Best Efforts of Employee Employee agrees to perform faithfully, industriously, and to the best of Employee's ability, experience, and talents, all of the duties that may be required by the express and implicit terms of this Agreement, to the reasonable satisfaction of Employer. Such duties shall be provided at such place(s) as the needs, business, or opportunities of the Employer may require from time to time.
Safe and Respectful Workplace 69.1 The Parties recognise that everyone is entitled to work in an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and bullying. It is the Employer’s responsibility to ensure it complies with relevant legislative requirements including the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic). 69.2 Accordingly, the Parties agree to the Sexual Harassment principles and the Respect Code in Appendix J. 69.3 In accordance with those principles the following points will be covered in the Employer’s on site induction: (a) It is everyone’s responsibility to respect women’s right to work without having to experience unacceptable behaviour. (b) Disrespectful actions and behaviours which express power inequalities between women and men and cause physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm to women are unacceptable on site. (c) Unacceptable behaviours that women face in the workplace include: (i) stalking and intimidation; (ii) threats and verbal abuse; (iii) ostracism; (iv) rude gestures and put downs; (v) offensive language and imagery; (vi) sexual innuendo / insinuations; (vii) sexual suggestions and/or unwanted advances; and (viii) sexual assault. (d) These behaviours at work present serious OHS risks which may cause significant physical and psychological injury. (e) This respect must also be extended to other visitors to the site and members of the public.
Employee Orientation Each and every person working for a contractor, including sub- contractors, will be given an orientation to familiarize them with the site safety program. Unless otherwise specified, each sub-contractor is responsible for the orientation of their workers.
Categories of Employment 2.3.1 Full-time A full-time employee is an employee who is employed for 37.5 or 40 hours per week. 2.3.2 Part-time A part-time employee is an employee who is regularly employed for less than the full-time hours as specified in clause 2.3.1.
Safe Workplace A) The Employer and employees recognize the need for a safe and healthful workplace and agree to take appropriate measures in order that risks of accidents and/or occupational disease are reduced and/or eliminated. Employers will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce and/or minimize threats to the safety of employees. B) An employee performing visitation to clients in the community shall have the right to request backup to attend where there is reasonable cause to expect a violent situation and will have access to appropriate communication equipment. C) When the Employer is aware that a patient/resident/client has a history of violent behaviour, the Employer shall make such information available to the employee. Upon admission or transfer the Employer will make every reasonable effort to identify the potential for aggressive behaviour. In- services and/or instruction in caring for the violent patient will be provided by the Employer. D) The Employer will provide orientation and/or in-service which is necessary for the safe performance of work including universal precautions, the safe use of equipment, safe techniques for lifting and supporting patients/residents/clients and the safe handling of materials and products. The Employer will also make readily available information, manuals and procedures for these purposes. The Employer will provide appropriate safety clothing and equipment.
EMPLOYEE FILES 10.01 A copy of any completed formal evaluation which is to be placed in an employee’s file shall be first reviewed with the employee. The employee shall initial such evaluation as having been read and shall have the opportunity to add her or his views to such evaluation prior to it being placed in her or his file. It is understood that such evaluations do not constitute disciplinary action by the Employer against the employee. Having provided a written request to the Director of Care, or her designate, an employee shall be entitled to her personnel file for the purpose of reviewing any evaluations or formal disciplinary notations contained therein, in the presence of the Director of Care, at a mutually agreeable time. 10.02 The Employer will accommodate reasonable requests for copies of performance appraisals and records of discipline in an employee's file. 10.03 Letters of discipline shall be removed from an employee's file eighteen (18) months following the receipt of such letters provided that the employee's disciplinary record has remained discipline free over the eighteen (18) months period. Leaves of absence in excess of thirty (30) continuous calendar days will not count towards the eighteen (18) months period noted above.
Questionnaires All information contained in the questionnaires (the “Questionnaires”) completed by the Company and the Sponsor and, to the knowledge of the Company, the Company’s officers, directors and director nominees and provided to the Underwriters, is true and correct and the Company has not become aware of any information that would cause the information disclosed in the Questionnaires completed by the Company, the Sponsor or the Company’s officers, directors and director nominees to become inaccurate and incorrect.
