Energy-intensive industry Target group Sample Clauses

Energy-intensive industry Target group. In general, the Action Plan for the Energy-Intensive Industry of the Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries is joined by the companies with one or more sites with an annual energy consumption of at least 100 GWh. The target is to include all energy-intensive industrial companies in Finland in the Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries by the end of 2018. The shared indicative energy savings target (GWh) of the Action Plan for 2017–2025 is 7.5% in 2025 and the intermediate target is 4% in 2020, calculated from the target group’s energy use4. On joining the Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries (2017–2025), the company sets an indicative energy savings target for period 2017–2025 and an intermediate target for 2020. The company’s indicative energy savings targets reflect the above indicative energy savings targets set by the industry association for the agreement period 2017–2025 of the Action Plan for the Energy-Intensive Industry. An action can be accepted for monitoring the achievement of targets, if the action is implemented by the company during the agreement period 2017–2025, if it is reported to the monitoring system of the Energy Efficiency Agreement scheme, if the energy conservation impact of the action is still valid during the year in question, and if the action concerns the energy use included in the specification of the company’s target. The company includes all of its energy use in the Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries, as referred to in section 4.3. On joining the Action Plan, the company presents an indicative energy savings target in its acces- sion document as the amount of energy (MWh) in 2020 and 2025. These targets are calculated from the amount of energy that is included in the appropriate Action Plan and that represents normal operation during the latest calendar year available at the time of accession. On joining the Action Plan for the Energy-Intensive Industry, the company commits itself to introducing an Energy Efficiency System EES in the way its introduction is described in the Action Plan in question (appendix 1.7, section 3.4). Instead of the Energy Efficiency System EES described in the Action Plan, the company can alternatively introduce an Energy Efficiency System EES+ or an ISO 50001 energy management system. 5 The companies with no branch-specific Action Plan in their sector and with no sites exceeding an annual energy con- sumption of 100 GWh can join in the General Action Plans of the Energy Effici...

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  • Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where Freedom has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to Freedom. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for Freedom (e.g. hairpinning): 1. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to any spare copper that exists to the customer premises. 2. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to an existing DLC that is not integrated. 3. If capacity exists, provide "side-door" porting through the switch. 4. If capacity exists, provide "Digital Access Cross Connect System (DACS)- door" porting (if the IDLC routes through a DACS prior to integration into the switch). 2.6.2 Arrangements 3 and 4 above require the use of a designed circuit. Therefore, non- designed Loops such as the SL1 voice grade and UCL-ND may not be ordered in these cases. 2.6.3 If no alternate facility is available, and upon request from Freedom, and if agreed to by both Parties, BellSouth may utilize its Special Construction (SC) process to determine the additional costs required to provision facilities. Freedom will then have the option of paying the one-time SC rates to place the Loop.

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  • NO HARDSTOP/PASSIVE LICENSE MONITORING Unless an Authorized User is otherwise specifically advised to the contrary in writing at the time of order and prior to purchase, Contractor hereby warrants and represents that the Product and all Upgrades do not and will not contain any computer code that would disable the Product or Upgrades or impair in any way its operation based on the elapsing of a period of time, exceeding an authorized number of copies, advancement to a particular date or other numeral, or other similar self-destruct mechanisms (sometimes referred to as “time bombs,” “time locks,” or “drop dead” devices) or that would permit Contractor to access the Product to cause such disablement or impairment (sometimes referred to as a “trap door” device). Contractor agrees that in the event of a breach or alleged breach of this provision that Authorized User shall not have an adequate remedy at law, including monetary damages, and that Authorized User shall consequently be entitled to seek a temporary restraining order, injunction, or other form of equitable relief against the continuance of such breach, in addition to any and all remedies to which Authorized User shall be entitled.

  • SHAM CONTRACTING (a) The Parties to this Agreement acknowledge that sham contracting has the potential to undermine fair employment practices, erode Employee entitlements and affect the job security of Employees covered by this Agreement. A sham contracting arrangement includes where an employer attempts to disguise an employment relationship as an independent contracting arrangement. This is usually done for the purposes of avoiding responsibility for employee entitlements. (b) In this clause, "sham contracting" is where: (i) an employer employs, or proposes to employ, an individual, representing to the individual that the contract of employment under which the individual is, or would be, employed by the employer is a contract for services under which the individual performs, or would perform, work as an independent contractor; (ii) an employer dismisses, or threatens to dismiss, an individual who is an employee of the employer and performs particular work for the employer in order to engage the individual as an independent contractor to perform the same, or substantially the same, work under a contract for services; or (iii) an employer employs, or has at any time employed, an individual to perform particular work makes a statement that the employer knows is false in order to persuade or influence the individual to enter into a contract for services under which the individual will perform, as an independent contractor, the same, or substantially the same, work for the employer. (c) Clause 16.6(b)(i) does not apply if the employer proves that, when the representation was made, the employer did not know and was not reckless as to whether the contract was a contract of employment rather than a contract for services. (d) Any use of sham contracting is a breach of this Agreement. (e) Where a sham contracting arrangement has been reasonably alleged and is unable to be resolved at the workplace level, any Party may refer the allegation directly to the Disputes Panel for conciliation and/or resolution under clause 11 of this Agreement. All Parties will cooperate with the requests of the Disputes Panel including requests to provide substantiating information or undertaking an independent audit of their arrangements. For the avoidance of doubt, an affected Employee may appoint a representative in relation to such matters. (f) Where the sham contracting allegation exists on the Employer’s Project, the Employer will make itself available to assist the disputes resolution procedure. (g) Where the Disputes Panel Chair deems it necessary due to seriousness of the allegations and/or their findings, the Chair may refer the matter to the appropriate government authority. (h) Where it is agreed or determined by the Disputes Panel or FWC that a sham contract was in place and the person was in fact an Employee under this Agreement, the calculation for back pay will be calculated on the basis of the hourly rate contained in this Agreement plus the site allowance (if applicable), plus the multi-storey allowance and an additional 75% loading to cover entitlements other than CBUS and Incolink. Any difference between the hourly rate paid to the Employee, plus CBUS and Incolink will form the settlement for breach of this clause. The affected Employee will be re-inducted and fully informed of their entitlements under this Agreement and the Fair Work Act. (i) The Employer must ensure that a person engaged to undertake building work as an Employee or as an independent contractor is lawfully entitled to be so engaged under Australian law. (j) The Employer agrees that the Employees will be paid in accordance with the applicable wage rates and allowances as prescribed in this Agreement. (k) The Employer in particular acknowledges the Sham Contracting Compliance Checklist, as attached at Appendix L, provides a useful tool to ensure ongoing compliance.

