be filled by contract employees. However, this in no way limits the right of the University to enter into and utilize mutual assistance agreements with other entities. For purposes of this Agreement, a job vacancy exists when a Police Officer retires, quits, transfers, or otherwise separates his/her employment and the University decides to fill such vacancy Contract employees will not assume the duties of bargaining unit employees in such a way as to cause the displacement or layoff of such employee as a direct result thereof.
Contract Employees. Contract employees have limited rights under this Agreement as per Article 12.06.
Contract Employees. Contained in Annexure D. Employees shall be permitted to work in the time lost due to strike action incurred during the September / October 2009 protected wage strike at normal rates of pay, provided that this is agreed to at plant level and further provided that where agreed, such employees shall be offered a loan equal to between one week and two weeks’ wages, deductible from their wages in equal weekly amounts over a 10 week period. The joint and several liability provisions regarding subcontracting to Non-Compliant companies shall apply to all factories who pay below 80% of the NBC gazetted wage rates. Companies paying between 80% and 100% of the NBC gazetted wage rates may apply to the NBC for Level B Compliance registration, in which case, once approved by the Council, the joint and several liability provisions would not apply.
Contract Employees. ACRA may contract with any Member, entity, or person to provide employees or services necessary to operate ACRA.
Contract Employees. Contract Employees can hold such an appointment for a maximum of three years. Any extension of such an appointment shall only be by the mutual agreement of the parties to this Agreement. Any significant change to the terms of reference of the contract at any time requires a new contract.
Contract Employees. .1 Steelway reserves the right to have bargaining unit work performed by employees from temporary agencies and staffing associations. These employees are used to assist Steelway in demanding production periods. These positions will be entry level positions or positions that have been posted and existing Steelway employees have not applied for or are not qualified to fill. Steelway is under no obligation to hire such persons as employees directly after any amount of time.
.2 Steelway reserves the right to hire employees pursuant to a limited term contract with a specified end date for a period of up to 1 year (“contract employees”). The parties agree that the termination of employment of contract employees due to the ending of their contract is permissible and is not subject to the grievance and arbitration provision set out in Article 7.0.
.3 Contract employees and employees of temporary agencies and staffing associations with over 500 hours, in one year, will be invited to company functions and entitled to company gifts.