Action Plans Sample Clauses
Action Plans. Documentation is required within the established timeframe and via submission method designated by the Reporting Requirements below.
Action Plans. In the event that the Licensee has failed to deliver the specified requirements, has failed to achieve a Service Level or has otherwise failed to provide an adequate level of service, the Licensee must develop an action plan which as a minimum must:
Action Plans. The views of customers and employers regarding the quality of provision supplied by the contractor during the In-work Support period. .
Action Plans. In 2010 the University of Chichester published its Environmental and Sustainable Development Strategy 2010-2013, in which the commitment to “maintain and improve diversity within the University’s estate” was stated, the first University’s Biodiversity Action Plan (UOC BAP), was published in April 2011 to help to achieve this aim and to contribute to the UK and Sussex LBAP. This fourth, UOC BAP, is published to record the achievements of the past year and to highlight those areas that continue to require actions.
Action Plans. All Group companies with over 150 employees commit to establishing an overview of actions taken to promote gender equality in the workplace, and undertake to define a new action plan including the topics covered in this agreement. Companies with more than 150 employees that do not yet have an action plan on this matter, must implement the provisions of this agreement within 15 months of its 4 The invisible barriers created through prejudices, stereotypes and the way organisations are run that may stop women progressing in their careers. signing. The action plan will be the subject of a consultation process within a committee made up of the social partners of the companies concerned (trade union and/or works council representatives depending on the regulations of the country in question). The role of this committee will be to analyse any gaps between male and female employees, based on clear and comprehensible information concerning pay, training, career development, and more. The provisions of this article do not take precedence over more favourable national regulations or contractual provisions should these exist.
Action Plans. An Action Plan is a mutually agreed tool, developed between the Contractor and client as a result of the individual assessment plan, which is used to identify the actions necessary to meet the clients’ needs and establish goals that will assist clients to achieve self-sufficiency. Such goals may include, but are not limited to, access to health care, mental health care, addiction services, financial resources, training, employment and permanent housing.
a) The Contractor shall review and update the Action Plan Weekly. The Contractor’s Case Managers shall maintain case notes as an on-going record of continuing assessment, provision of services and achievement of goals. Referrals to additional support services will occur in response to assessment of needs and the Action Plan.
Action Plans. 2.4 The Parks, Allotments and Countryside Team will communicate their requirements via an allotment site action plan, which will be agreed and monitored to ensure that the correct processes are adhered to in respect of any issues.
2.5 Site Secretaries must adhere to the action plans and failure to do so may result in the removal from post and a new Site Secretary chosen.
Action Plans. The LPA core partners will continue to collaborate on the best practices, communication, cross-training, resource building, networking and other efforts leading to the promotion of CIE outcomes for youths with disabilities. Coordination of Summer Film Camp - Inclusion Films, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx. WorkAbility I involvement in micro enterprise entrepreneurial opportunities such as boutiques and fairs to encourage micro business development. On-going collaboration meetings such as SELIT.
Action Plans. Issue Resolution Methods Ohio and OSMRE will cooperate to resolve issues as they arise. OSMRE and Ohio may use any of the following mechanisms to resolve issues: • Discussions at meetings between OSMRE and Ohio staff as needed, or at a minimum, on a quarterly basis. • Joint data collection and evaluation to determine the actual extent and/or causes of perceived problems. • Creation of joint problem-solving teams comprised of staff from both offices. • Joint solicitation of third-party assistance to clarify or arbitrate perceived issues. • Discussion at routinely scheduled meetings between Ohio and OSMRE officials at the operations level to resolve site-specific inspection ·and enforcement matters. • Joint OSMRE-Ohio preparation of written action plans with steps and schedules agreed upon by both parties to resolve program issues, as defined below, that are not expected to be resolved within 180 days following identification of a problem as required by OSMRE Directives REG-8 and REG-23.
Action Plans. MCPS Counselors are encouraged to use action plans. Formal action plans can assist counselors to align the standards/learning targets to daily curriculum. Two kinds of action plans are generally used. The first action plan is the guidance curriculum that is delivered to each student generally over the course of the year. There may be little change from year to year. The second action plan is the responsive plan that is meant to address the gaps in learning and will change as data is reviewed.