  • MIDDLE SCHOOLS 1. Where there are no negotiated provisions concerning the implementation or operation of a middle school program, this article shall govern the implementation or operation of a middle school program in a school district. 2. Should the employer seek to establish a middle school program in one or more schools in a district, the employer and the local shall meet, no later than ten (10) working days from a decision of the employer to implement a middle school program, in order to negotiate any alternate or additional provisions to the Collective Agreement which are necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program. 3. In the absence of any other agreement with respect to the instructional day and preparation time, the provisions of the Collective Agreement with regard to secondary schools shall apply to middle schools. 4. If the employer and the local are unable to agree on what, if any, alternate or additional provisions of the collective agreement are necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program(s), either party may refer the matter(s) in dispute to expedited arbitration for final and binding resolution pursuant to Article D.5.5 below. a. The jurisdiction of the arbitrator shall be limited to the determination of alternate or additional provisions necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program(s). b. In the event the arbitration is not concluded prior to the implementation of the middle school program, the arbitrator will have remedial authority to make appropriate retroactive modifications and adjustments to the agreement. c. The arbitration shall convene within thirty (30) working days of referral to arbitration in accordance with the following: i. Within ten (10) working days of the matter being referred to arbitration, the parties shall identify all issues in dispute; ii. Within a further five (5) working days, there shall be a complete disclosure of particulars and documents; iii. Within a further five (5) working days, the parties shall exchange initial written submissions; iv. The hearing shall commence within a further ten (10) working days; and v. The arbitrator shall render a final and binding decision within fifteen (15) working days of the arbitration concluding. 6. Where a middle school program has been established on or prior to ratification of the 2006-2011 Provincial Collective Agreement, the existing provisions shall be retained unless the parties mutually agree that they should be amended.

  • Research Independence The Company acknowledges that each Underwriter’s research analysts and research departments, if any, are required to be independent from their respective investment banking divisions and are subject to certain regulations and internal policies, and that such Underwriter’s research analysts may hold and make statements or investment recommendations and/or publish research reports with respect to the Company and/or the offering that differ from the views of its investment bankers. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against such Underwriter with respect to any conflict of interest that may arise from the fact that the views expressed by their independent research analysts and research departments may be different from or inconsistent with the views or advice communicated to the Company by such Underwriter’s investment banking divisions. The Company acknowledges that the Representative is a full service securities firm and as such from time to time, subject to applicable securities laws, may effect transactions for its own account or the account of its customers and hold long or short position in debt or equity securities of the Company.

  • Synchronization, Commissioning and Commercial Operation 4.1.1 The Power Producer shall give at least fifteen (15) days written notice to the SLDC / ALDC / DISCOM as the case may be, of the date on which it intends to synchronize the Power Project to the Grid System. 4.1.2 Subject to Article 4.1.1, the Power Project may be synchronized by the Power Producer to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in the Grid Code and otherwise meets all other Indian legal requirements for synchronization to the Grid System. 4.1.3 The synchronization equipment and all necessary arrangements / equipment including Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for scheduling of power generated from the Project and transmission of data to the concerned authority as per applicable regulation shall be installed by the Power Producer at its generation facility of the Power Project at its own cost. The Power Producer shall synchronize its system with the Grid System only after the approval of GETCO / SLDC / ALDC and GEDA. 4.1.4 The Power Producer shall immediately after each synchronization / tripping of generator, inform the sub-station of the Grid System to which the Power Project is electrically connected in accordance with applicable Grid Code. 4.1.5 The Power Producer shall commission the Project within SCOD. 4.1.6 The Power Producer shall be required to obtain Developer and/ or Transfer Permission, Key Plan drawing etc, if required, from GEDA. In cases of conversion of land from Agricultural to Non-Agriculture, the commissioning shall be taken up by GEDA only upon submission of N.A. permission by the Power Producer. 4.1.7 The Power Producer shall be required to follow the Forecasting and Scheduling procedures as per the Regulations issued by Hon’ble GERC from time to time. It is to clarify that in terms of GERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 the procedures for Forecasting, Scheduling & Deviation Settlment are applicable to all solar generators having combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the State Grid / Substation including those connected via pooling stations.