EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. The Union shall maintain appropriate registration facilities at each Employment Office for applicants to register for employment. The period during which applicants will be accepted and for which they remain valid may be fixed by the Employment Office. Branch offices of each Employment Office may be operated with separate registration facilities. The Union shall provide the Association with a list of such branch offices, their addresses and the hours during which they are open. The manager or other designated agent of the Association shall have the right to inspect Employment Office records during hours which the office is open for registration. The Local Union may establish reasonable Hiring Hall rules that will not conflict with other provisions of this Section 3.
EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. The Union shall maintain an Employment Office in the San Francisco Bay Area with adequate facilities for employees to register for employment. All employees and applicants for employment shall be entitled to the use of said facilities, subject, however, to the requirements of federal, state and local law, and to the provisions of Section 18 (Union Security).