Consulting Teachers 14.3.1 A Consulting Teacher provides assistance to a Participating Teacher pursuant to the PAR program. The qualifications for the Consulting Teacher shall be set forth in the Rules and Procedures, with the minimum qualifications: (a) Must be a permanent, credentialed, bargaining unit member. (b) Must have successfully taught in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District or three of the last five years, spending at least fifty percent of a full-time position providing instruction to students. (c) With Association Representative Council approval, the minimum number of years in Article 13.3.1.b may be changed from three to two. Request must be in writing. (x) Xxxxx demonstrate exemplary teaching abilities, as indicated by effective communication skills, extensive knowledge and mastery of subject matter, and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts. 14.3.2 Each applicant for the position of Consulting Teacher shall be required to submit a) From a site principal or other school district administrator and, b) From an Association member. 14.3.3 Consulting Teachers shall be selected and submitted for approval to the Governing Board by five (5) affirmative votes of the Joint Committee following classroom observations by the committee members. 14.3.4 A Consulting Teacher shall be provided necessary release time as approved by the Joint Committee. 14.3.5 A Consulting Teacher who has been selected to fill an administrative position within the District may not continue to serve as a Consulting Teacher. 14.3.6 The Joint Committee will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Consulting Teachers and make decisions regarding their continuation in the program. The Joint Committee may remove a Consulting Teacher from the position at any time because of the specific needs of the PAR Program, unsatisfactory performance of the Consulting Teacher, or for other reasons which serve the PAR Program's best interest. Prior to the effective date of such removal, the Joint Committee will meet with the Consulting Teacher. 14.3.7 Consulting Teachers shall assist Participating Teachers by demonstrating, observing, coaching, conferencing, in-servicing, referring, or by any other activities which, in their professional judgement, will assist the Participating Teacher. 14.3.8 The Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Referred Participating Teacher to discuss the PAR program, establish mutually agreed upon performance goals, develop the improvement plan, and develop a process for determining successful completion of the plan. The Consulting Teacher shall conduct multiple observations of the Referred Participating Teacher's performance with students, and shall meet with the Participating Teacher to review and discuss observations. 14.3.9 The Referred Participating Teacher shall be entitled to review all reports generated by the Consulting Teacher prior to their submission to the Joint Committee and to have affixed thereto his/her comments. To effectuate this right, the Consulting Teacher shall provide the Participating Teacher being reviewed with copies of such reports at least ten (10) working days prior to any such meeting. 14.3.10 The Consulting Teacher shall monitor the progress of the Referred Participating Teacher and provide periodic written reports to the Referred Participating Teacher for discussion and review, prior to sending periodic written reports to the Joint Committee. 14.3.11 The Consulting Teacher shall provide assistance, not to exceed one school year, to the Referred Teacher until he/she concludes that the teaching performance of the Referred Teacher is satisfactory, or that further assistance will not be productive. The Joint Committee may offer assistance beyond the one-year period. A copy of the Consulting Teacher's Final Report shall be submitted to and discussed with the Referred Participating Teacher to receive his/her input before it is submitted to the Joint Committee. The Referred Participating Teacher shall sign the report to indicate that he/she received a copy. The Referred Participating Teacher shall have the right to submit a written response that shall be attached to the Consulting Teacher's report, within ten (10) working days. The Referred Participating Teacher shall also have the right to request and meet with the Joint Committee to discuss the Consulting Teacher's report accompanied by an Association representative. 14.3.12 The results of the Referred Participating Teacher's participation in the PAR program shall be made available for placement in his/her personnel file, and may be used in the evaluation of the Referred Participating Teacher. 14.3.13 Upon the completion of the contracted term of service as a Consulting Teacher, if the Consulting Teacher were released from regular classroom duties, he/she shall be returned 14.3.14 The District shall defend and hold harmless individual members of the Joint Committee and Consulting Teachers from any lawsuit or claim arising out of the performance of their duties under this Program. The Association retains the right to participate in the litigation. 14.3.15 Consulting Teachers, Support Providers, and teacher members of the Joint Committee shall not be considered management or supervisory employees as defined in the Educational Employment Relations Act, and shall retain their status as bargaining unit members.
Agreement not to Participate in Company’s Competitors During Executive’s employment with the Company, Executive agrees not to acquire, assume or participate in, directly or indirectly, any position, investment or interest known by Executive to be adverse or antagonistic to the Company, its business, or prospects, financial or otherwise, or in any company, person, or entity that is, directly or indirectly, in competition with the business of the Company or any of its Affiliates (as defined below). Ownership by Executive, in professionally managed funds over which the Executive does not have control or discretion in investment decisions, or as a passive investment, of less than two percent (2%) of the outstanding shares of capital stock of any corporation with one or more classes of its capital stock listed on a national securities exchange or publicly traded on a national securities exchange or in the over-the-counter market shall not constitute a breach of this Section. For purposes of this Agreement, “Affiliate,” means, with respect to any specific entity, any other entity that, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such specified entity.
Employee Interview A new employee will have the opportunity to meet with a representative of the Union in the employ of the Hospital for a period of up to 15 minutes during the employee's orientation period without loss of regular earnings. The purpose of the meeting will be to acquaint the employee with such representative of the Union and the collective agreement. Such meetings may be arranged collectively or individually for employees by the Hospital as part of the orientation program.