EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PREMIUM REDUCTION OR REBATE. The Employer shall retain the full amount of any premium reduction or rebate allowable on employment insurance by the Employment Insurance Commission which is granted as a result of the benefits covering Employees to which this Collective Agreement applies.
EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PREMIUM REDUCTION OR REBATE. 38.01 The Employer shall retain the full amount of any premium reduction or rebate allowable on employment insurance which is granted as a result of the General Illness benefits covering Employees to which this Agreement applies.
38.02 The premium reduction or rebate referred to in Clause 38.01 shall be recognized as part of the Employee's contribution towards the General Illness benefits provided.
38.03 The Employer will inform the Chairperson of Local 038, in writing, quarterly of the amount of the premium reduction or rebate granted by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).
EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PREMIUM REDUCTION OR REBATE. 29.01 The Employee’s portion of all monies from Employment Insurance Commission Premium Reductions shall be returned to all eligible Employees as a payroll credit.
27.1 The Employer shall retain the full amount of any premium reduction or rebate allowable on Employment Insurance which is granted as a result of the benefits covering Employees under this Collective Agreement.
27.2 The premium reduction or rebate received by the Employer shall be recognized as the Employee’s contribution towards the benefits provided.