Categories of Employment. 2.3.1 Full-time A full-time employee is an employee who is employed for 37.5 or 40 hours per week.
2.3.2 Part-time A part-time employee is an employee who is regularly employed for less than the full-time hours as specified in clause 2.3.1.
Categories of Employment. All positions shall be permanent. However, there is the provision for the employer to appoint a fixed term employee, into an existing permanent position in certain situations. The following types of employees may be appointed:
(a) Permanent full-time employees - employees who work full-time hours and have an expectation of ongoing employment;
(b) Permanent part-time employees - employees who work less than full-time hours and have an expectation of ongoing employment;
(c) Fixed-term employees - employees may be appointed either full-time or part-time for a fixed term, and whose employment will end either: • At the close of a specified date or period; or • On the occurrence of a specified event; or • At the conclusion of a specified project The employer must have genuine reasons based on reasonable grounds for specifying that the employment of the employee is to end in the way outlined in (c) above. The employer must also advise the employee of when or how his or her employment will end and the reasons for his or her employment ending in that way. Usually this detail is set out in the letter of appointment.
Categories of Employment. Casual employee means an employee who has no set hours or days of work and who is normally asked to work as and when required. Casual agreements shall not be used to deny staff security of employment. The employer reserves the right however, to employ casual employees where necessary to meet the demands of service delivery. Part time employee means an employee, other than a casual employee, employed on a permanent basis but works less than the ordinary or normal hours set out in the hours of work clause. Any wages and benefits e.g. leave; will be pro rata according to the hours worked unless specifically stated otherwise in this Agreement. Permanent employee means an employee who is employed for an indefinite term; that is, an employee who is not employed on a temporary or casual basis. Fixed term employee as defined by Section 66 of the Employment Relations Xxx 0000 means a full time or part time employee who is employed for a specific limited term for a specified project or situation or, for example, to replace an employee on parental leave or long term accident or sickness. There is no expectation of ongoing employment. Fixed-term agreements shall not be used to deny staff security of employment. Full time employment means an employee who works not less than the ordinary or normal working hours set under the hours of work clause in this Agreement.
Categories of Employment. 37.1 The District agrees to the following categories of employment:
A. Regular full-time
B. Regular part-time
Categories of Employment. Re-Entry After Absence Due to Childcare
Categories of Employment. 2.1.1 Full-time, permanent employment will be the norm, however:
(a) The Employer may engage part-time salaried Employees where the work is as follows:
(i) ongoing (that is, not temporary, seasonal or fluctuating in nature); and
(ii) of a type which would be performed by full-time Employees if it were full time; and
(iii) it involves a regular work pattern which should normally be at least 15 hours per week; and is
(iv) capable of being performed efficiently on a part-time basis.
Categories of Employment. (1) Employees will be engaged in one of the following categories:-
(a) permanent full-time, or
(b) permanent part-time,
(c) casual.
(2) Each employee will be advised in writing of his or her employment category and weekly/hourly rate (as applicable) at the commencement of their employment with the Company and thereafter of any changes to such category and/or weekly or hourly rate.
Categories of Employment. A. Regular Full-Time – an employee in an established position working 35 or more hours per week. Employees in this classification are entitled to the benefits described in the Kane County Employee handbook and this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Unless otherwise noted, benefits begin to accrue on the first day of regular employment.
B. Regular Part-Time – an employee in an established position who is scheduled to work less than 35 hours per week. Employees in this classification who qualify for and participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) are entitled to the benefits described in the Kane County Employee Handbook and this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Unless otherwise noted, benefits begin to accrue on the first day of regular employment.
C. Seasonal or Intermittent full-time or part-time – an employee hired to work temporarily for a short period of time or only intermittently throughout the year. Employees in this classification are not eligible for any benefits described in the Kane County Employee Handbook nor are they covered by this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Kane County is required to enroll all employees into IMRF if their job normally requires 600 or more hours in a twelve-month period. Both parties recognize that this Agreement supersedes any other guidelines pertaining to employee status, benefits, wages, etc.
Categories of Employment. (a) Employees will be employed on either a;
(i) casual;
(ii) part-time; or
(iii) full-time basis.
(b) At the commencement of their employment, Employees will be informed of the capacity in which they are engaged and this will be recorded in the Employer’s records.
Categories of Employment. 3.1 Permanent Employment 10
3.2 Casual Employment 10